Chapter 8:

(Disclaimers: The images and media not belong to me, and more importantly the story &characters are owned by the wonderful: chiffon_cake)

" this indicates someone is talking"
' this indicates someone's thoughts'
"This indicates someone talking on
the other line of the phone"


10:30 on the dot, I went down to the lobby. He was already there waiting for me. He looks really good in his uniform, I'm trying my best not to drool.

"Ready to go P'?" he asked. I blush and nod.

We made our way to the parking lot. He unlocked his car, and opened the door for me.

"Oho... opening the door for me? Am I your lover?" I teased. He only smiled wide.

"Haha.. I am a gentleman after all P', plus if I had a lover as handsome as you, I'd be a pretty luck guy" he answered, which made me smile even more.

"Aish! Such a smooth talker, is this how you fool guys and girls to fall for you?" I teased again, as I slowly got inside the passenger seat and sat down.

He smiles, before I could buckle up he took the seatbelt and fastened it for me. I could feel my face feel really hot.

"T-thanks!" I said.

He closed my door, went around and got inside as well. He started the car and off we went.

"To answer you P', I may seem like a player but when I'm in love, I am pretty faithful" he said.

"I find that hard to believe. But if you are chasing my friend, please don't hurt him" I warned.

"Haha. I'll keep that in mind. But as I told you, I'm not rushing. How bout you P? What can you say about Wayo?"he asked.

Wayo? Oh yeah, his best friend that we met last night. He is cute, usually I do go for the cute ones, but they were usually girls.

"Umm.. well, I've always went out with girls. I can say N'Yo is cute , but I don't like him like that" I answered.

Was that my imagination? I swear I could hear a sigh of relief from him. Did he not like me getting too close to his best friend?

'It can't be that he likes me too right? No! Stop it Pha!' I said,shaking my head.

Lucky for us, there wasn't any traffic. We got to my faculty around 11:05am, he dropped me off the main entrance. He unlocked the door for me.

"I guess this is your stop P'" he said,flashing a smile.

"It is" I said as I unfastened my seatbelt and opened the door.

"Take care at school and be sure to eat on time na?" he said. I smile and nod.

"Yeah. You too... thanks for yesterday and today. See you when I see you" I replied as I got out of the car.

He waves me goodbye and takes off going towards the Engineering faculty. I smile,as I then started to walk towards the entrance where Kit and Beam were waiting for me.

"Ai'Pha,you didn't tell us that Ming was dropping you off today"Beam started.

"Well we do live in the same apartment,plus did you forget I left my car at your dorm parking lot?That's why he offered to drop me off" I explained.

"Oho..and here I thought Ai'Kitty will get jealous" Beam teased.

"W-what? Jealous? I am not! Why should I be?he's not my boyfriend!" Kit spat.

"Ai'Kit! You really should be honest with yourself. Ming is actually a nice guy" I said.

"Aww... and you learned all that from last night?Tell me, did he do anything to you last night?" Bam teased,this time Kit was looking intently at me. I look at them and blushed.

"N-nothing happened...he took me home and that was it" I stuttered.

"I don't believe you... did he drop you off your room or did you-" Beam began but I cut him off.

"I was too drunk, he took me to his room. I may have thrown up all over myself, so he cleaned me up" I confessed,then covering my face in shame.

"Bwahahahaa!" both Kit and Beam laughed out loud in unison.

"H-hey! Stop laughing!" I said, my face getting redder by the minute.

"Haha! That is so funny! That's the first time ever, you lost face in front of someone" Kit said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Ai'Pha , you're always such a perfectionist. You never let your clumsy,disheveled side show to other people,not even us" Beam teased.

It's true though, call me vain and a perfectionist but I don't like looking like crap in front of anyone. Ming definitely saw an embarrasing side of me, and I let him. It's the first time I ever let my guard down like that. My heart starts beating faster.

"Earth to Pha.. why are you spacing out now?" Kit said waving a hand in front of my face. I blink and shake it off.

"Eh?sorry, just thinking about something" I said.

"Dude, you are so laggy today. Did you wanna eat something?Classes aren't until 1pm" Beam asked.

"I'm actually still full, me and Ming ate something earlier" I answered. I may have just dug my own grave

They both raised their eyebrows,a bit surprised.

"It was just brunch and it's the food place beside our apartment" I answered.

"You and Ming are getting awfully close to each other" Beam teased.

I could see Kit look at me, as Beam made this comment. I didn't want him to think anything of it.

"Ai'Beam stop talking nonsense. We are all friends. Plus isn't Ming chasing our Kitty over here and not me?" I told him.

I could see Kit smile and blush with what I said. I felt relieved, I didn't want to see him sad or think that I'll take Ming away from him.

" fine! Ai'Kit let's go eat. Ai'Pha, we'll meet you after we're done" Beam instructed, I nodded as they then made their way to the cafeteria.

I went to main lobby, I sat myself down on the benches there.

-beep- goes my phone

I look at it and saw a message from Ming.


Just arrived at my
faculty. Hope you
have a good day


You too!

I smile as I read and replied his message.
