Chapter 120 : Through Waistlands (The Fight)


Proud mama Ballustra; confused Kan, stressed Gunmar, suprised Galad-bros.


Bular reared into a stop as Toby extended his hands to tell him to stop. Almost flinging off Dwella in the process.

Dwella gripped onto Bular's horns tightly, as she quite literally swung off them.. She dangled, her feet 2 feet off the ground, dangling by Bular's horns.

Bular and Dwella made a quick eye contact before Bular flung his head back, she yelped as she squeezed her eyes shut. She swung through the air for a moment, before landing right back on his neck. She wheezed out a laugh.

Toby gestured down the ally as he pointed forward... His eyes widened, "Uh-oh.."

Gunmar The Skullcrusher held a young woman in his claw, the woman screamed in terror.

Bular placed Dwella down, and ran forward, the Skullcrusher lifted the woman to his mouth..


Gunmar dropped the woman, the white haired woman screamed before she bolted off. Claire created a portal as the woman fell through it, Claire made the woman appear at her side..

"Son..?" Gunmar's mouth was left agape.

"Enough..." Bular looked to his father with tear filled eyes.


"Enough of this madness!" He roared, "Enough, just stop!"

"Bular?! What has gotten into you?!"

"Truth.. It's called truth!" He exclaimed, "I followed into your footsteps," He got on his two feet, his eyes narrowed, "I followed evil! I follow you! I tried-and tried to bring you from the Darklands... But I'm grateful I was killed!"

"This isn't you! It's the Witch! She's controlling you!"

Bular took a deep breath, as he got back on his fours, he ran forward into Gunmar.

He rolled Gunmar onto his back, Gunmar flipped Bular over, "I can't fight my son! Let him go!"

Bular roared angrily as he landed a rough punch to Gunmar's head, Gunmar fell back, "Well, I'm sorry you don't think it's me! Yeah I know, being smart isn't something I'm known for!"

"Gunmar!" Yelled Jim.

"Thank you!" Bular yelled, "Took you long enough!"

With Asra

Asra's wings widened as she let out a snarl in her human form, "Angor Rot! I'm suprised your alive!"

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" Angor folded his arms.

"Yes and no, so... come on, hot shot."

Dabria suddenly came from the side and smiled evilly, "The Princling isn't here to save you now!" Her claws shone in the dim light of the Enternal.

Asra's form shifted Dragonfolk as she ran on her fours, she raced past Angor before grabbing Dabria and spinning her to the ground. She grabbed Angor's ear and hit Angor and Dabria's heads together. Dropping them down.

"You once were a great warrior, Angor!"



(As I want to take a break.)
