Chapter 118 : (The Before Fight) We Are Coming

*continues singing I See The Light*


Draal sharpened his axe, "We had a saying in my old home: Dwoza, 'Where there are wolf's ears, wolf's teeth are near.' It means to be aware of your surroundings."

Enya's eyes widened before she smiled, "Vigalant!"

Draal rolled his eyes, Asra helped Blinky set up 'Arcadia' on the table.

"Okay, so the meusem is... Here." Asra mumbled.

Blinky called up to Jim, "Hey Jim?!"

"Yeah dad?!" Jim yelled back.

"We're about to go off the plan!"

"Okay I'll be right dow-ah! Claire! Not so hard!"

"I'm trying to brush hair out, you know how thick it is!?" Claire exclaimed from upstairs.


Jim stood at the table as Blinky began to explain the plan, gesturing to the table.

Merlin growled something in his native language, Blinky looked to Merlin with a grimace, "Do you have something to say?"

"That this is a waist of time!" Merlin then slid everything off the table.

"You broke the museum!" Blinky yelled as he picked up an empty carton of milk, "You philistine!"

Asra growled lowly, as she glared at Merlin, Sammy brushed out Asra's hair.

Sammy patted Asra's shoulder before she began to tightly braid her hair. Asra smiled softly at one of her best friend's actions. She looked to the side to see Barbara styling Enya's hair too.

Asra's Hair

Asra shook her head about as she smiled, "Thanks Sam,"

Enya stood in her outfit and her hair in a tight ponytail with one braided strand.

(Remove the glasses and make the leather blue)

Dwella came from upstairs, she wore armor and her hair was in a tight bun with one dangling braid on each side of her forehead.

She rolled her shoulders to make sure the armor was comfortable.

Jim chuckled, "You know, I never thought you'd be on my team,"

"Well then, Jimbo--suprise mother-fucker."

"Dwella!" Asra laughed.

Draal entered the room in his troll form, he had a black necklace like thing that dangled on his neck.

"What is that on your neck?" Jim asked.

Draal closed his eyes as his form shifted human in persily a second, he took hold of the dangling black gem on it.

(Yes he was just wearing a pair of boxers)


Suddenly his normal black outfit (The one from Endgame: MCU) appeared in a flash of black magic.

"Happy now?" Draal asked as his outfit disappeared again as he turned troll.

"Sorry.." Jim laughed, "I was just wondering!"

Asra laughed as she went into the bathroom.

Sammy chuckled in her armor as she fixed her hairstyle.

She fixed her red skirt as her tail flicked, her wings leaned against the edge of the couch.

Asra walked out from bathroom..

(Her leg has this on it.)

"You look beautiful," Draal purred, "Love,"

Asra blushed at him softly before she muttered something.

"Okay, so Claire, Toby, Strickler, And Numora will go to the Battle of The Bands to get everyone out. We'll set up to fight.."

"Actually; Asra and I'll go too." Draal interjected.


Hisirdoux looked through the crowd as everyone began sitting down, he fixed his guitar strap and smiled widely, "Ladies and Gents! This is the moment you've been waiting for!" A loud strum evenloped the place.

The drummer began to drum slowly, Douxie smiled as he strummed his guitar. A siren sound came from the Speakers on a Recording by one of them.

"Generals gathered in their masses! Just like witches at black masses! Evil minds that plot destruction! Sorcerer of death's construction!" Douxie sang loudly, "In the fields, the bodies burning! As the War Machine keeps turning! Death and hatred to mankind!"

"TO MANKIND!" The people in the crowd sang.

"Poisoning their brainwashed minds! Oh lord, yeah!"

"Oh lord, yeah!"

"Politicians hide themselves away! They only started the war," He strummed the guitar again as he took a deep breath, "Why should they go out to fight?! They leave that role to the poor, yeah!" Pointing to the whole crowd.

Asra narrowed her eyes in her armor, as Draal watched with wide eyes, "You know, I'm sad this is going to get ruined, Battle of The Bands is so fun!"

"Do you think he knows?"

"Huh?" Draal looked at her.

"I vaguely remember him saying my name as I ran in my Wolven form to find Jim, maybe it was just me though."

"Probably you were scared, and memories were rushing over you,"

Back to Douxie, he strummed his guitar in unison with the other guitarist, "Time will tell on their power minds! Making war just for fun! Treating people just like pawns in chess..."


Wait what?

"Wait till their judgement day comes, yeah! Now in darkness, world stops turning! Ashes where their bodies burning! No more war pigs have the power! Hand of God has struck the hour..." His grey eyes looking at the crowd, before looking at Asra, "Day of judgement, God is calling.. On their knees, the war pigs crawling...! Begging mercy for their sins..Satan laughing, spreads his wings! Oh lord, yeah!..."

The final guitar rift went off as Asra walked up to the stage. Douxie lifted a brow at her, as Asra held on her hand for the mic.

"What's with the armor?" A girl cried out from the crowd.

The War (Douxie's Band) walked off stage.

"I am sorry," Asra said into the mic, "You all are so great, and I am sorry.. But, there is something I need to warn you about!" Wings spread from her back as people gasped in horror and amazement.

"There are beings called Trolls! You must hide! Some of the trolls are good, others will eat you!"




The blood red fire bolt bursting from the Canals, Draal looked up into the sky as it turned deep red as the Sun became blocked.

Draal's form shifted Troll, as he yelled, "Run!"

From the Canals Gumm-Gumms ran from the exit.
