NEXT CHAPTERRRRRRR *Sings happily with avocado 

Isabella Jades POV


If no one is around you say baby, I love you if you ain't runnin' game


You acting kinda shady, ain't calling me baby.  Why the sudden change?


'It's decided, my ears are officially broken.'  Blondie says and I let out a dramatic gasp.

'How dear you say that! Just because I cant taste apples!'

He stares at me weirdly and shakes his head.

'Apples? Where did you get apples from?'

I stare at him like he was a duck with no feathers that had wobbled over on human legs to eat my pizza.

'Aint that what Adams apples are? To taste apples better than female unicorns?'

Blondie literally facepalmed so hard that the sound practically echoed through though time and was able to be heard by our ancestors.

Okay, it may not have been that bad but it would have been able to scare unicorns and that's all that matters. 

'Where are we going again? I whine to the blonde stranger named Liam, he just rolled his eyes and moved forward on the highway.

'To my boss,'  Is all he said but I nod my head in understanding because I already knew where he was taking me.

'Your taking me to burger king aren't you?' I nod my head and turn away from him.  I just knew that Burger King will get me one day.  He was jealous because I loved Pizza and Donald better...It really ain't my fault.  

'What are you?' Blondie stressed.  I could basically see the grey hair's growing as he talked to me.

'You know what!  Just don't talk please and shut up so I can focus my brain.  You're kinda breaking it.'

'Yes well, now you know how I felt when you broke my HEART!'  I scream and poke the cute little dimple on his cheek which he quickly [but failed] dodged and whined at me like a four-year-old... He should really grow up.

Um...Look who's talking.

I inwardly scowl at my 'Mature' self-conscious that I had named Edward...Because part of my name is Bella.... Isabella....No?  Nevermind.

I am very mature actually. I can tie my shoelaces properly!

I feel my self-conscious roll his eyes at me but choose to ignore it.

'HONEY IM HOME!'  I giggle and drop to the wooden ground like it was completely normal.....It is normal right?  Like accidentally killing your Fish by dropping forks into the tank to try and catch them...

That ain't normal

Can you give me a break mind?!


For the millionth time today, I ignore him.

'Um....what are you doing?'

I turn my head to find Liam The Blondie staring at me with a packet of Doritos in hand.

'Hey, hey, hey. hey.'  I giggle and duck my head.  Roley-Poley-ing [Don't know if that's a word]  to him and stopping at his feet.

'Hey, hey, hey........You wanna hear a joke, my blonde unicorn?'

I grin at him and he shuffles his feet and looks behind me for a moment before looking back down to where I basically sat on his feet.


'OH, GOOD!  Do you know what a foot's favorite Chip is?'

He shakes his head and as fast as lighting -Not actually because that'll mean I'm Zeus-  I snatch his chips and take a bite.


I burst into laughter at how funny that joke was as Blondie rolled his eyes and tried to hide his smile but failing miserably.

I rolled on the ground and clutched my stomach laughing loudly until I snorted...


Which caused me to laugh more, but you know those laughs that nobody can hear and they kinda hurt but you can't stop???

Yeah, those laughs.

After a few minutes of laughing, then looking at the chips, then laughing again.  I quickly turn into the calm person I was before-


-and lay on the ground, snow angel style well I stared at the ceiling.

'Well.  That was something else.'

A smooth and deep voice came out of nowhere and I -once again- stood up as fast as lighting to face the speaker.

God damn.

'Hey, boss.'  Liam The Blondie grinned and I gaped up at the beautiful piece of meat in front of me.

'Your Burger King?'

I thought Liam's face would have exploded from the face-palm he so kindly showed us.


That was a short chapter....but I feel like posting another one for some odd reason so I'll update soon...maybe tomorrow.....or maybe not.....

Vote if you likie!!!

Comment if your Smilie!

And Dance if your.....Dancie?



Burger King?




Okay....well, Vote and AHAGOODBYE!
