Part 1

truth is hidden in crime

Thomas doesn't know what's happening. Things are changing up in WICKED and something is wrong. Very wrong and he has no idea what to do about it. Except he delves deeper and there's something, and he's going to do it, despite any consequence.

book one of the hidden documents
Started: 26th May 2022


so fair warning, but I'm going to be mixing the book canon and the movie canon up a lot, depending on what I want. I've honestly written only one chapter, even though I have to start publishing proper chapters from June onwards. The cover I have on is also very temporary but I'm lazy and stuff so it's staying there for a while.

Honestly, even though this begins before the first book of maze runner, I have to warn you that it has big spoilers from this one paragraph right at the end of the death cure book. Or fever code, idk, it just stuck in my mind. (hint: it's not pg 250)

I'm really excited for this fic, even though it doesn't have a constant love interest and will probably never have one because I'm here to make you people suffer, so you guys will be seeing the ups and downs that I am telling you is not indecision. 

Also, I want you all to tell me when you guys want a small bit more explanation because some parts might be a little confusing (I think) if you haven't read the books in a while. Just write it in the comments, and I'll either go back and edit the chapter or just reply to your comments.


Firstly, I don't own the maze runner books and the plots in that book. I only own the plot that I have thought of myself, and I also own the unfamiliar characters that are not from the original maze runner books.

Mature: this first book is not going to be rated mature, since it doesn't have too much violence, just the major part of the plot starting to confuse a gazillion, people. If you think that it should be rated mature AFTER reading the story, then tell me, since I really wouldn't appreciate it if you report it, saying that I've given the wrong rating. I'm really cautious about things like that. There will be slight cursing, but not much.

Stealing the plot: Also, don't steal this plot, since a lot of thinking went into it. If you are making something like it, tell me, because I need to see if it's something exactly like mine or not. I doubt you guys will do that since there are like a gazillion more opportunities for plots out there.

Comments: Firstly, to all of you people who do comment, I love you all so much! But one thing, if you're commenting to update, I really don't appreciate it, so try not to do that. If you do message it, the chapter will most likely be forced and not my best work, which will not make it pleasant to read. I also appreciate it if you have any feedback to give to me.
