
We Found Love - 17



@katieleach: pisstake
@behzingagram: 😵😵

I had just finished work and Harry decided to pop down and see me. I was currently cooking us up some food.

"So, you said you do YouTube... what do you do?" I asked.

"YouTube..." he trailed off, opposite me at my dining corner.

"No you knobhead, like what videos." I laughed.

"Ohhh, I don't upload too much alone, if I do it's just stuff from streams, fifa, geoguesser. I mainly do it with the boys, challenges, things like that." He shrugged.

"Oh fair play." I said playing the food up.

Taking his plate round with my own we sat together and ate our food.

"Actually, we are filming tomorrow, your welcome to come along." He shrugged.

"Oh wow, really? What time?" I asked.

"Normally like 12." He said.

"Aww, thank you. I'll be working." I smiled.

"Oh yeah!" He shook his head.

"What you guys doing?" I asked.

"Cooking one." He laughed. "Would of been perfect for you." He grinned.

"If you said you could of used my kitchen. I don't have any orders on tomorrow so it's not being used." I laughed.

"Wait, serious? We were going to do it at JJ and Simon's place." He said.

"Yeah! Use my kitchen. I don't mind!" I laughed.

"You really are too nice." He said.

Blushing, I looked down as he began typing away on his phone.

"The boys are down." He informed me. Nodding, we ate up.

"Did you just want to stay the night?" I shrugged. It was nearing on 10pm as I was cleaning.

Nodding, he popped the new plates away and I guided him through to my room.

Settling into the bed, both led looking at each other, talking about anything and everything. I was just in a comfortable oversized jumper, Harry just in his boxers.

I watched Harry's eyes trail to my lips, his eyes lingering on them. Biting my lip, his eyes looked up to mine.

Slowly moving closer, he brought his hand to rest on my waist side and brought his lips to mine.

Our lips moulded together, his hand gripping tighter, bringing my body closer to his, both pressed up against one another, while my hands cupped his cheeks.

"You're so fucking beautiful." He mumbled against my lips. Blushing, I deepened the kiss, my body moving to straddle his.

His hands travelled from my waist, resting on my hips, as I sat up.

Taking off my jumper leaving me with my boobs on full display, just in a pair of lace underwear, his eyes roamed my body.

"My fucking god." He muttered, bringing me down to his lips again. Smirking, he flipped me over, his hands slipping his boxers off while his lips still attached.

All of this happening under the sheets. I carefully took my own underwear off. His lips travelling from my jaw, down my neck and too my collarbone.

Breathing heavily his hands slowly travelled down my body, teasingly slow. Oh my god.

"Are you sure?" He mumbled against my collarbone as he gently sucked there.

"Yes." I breathed out.

He slowly entered me, his hand resting just next to my head while the other was settled on my waist.

Oh my god.

He was huge.

Taking in a sharp take of breath as he pushed himself in, going in and out.

"Fucking hell." I breathed out. "Your so big." I said slinging my arms behind his neck,'wrapping them around him.

He started picking up his pace, his hand gripping tighter around my waist. He slowly moved his hands up to my boobs, his hands roaming my body.

"My god." He breathed out.

A moan escaped from the sheer pleasure. This clearly encouraging him more as he went faster, harder.

"Mmmm... I'll go on top." I moaned out. "Okay." He panted.

Slowing down, he pulled himself out, as we switched positions, however I straddled my legs over his hips.

Wasting no time he entered me as I began working my magic from on top of him.

Dropping my head back, close to finishing, Harry's pants and breaths turning me on even more.

"I'm so close." He moaned out. Oh me too babe.

Doing some little hip moves, rocking back and forth, we both finished in sync. After a few seconds, panting, I got off him, climbing out of my bed.

"My god." I breathed out.

I went into my bathroom, sorting myself out, cleaning myself up. I walked out, Harry slipped past me into the bathroom to do the same.

A few moments later he came out, smiling ear to ear. I laughed as he climbed into bed, us both extremely naked.

I cuddled into his chest as he wrapped his arm around me.

"You're fucking incredible Lacey." He mumbled into my hair.

"As are you, Harry." I smiled into his chest.
