05) Revelations

Mary's nerves were on fire. She raced along the corridor to the surveillance room where she was met with Jake's eager face. She felt a pang of sympathy for him. Thomas and Jake had gotten close, and Mary feared that Jake had emotions beyond friendship, even if he didn't show it.

"You have a feeling of what it is, right?" Mary stared at him. He had to know. It was what they had been planning ever since they joined WICKED.

"I-" Jake shrugged, "I think so. But there's no way-" He muttered, crossing his arms. His foot tapped impatiently on the ground.

"I know Jake, or else we would know. Now hurry up and help me hack into it or think of the godamn password," Mary said. They didn't have too much time. Jake nodded and gently shoved her aside. He was better at hacking so Mary didn't react to that.

"Pretty sure I know the password, I heard Chancellor Paige telling it to-" Jake furrowed his brows as he typed in the password. "Someone, I have no idea who. Agnes knows about this?"

Mary shook her head. "Nothing. I think she believes fully in what WICKED's doing." She tried not to slump down at the thought.

Jake muttered under his breath. "Well we're in. Look over Mary." Mary rushed to lock the door and stared right at the screen.

Her eyes spotted Teresa first. Teresa looked nervous and her eyes were unfocused until the red-headed girl (Rachel, Mary distinctly remembers) gets Teresa's focus back. Chancellor Paige enters. Mary took a deep breath. One of the people they couldn't (some of the people at the Right Arm told her that Mary could manipulate the lady's sympathy, but Mary wasn't sure about it.) trust but could manipulate.

Ava Paige started speaking, "So, about this betrayal, how much are you ready to know?" her gaze was narrowed and Mary leant forward as everyone nodded.

"Firstly, whatever is spoken in this room is not to be disclosed to anyone else, even the immunes that are going into the maze," Ava's gaze focused on Teresa, Rachel and Aris who nodded. "Last Friday one of our major bases outside this one had been attacked. There was an attack, while it was weak, on this base as well. We figured that someone knew where exactly to attack." Ava leant forward. Mary felt excited. A betrayal, of all the bases of WICKED, and maybe the mazes if they're lucky. "A betrayal at it's worst. Thomas was found and his punishment is yet to be decided."

Mary knew why the punishment wasn't decided yet. Thomas was going to enter the maze in a few days time. Ava could just wipe his memory and send him in.

On doctor Martin's right, was Janson. Jake froze next to her. "I hate that guy." Mary nodded in agreement, but stayed silent. He was clearly about to say something and she wasn't missing it.

"Put him into the maze, there will be a memory wipe however it happens," Janson spoke, "or send in the second variables and take him outside the city. Into the scorch and show him what we are doing. Why we are doing what we are." Mary's heart sank. Janson was right, but sending him into the scorch? Alone with nothing? He would die. Probably painfully.

Doctor Martin finally speaks up, "Assistant-Director Janson, I don't think that sending the boy into the scorch is wise." Jake let out a breath of relief. Janson raised his eyebrows. "Incase there are any other betrayers, and if the Right-Arm is informed of any of this, it will be potentially dangerous. They could save Thomas before he dies and he spills any information that he didn't tell the previous time."

Ava Paige nods, taking his statement into consideration. "Many of you don't believe that Thomas has done this. I myself didn't believe it. We are investigating it further, double checking our information. I will come back here after three days with the confirmed decision, then we will make our final choice." Everyone nods and Ava Paige steps out of the room, meaning dismissal.

Mary tugged on Jake's arm. "We have to go now!" Teresa will come to their room and she didn't want Teresa to wonder where Mary was. Jake and Mary ran out as fast as they could, making sure they would not be spotted anywhere near the surveillance room.

Longer chapter, but I needed to tell you everything in this chapter. I thought it would be useless extending it AGAIN so a little longer than usual. Besides, my chapters are short so this is not long in the first place. Comments? They make my day please do comment.
