Chapter 29:

(Disclaimers: The images and media not belong to me, and more importantly the story &characters are owned by the wonderful: chiffon_cake)

" this indicates someone is talking"
' this indicates someone's thoughts'
"This indicates someone talking on
the other line of the phone"


Ming drops me off my faculty with my car.

"I'll pick you up when your classes are done"Ming said.

"Of course, you have my car after all. Are you dropping by for lunch?" I asked.

"Hmm.. if I can. I'll let you know, Ten might want to tag along"he answered.

"Okay then I'll see you later" I said as I was about to open my door when he stopped me.

"Aren't you forgetting something?"he asked,smiling and wiggling his eyebrows, I gave him a confused look.

"My goodbye kiss P'Pha"he said.

I shake my head as I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.

"There! You have to wait for more later" I said as I took my things and got out of the car.

"Take care P', don't miss me too much"he teased.

"As if! Go before you are late" I said, shooing him away.

He smiled wide before waving goodbye and driving off to his faculty.

"My sweet" I heard a voice from behind me.

I turned and saw Beam grinning at me. He always loved to tease me and Kit.

"Kit's probably not coming in today"I started.

"Eh?What makes you day that?Did he talk to you?he asked, I frowned.

"No..." I replied as I bit my lip.

"S-sorry Pha.. we're on the same boat. He kinda hates me too"Beam said,trying to cheer me up.

"It's fine, I know it's gonna take a while. He wouldn't be Kit if he wasn't feisty as he is" I said.

"That is true"Beam said in agreement.

"Well I heard from Ming that thanks to you, our Kitty is no longer a virgin" I began.

"For what? WHAT?!Kitty was devir--Hmmphf!"Beam yelled, I covered his mouth.

"Don't be so loud Ai'Beam" I shushed him.

"Y-you mean...our Kitty and N'Ten?"he asked in disbelief.

I nodded, Beam's face was still in shock.

"I did ask Ten to follow Kit just to make sure he gets home safe. I didn't expect the turn of events"he said.

"I just wish we could check on how he's doing. But I know we can't, I just hope he's okay"I said as I sighed.

"You and me both. Now let's make our way to the classroom before the dragon beats us to it and locks the room"Beam said, I nod and we made our way to the classroom for our first class.

Our suspicions were right,Kit didn't come to class today. Once our lecture was over the dragon called us to her.

"Mr.Baramee and  Mr.Kongthanin, you are friends with Mr.Intochar right?Can you please send over notes since I will be having an exam tomorrow"she said.

Me and Beam look at each other.

"Yes Maa'm" Beam said and took the notes from her.

"Thank you.. you may go" she said as  she stood up and left the classroom.

Me and Beam both sighed in unison.

"Great, now how are we gonna give this to Kit?"Beam said.


I take out my phone and I see a message from Ming.


Lunch? Me and Ten are
on our way there.


Oh my God, you are
amazing.. See you here.


Eh?you're that happy
to see me?I'll tell Ten to


No don't. We need you both
here alive, especially  Ten


What? Do you like Ten?
I'm gonna kill him


Stop being crazy and come.
I'll explain it to you when you
guys get here.


Ok P' ... I love you


I love you too.

I replied to him and smiled... widely I might add. Beam poked my cheek.

"I never thought I'd see the day, our leader so happy over a simple text message" he teased.

"Ai'Beam.. stop being silly" I said,getting shy with all his teasing.

"But I'm happy for you and Ming. I'm sorry about before, I didn't mean to be so insensitive" he said.

"Thank you, and it's fine Beam. We are both Kit's friend, so I understand perfectly. And like you said, we both are in the same boat right now. And I already solved our problem with Kit's notes"I said, smiling slyly.

We gather our things and slowly made our way to the cafeteria. It was slightly packed but we were still lucky enough to get a table. We set out things  down and as usual Forth came to have lunch with Beam.

"P' Beam!" Ten yelled out, waving at us.

They walked over to our table and waii'd at all 3 of us. We waii'd back and they sat themselves at our table.

"N' Ten, what do you want for lunch? Me and Beam will treat you" I offered.

Both Forth and Ming raised their eyebrows and looked at me and Beam.

"Hey! Why does N'Ten get special treatment?"Forth whined, and glared at Ten.

"I agree. P'Pha, are you catching feelings for this asshole... I will not hesitate to kick his ass if I have to"Ming said glaring at Ten as well.

"Eh? Why are you guys mad at me... I am innocent here" Ten looked at all of us confused as hell.

"N' Ten, shall I order you to run 54 laps and do 100 squats right here in the cafeteria"Forth said seriously.

"Yeah and  I'm leaving you later, so you can walk back towards our faculty"Ming said angrily.

"Aish! Forth calm down. We just want to ask N'Ten a favor"Beam started.

"Yeah Ming, easy on your friend. Me and Beam aren't attracted to him. I don't want to be branded as someone who habitually steals guys from his best friend"  I said.

They both relaxed,shut their mouth and waited for us to give them an explaination.

"Our professor asked us to hand Kit his notes since he missed class today... because of someone's doing"Beam started as he looked at Ten, who looked away guiltily.

"That's why we need Ten's help. He can give Kit his notes. Since we are still banned from seeing him" I continued.

"Oh so that's what it is.Sheesh! I thought it was something serious"Ming sighed in relief.

I shake my head and chuckle, my lover is just so silly.

"So you're bribing me to go and drop this off to P'Kit?" Ten said ,pointing at the notes. Me and Beam both nodded in reply.

"Cool! Gives me a good reason to go and see him. I hope you guys can afford me today coz I am starving!" Ten said energetically as he stood up and linked his arms as they went to buy food.

"O-oi! Keep your hands off him"Forth said as he stood up and ran after them.

"Are you not hungry Ming?" I asked him.

"Hungry for you" he said as hw winked at me. I blush furiously and smack him.

"Come on let's go buy food bwfore break is over" I told him.

He smiled and stood up following me to the stalls.

"I'm glad you're mine. I'll kill anyone who thinks they can steal you away from me" Ming said.

"Possessive much? Who in their right mind would want to flirt with me?" I asked him.

"I did" he said.

"Coz you are crazy, and I'm yours so stop thinking about silly things" I said as I looked around then leaned in and gave him a peck on the cheek before  walking away from him.

"P'Pha! That's not faiiiiir" he whined as he followed me to the stalls.

Yup, today is a good day... I hope!

*Somewhere, 3rd person POV*

"Hello P'Karn? It's Yo, I'll give you what you want, if you'll help me" Yo started.

"Of course Yo, anything for you"Karn said in agreement.

[To be continued]

A/N: Uh-oh.... what's next? :)
