09) Decisions

Teresa found herself tracing the path where Newt, Minho and Alby used to take Tom and her, long before they had gone into the maze. Her footsteps were heavy against the smooth tiles and she felt like they were with her, and they were laughing like they used to.

Had WICKED somehow known all that? Known what they'd been through and decided it was all fine and not going to hurt them through the chest when they were put in the maze? Teresa might not even be able to see them after a few months. They had decided that after thinking Tom betrayed them and punishing him for that, it wasn't a good idea to let him into the maze. Teresa knew it was going to be Jake and Mary going and she didn't know what was worse.

A sob tore through her chest, and she rested her face in her crossed arms. This was where they all used to sit, laugh, and talk about who knows what. Newt talked fondly of his sister (even though he used to cry at times), Minho was generally annoying, and Tom worried about getting caught. Tom was shunned by WICKED scientists who didn't believe him now. It was hard for her, but for him, it was harder.

She missed not second-guessing herself. Suddenly, Thomas' voice spoke in her head.

Are you there?

She forgot he used to sense emotion so well it made her frustrated.


Teresa could almost feel his sympathy.

I'm coming.

That was all he said. Thomas' hair was wild and his eyes were lowered to the ground as he came. No one came into the room anymore. Usually, there would have been people to put into the maze, but since Chuck was the last person before them, there was no one.

He'd sort of given a no-care attitude by the time he came out of there. Ava could say all she wanted, but he'd changed. Teresa didn't know how.

"I miss it," Thomas had silently crept to the table, sitting on the chair next to hair. "I feel like," his words stop right there. "It doesn't matter." He rushed out, and Teresa didn't say a thing, didn't want to know. She kept her mouth shut but knew exactly what he meant. "I miss Chuck."

"We know what we're doing." Teresa lost sight of what they were doing ever since Brenda betrayed them. Doesn't matter, shouldn't matter. "Find the cure." Teresa felt the determination course through her.

"Are we-" Thomas' trailed off. "The maze?" He stared at her resolutely. "I talked to Ava. We won't see them again," His voice sagged and Teresa put a hand on his shoulder.

"After the trials we will." Teresa got up, her voice lowered and she muttered to herself, "we have to." Teresa was pretty sure with the look Thoams had on his face, he knew. "Come on Thomas, we have to go now." He got up with a heavy sigh and accompanied her out.


Teresa frantically typed on her computer. She heard a knock on the door and slowly got up, opening it. She presumed it was Thomas, but it was Janson. "Anything wrong?" She questioned slowly, wondering what was going on. She desperately hoped nothing had happened, since, in the past few days, there had been a slight amount of peace.

"The chancellor, has suggested we talk about sending the others instead of you two," with the look on Janson's face, Teresa figured he didn't like that idea, much preferring to go with the original plan.

"I think-" Teresa started, having a feeling that the Chancellor was right, "we should go with what the Chancellor says." She took a deep breath, speaking slowly. "I know that the variables shouldn't be messed with, but it won't be."

Janson narrowed his eyes. "Prove it," he commanded and Teresa moved towards her computer.

"You can see," she gestured at everything she had thought of, "It will be the same. I think after this, Thomas should not be-"

"Do you think he would betray us?" Janson raised an eyebrow, clearly seeing right through her thought process.

"He's rebellious," Teresa knew that was obvious. "He doesn't want to go to the maze. We should go along with that. There's been enough damage already."

Janson nodded sharply, and commanded, "tell them," before marching right out of the door.

Hope you guys like it!
