National Shit Wednesday

Greetings Pandas to the most fluked story of my life.

I kinda needed a break from the excitement going on in 'Story of a Badass Tomboy and a Cocky Badboy.'

The intense feelings in 'Back again'

Last but not least, the extreme build up in 'Little Miss Revenge'

So writing this gonna be my breath of fresh air.

Happy readings.

[Isabella Jades Hoodie]


Isabella's POV

Wednesdays to me, are shittier then Mondays.  That'll probably change on Monday but right now, Wednesday's winning.

Let me tell you how my wonderful day went, shall I?

I woke up late and threw my alarm on the wall...which lead me to go asleep again.  

So I woke up late and took a cold fucking shower because...actually, now that I think about it.  I don't know why the 'hot' in 'hot shower' was absent today.

once I walked out of the shower, my soap decided to betray me and I slipped over like I was part of a fake, shitty, low budget movie.  Then I stood up, only to slip on the same bar of soap.

My decent clothes were in the wash [finally], so I had to wear a pair of black pair of ripped jeans -which would have been perfectly fine if it wasn't for the unintentional rips between the thighs and the fact that the belt loops had broken from trying to wiggle my ass into the jeans.  I also wore a hoodie which I'm pretty sure used to be my ex-boyfriends but I don't think he'd be back to retrieve it after I kicked him in the nutsack.

To top it off the teacher started yelling at me for being disrespectful and I told her, 'You have to earn respect to get disrespected.'  then I tipped my coffee on her and told the old hag to burn in hell before flipping the bird and storming out.

Super amazing right?

Oh, and it's raining and some stalker is following me. 

I pull my hood higher and walk faster, slipping my phone out and pretending to be playing a game to look distracted.  When I feel him starting to prepare to pounce, I drop to the ground in a crouch, successfully tripping him up.

'Be a turtle, think like a turtle, act like a turtle.'

That's what was going through my mind as I ducked.

'What the fuck!'  The stalker man groans, but I don't give him time to react before I aim my foot straight at his balls, hitting hard.  Kinda like my ex.

Super hard.

He whimpers painfully and curls into a ball on the wet concrete.

'Is there a reason why you're following me?'

This guy owes me chocolate Milk and Pizza....a lot of chocolate milk and Pizza.

'No!'  He grunts but I let out a warrior cry and jump on him, straddling his waist and forcing his shoulders down well I make sure my hood is still on...Does it look like I want my hair to be wet??  No.  I do not.

'Don't lie to me you unicorn hating, shit eating bastard!  I know you cheated on me goddamnit!  You cheated on me with my 'DAD!'.'

Am I crazy? Possibly?  But is serious?.. yes.  Am I gonna do anything about it? No.  No, I am not.

'Unicorn...Shit eater...Cheating...WHAT THE FUCK! YOU'RE CRAZY!  SOMEONE HELP ME!!!'

The handsome blonde under me starts thrashing but I shut him up with a glare.

'You were the one trying to abduct and rape me and probably feed me to Pandas because you found out that I'm in love with them and all there Panda friends.'

'What the hell?'

'Don't 'What the hell' me, I know you're my father Darth Vader.'


'You know what Winny the poo?  Just explain why you've abducted me and I'll let you go...oh, and if you even try to lie to me then I will feed you to my three dragons.  I'm their mother.'

Game of Thrones.

Jon Snow.

He's a beautiful creature ain't he?

'Um... I-I-I- can't tell you.  But can you trust me and come with me anyway?'

I pretend to think, tapping my index on my chin before nodding and helping him up.  My hoodies still up by the way.


I agree and he gives me an 'are you fucking serious?' look.

'Are you Fucking serious?'

There it is.

I punch his arm and he squeals like a girl before clearing his voice.

'Are you thick?  Of course, I don't trust you sloth! But I'm bored and I need excitement.'

I point my hands at him.

'Abduct me, my lovely abductor!'

He stares at me blanky before I say.

'Oh...You owe me Chocolate Milkshake and Pizza.  A lot of Chocolate Milkshake and Pizzas.'
