Chapter 36:

(Disclaimers: The images and media not belong to me, and more importantly the story &characters are owned by the wonderful: chiffon_cake)

" this indicates someone is talking"
' this indicates someone's thoughts'
"This indicates someone talking on
the other line of the phone"


I woke up early, I couldn't really sleep much. I decided to calm my nerves and go out to shop for ingredients for lunch with Ming's parents later. I was getting super nervous.

'Calm down Pha, you have 5 hours before you can officially panic' I though to myself.

Ming was still sleeping so peacefully in bed, I kisses his cheeks softly. He slowly opened his eyes.

"P'?It's still early..come back to bed"he groggily said.

"I can't sleep. I'm gonna go buy things for later" I replied.

"I'll come with you"he said as he tried to get up.

I stopped him and laid him back in bed. I lean in and kiss his lips.

"You Mr., stay in bed. I won't take long. I'll bring us breakfast when I get back"I told him.

"Please come back to me safely"he said.

"It's over Ming. Yo's in the psych unit and the other guy is in jail. I will be okay"I reassured him.

"Okay. Take care na?"he said.

I smiled and leaned in and kissed his cheek. He closes his eyes and goes back to sleep. He's just like a little kid. I stood up,got my bag and my keys and drove to the nearest supermarket.

I drove for a good 15 minutes and parked my car in the lot. I got out,locked my car and proceeded inside the grocery store.

I got a cart and my first stop was the vegetable aisle. I took out my list and went thru each and every ingredient. 1 hour in and I was already finished with my grocery shopping. I went and paid for my groceries.

"That's a lot of food my dear boy, you having a party?If you don't mind me asking"the eldery cashier lady asked.

"Umm.. cooking lunch for my lover's parents. It's my first time meeting them"I answered.

"Aww.. such a good boy you are. I'm sure your future in-laws would love you"she said.

"I hope so too... I'm quite nervous"I said.

"Nonsense. Just be yourself, everything will be okay. Good luck"she said as she handed me my change.

"Thank you Auntie" I said as I loaded the bags of grocery onto the cart and proceeded to their food court to get Ming and I some breakfast.

Once I was done getting the food, I wheeled the cart towards my car. I unlocked my car and loaded everything inside. I got inside and starting heading home.

I drove as fast as I could because I know he'll already waiting for me. I parked in the lot and there he was at the lobby waiting for me. He instantly went to where I was and opened the trunk. I got out and went to the back.

"I thought I told you to rest"I said as I poked him.

"But P', you were taking too long. I was worried"he pouted.

"You're too dramatic. I didn't take that long" I told him.

"Yes you did. Now let's go upstairs and eat.. I am hungry!"he whined as he then took some of the bags and helped me carried them to his apartment.

Once we got there, we unpacked all the groceries that I bought. I then transferred the food to plates and heated them up. Once that was done we sat down together on the table and started eating breakfast.

"Why couldn't you sleep today?Nervous?"he asked.

"Yeah. Very actually"I replied.

"You'll be fine P', I have a good feeling about today"he said positively.

"You're so confident.What if they don't want us together?"I asked.

"Then we don't need them. I've finally found the one for me, that leaving you will never be an option"he said as he smiled.

I shake my head.Aside from being a smooth talker,I know for a fact that he is stubborn. Maybe that's part of his charm?

Once we were done eating,I cleaned up. His apartment was slightly messy,so we tidied up the best we could. I looked at the clock,it was now 11am. I hurriedly took out all the ingredients that I will be using.

"Need me to help with the cooking P'?"he asked.

"No,I got this.Just set the table please?"I told him.

He nods and went to do as he is told. I folded my sleeves and started cooking . With only 15 minutes to spare,I was able to finish cooking our meal. I rushed towards the bathroom and took a shower.


I finished setting the table, I set down all the food that P'Pha had prepared. Once he was done getting dressed, P'Pha came out from my room.

"Do I look decent?or should I dress up?" he asked, checking himself in the mirror constantly.

I can definitely tell he was a nervous wreck. I go to him and hug him tightly.

"You look perfect"I said.

He hugs me back tightly.

"You're just saying that"he said.

"I am saying it coz it's true. Just calm down, everything will be fine"I assured him.

Suddenly the we heard knocks from the door, I went to look through the peep hole and saw my parents. I unlocked the door and opened it.

"Mae!Por!"I greeted them.

My mom instantly hugged me, while my dad pat me on my shoulder

"Oh my baby!! How are you?Do you hurt anywhere?"my mom asked.

"I'm good mom!Stop worrying ..come inside"I said as I opened the door wide.

They came inside and looked around my apartment.

"Not bad. How is it living here son?"Dad asked.

"It's fine Por, it's not to far from school and closer to everything else"I answered.

"Hmm... something smells good. You really cooked lunch for us?"Mom asked.

"Umm..not me. Someone else did"I answered.

They looked at me a bit confused. I turned to where P'Pha was waiting and signaled him to come over to where we were.

"Mae,Por...this is P'Pha"I started.

