
We Found Love - 57



@LaceyT spotted in Newcastle with her parents. Running away from her problems. 👀

I had been up north with my parents for well over two weeks now. I haven't spoken to anyone.

I have got myself a new phone, I haven't got anyone's numbers, my old phone is currently sat in my room.

My Mam and I were currently sat in a nail salon getting our nails down. The day after I came she took me to get a top up on my lip filler. Queen.

This afternoon I had a shoot with Calvin Klein. Yes, Calvin Klein. Don't ask me how.

"Ready?" Mam asked as we paid the tech. Nodding, we walked out to Dad waiting in the car outside.

"Hey ladies. Ready?" He asked. Nodding, we drove to the shoot.

"Hello! You must be Lacey, pleasure." A small man beamed, enveloping me into a hug.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Your Dad here has signed everything, so we can get straight into the shoot, through here you will be getting your hair and makeup. I'll show your parents around." He said hiding me into a room.

Thanking him I entered the room full of hair and beauty tech's.

"Hey sweet." A lady said waving me over. The rest of the crew all saying hello. Smiling I walked over taking a seat.


"You were amazing! Perfect! As part of the contract we do need these posted, I have emailed a copy over to you." The director told me.

"Sorry?" I said. Post?

I'd come off Instagram since the whole cheating rumours.

"We just need them to be posted on Instagram, you have a crazy following." He said. Sighing, I nodded, thanking him.

Following my parents back into car we drove home, flopping on the sofa as my parents dotted around the house.

"What's wrong?" My Mam asked taking a seat next to me.

"I haven't posted on Instagram in weeks." I told her.

"I know babe, honestly, it might be good getting yourself back on there. We all know how much you love it on there. Don't let them all get to you." She said, before getting up.

Taking out my phone, I logged into my Instagram account.

My following had increased. A LOT.

Downloading the photos I saved them before getting ready to post. Here goes nothing.



i'm back x @calvinklein
        @behzingagram: she really did that 🤯


@calvinklein you were a pleasure x
         @willne: proud x
         @rosielewis: my god 🥵


@LaceyT best bakers buns in the business
       @sidemen184: @sidemen_updates

Retweet: @calvinklein: @LaceyT best bakers buns in the business

and I oop-.

Putting my phone down, I went up to my old phone upstairs.

Turning it on, I sighed at the vast amount of notifications popping up.


The amount of missed calls and texts from everyone was insane.


Taking a deep breath I clicked on his name reading his most recent message.

'I'm so fucking sorry, I can't believe I've let this happen. Please just tell me you're safe, I'm worried fucking sick. I'm so so so sorry. I love you so much.'

Tears formed in my eyes. Shit.

I pulled up his contact, starting to type a message when a typing notification started coming up. My breath hitched, stopping typing. His did too.


"Mam!" I yelled down.

"Yeah?" She called up.

"I think I'm going to drive back home." I yelled.

"Are you sure?" She yelled back.

Calling back yes, I packed my bags before heading downstairs. Exchanging goodbyes I headed off.
