
We Found Love  - 48



babe in blue 🥵


match days with the bit of sauce 🥵

"I am so tired." I yawned as we sat in the box, Harry, Cal, Callum, Chip, Stephen, Will, Theo and Chris all hyped around us for Chelsea v. Arsenal.

"Girl, get your game face on! Match is about to start!" Stephen laughed.

Laughing, I yawned, standing up and sipping my champagne.

"Come on, let's get out there." Harry smiled, gently tapping my bum.

Grinning, I followed the crew out of the box and to our seats in front and took a seat next to Harry and Chris.

It was Harry and I who supported Chelsea, mainly the rest supporting Arsenal, while some of them couldn't give a shit who played.

The game began and we were all on the edge of our seats.


"OH COME ON!" We all yelled as the ref paused the game.

"Lace, drink?" Will hollered. Nodding, he slipped inside with Chip and grabbed a drink for everyone.

"You're a lucky girl to get this for Christmas!" Gib said placing his hands on my shoulders, leaning over from behind.

"I couldn't be more grateful!" I beamed up at him.

"Don't worry, plenty more games we can attend!" Theo cheered. Harry and him clinking their glasses and taking back a bit of the drink.


Chelsea smashed Arsenal, it was a really good game! I was currently quite drunk from the amount of alcohol I had consumed in the box, so we decided to go for a Five Guys. Well, Harry decided to take me to sober me up.



drunk date? help me

"I loveee you." I said bopping my finger off Harry's nose as we sat opposite each other in five guys.

"Oh Lacey." He laughed. He said wiping whatever was on my face off with his thumb.

"I-." "Oh my god! Hey! We are hugeee fans. Could we have a photo please?" A group of girls said coming over.

"Err..." he looked over to me, humming to my burger. "Okay." He said standing up and moving to take a few photos.

"Lacey?" A voice from behind me said. Spinning on my stool, my drunk self mid-spin stumbled off the stool, landing on the floor.

"Ouch." I pouted.

"Oh shit, you okay?" A familiar voice spoke.

"Adam!" I cheered from the floor.

Adam and I were very close, he worked with me up north for a few months before he had to move to London for his business school.

"My god you're plastered. It's 8pm." He laughed.

"Surely you remember the parties we had, or where. YOU. to much of a nerdddddd to party hard." I said poking his chest at the word you.

Laughing, he helped me up to my feet and back on the stool.

"I was a bit of a bore. Now, what are you doing down in London, in a Five Guys, drunk, alone at 8pm." He laughed.

"I live here! I brought my cake shop hereeeee!" I started.

"No way!" He said taking Harry's seat.

"I'm not alone, my boyfriends here!" I said.

"Boyfriend?" He said, looking around.

"Yeah! He is........." I said looking around also. "Oh here he is!" I said as I saw him walking over. "Adam, this is Harryyyyy my boyfriend." I smiled. "Isn't he hot." I tried to whisper. "Harry! This is Adammmmm." I told Harry.

"Hey mate." Harry said sitting on the stool next to me, his hand on my back supporting me.

"So, your the boyfriend ey."Adam said.

"Yeah lad, how do you two know each other?" Harry asked.

"We went to school together, worked together. We were a right duo, weren't we Lace?" Adam spoke.

"Hmm?" I asked looking up from my arm. Ouch.

"Us, a duo." He winked.

"Nah, me and Sammmmmyyyooo, I think me and Harry make a good duo. I reckon this duo would make some beautiful babies." I said leaning into Harry.

"Lace, come on, I think I need to get you home. Sorry mate. Nice to meet you." Harry said helping me up straight.

"Byeeeeee Adam!" I waved as we walked out.

Leaving the building we began the walk home, it was only ten minutes away.

"He was soooo trying to get in these pants." I said to Harry.

"I bloody know." Harry shook his head.

"Wait, Harry!" I said.

"What?!" He said confused.

"Do you smell that?" I said sticking my nose in the air.

"Smell what?" He asked, even more confused.

"Jealousyyyyyyyyy." I giggled.

"Oh I hate you." He laughed.

"Mwwaaah." I said dramatically as I kissed his cheek.