"Nice to meet you Mr. And Mrs. Dechapanya"P'Pha said as he waii'd my parents.

"Ah, you must be Ming's senior at university"my Dad said.

"Actually Por..."I started as I then looked at P'Pha before holding his hand.

"He is my boyfriend"I continued.

"What?!"both my mom and dad yelled out.

"Before you guys say anything, I just want you to know that wether you accept us or not, I won't break up with him. I love you guys,you are my family but he's my life"I said as I looked at P'Pha.

He smiled thinly and squeezed my hand. I know right now, he must be feeling both scared and guilty. I feel that way too, the thought of disappointing the very 2 people who raised me. I gulped, my throat felt dry as hell. My parents just looked at each other,not saying anything.

"Pay up!!"my mom yelled with excitement at my dad.

"Arghh!I can't believe I lost"Dad yelled out as he paid mom 3000 baht.

Me and P'Pha looked at each other,a bit surprised by my parents reaction.

"Mae?Por?You guys bet on me?"I asked.

"Sorry son, you already know how your mom is"Dad apologized.

"So you guys aren't mad?"I asked.

"Oh baby! I'm your mother. I kinda had an idea things would turn out this way. Plus me and your Dad already had a discussion, that no matter how our kids will turn out we will always love and support you"Mom answered.

Tears began to form in my eyes as I then hugged my mom and dad tightly. They hug me back.

"And it's nice to meet you as well Pha" Mom said to P'Pha

"Thank you Mrs. Decha-" P'Pha said but was cut off by Mom.

"Oh no... please call me Mae..and him Por"she said.

"Thank you Mae and Por"P'Pha said.

"Alright. Enough of the hugging, I am starving. I heard from Ming that you cooked for us"Dad said.

"Yes Por, I hope you both like it" P'Pha said.

We made our way to the dining area, both my parents sat down and looked at all the dishes P'Pha made.

"Oh my!It looks amazing" Mom complimented.

"Let's eat!"Dad said in an excited tone.

We started eating, P'Pha  was taking bits of the food he made and put some on both my mom and dad's plate.

"It tastes delicious Pha!"Dad complimented.

"I'm so happy our future son-inlaw  can cook. Our baby won't gi hungry"Mom said, making P'Pha choke.

"Mae!"I yelled at her,feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Yes, at least someone else in our family can cook now. You know Pha,since Ming and Chai have moved out of the house all we do is eat out. I'm scared if Mae cooks we'll end up being homeless"Dad said,turning to P'Pha.

"Dear! My cooking is not that bad!"Mom smacked him in the arm.

"Mae,we all know your cooking is horrible. Remember when Chai ate your cooking and she ended up in the hospital?"Dad continued,earning another smack from Mom.

"Don't worry Mae,I'll cook again for you and Por when we visit"P'Pha said.

"Waah!Really?I'll look forward to it then"Mom said cheerfully.

"Good. We miss you son, make sure you bring Pha to our reunion next month"Dad said.

"I will Por"I answered.

"So, you both are from the same  university. Are you also an Engineering student as well?"Dad asked.

"No Por, I'm in the Medical faculty"he answered.

"And we have a future doctor as well... honey, we are blessed!"Mom said dramatically.

I could only laugh at my parents, they can be too much sometimes. I turned to P'Pha, he was laughing as well. I am glad he seemed to relax now.

"Will you be staying here for a bit or you guys going straight back to Chiang Mai?"I asked.

"Hmm... we might have to go back. Your Uncle is stopping by later"Dad answered.

"You guys are  from Chiang Mai?Me too!"P'Pha said.

"Oh really? Haha... maybe we are neighbors"I joked around.

"Mae,Por... did you want some dessert?"P'Pha asked.

"Oh my! There's more?"Dad said.

P'Pha stood up got the desserts out and set  them on the table.

"It's soo pretty. You sure are spoiling us,you're making us not want to go back home" Mom said.

"I'm glad it makes you happy Mae"P'Pha said.

We ate the desserts happily while engaging  in random conversations. Before we  knew it, it was time for my parents to start heading back home. We walked them down to the lobby and out of the apartment.

"We had a good time. Thanks for having us over"Dad began.

"Thanks you for visiting. We'll be sure to visit next time" P'Pha said.

"I'm happy for you both. Pha,Ming can be stupid sometimes so I gope you will be patient with him. And Ming, don't give him trouble. I finally found someone I approve as your lover"Mom said.

"Eh? So you lied when you said you liked Moowan before?" I asked her.

"Well you asked me in front of her, what was I supposed to say. Plus her  perfume was giving me allergies"Mom said.

"Well,we best start heading back before traffic hits"Dad said.

We did a group hug, before Mom and Dad finally left. We waived them goodbye. Once they were out of sight,I turned to P'Pha who was still smiling.

"See?you were worried over nothing"I nudged him.

"I guess I was. I love you MingKwan"he said.

"I love you too P' "I replied.

He pulled me into a tight embrace and leaned in to kiss my lips.

[To be continued]

A/N: Phew!! Hope you guys enjoyed.
