Chapter 8 - Power Unleashed! The Legendary Form!?!

Y/N=Your Name


*Cue DBZ Theme*

*3rd Person POV*


We now see Y/N unleashing his power...a power we have never seen before...

Vegeta: W-What the hell!?! Where did this power come from!?!

Nappa: I-I don't know! He was beaten! How can he get this much power!?! Unless...

Vegeta: Whatever! I'll take him down!

Nappa: Vegeta Wait!

Vegeta: It's time for you to die Brat!!!

That's when Y/N caught Vegeta's fist...


(Stop Music at 2:27...or don't...Idc)

Y/N then threw Vegeta and launched himself at Nappa punching him and Kicking him...


Nappa: Gah! guh! Agh!

Y/N then threw Nappa into some Boulders...

He then turned towards Vegeta who try to throw a punch at him...

Vegeta: Take this!


Y/N then punched Vegeta's stomach...and then punched his cheek...and then elbowed his face and punched him away...

Vegeta: Gah! Guh! Doh! No!

Y/N then with shocking speed appeared in front of Vegeta...


Vegeta gasped and saw that he was about to die...

Nappa: VEGETA!!!

Nappa pushed him out of the way...and was hit with the Beam...


Bottom angle...


Top Angle...


Behind Y/N angle...


Nappa was engulfed by the beam... screaming in agony as the beam traveled to the ground...



Nappa now finally impacted the ground after being hit with the devastating beam...

Vegeta: I-impossible! He destroyed Nappa! How!?! He was beaten! How am I!?! The prince of all Saiyans...!!!

Vegeta punched the ground...


Y/N then came from the dust, dragging Nappa on the ground...

Y/N: ...

Vegeta: What is it brat!?! What do you want!?! Have you come to mock me!?!

Y/N showed pity in his eyes...he then threw Nappa at Vegeta's Feet...

Y/N: I don't think he can fight anymore...

Vegeta then looked at Nappa...barely clinging onto life...

Y/N: Now...I am gonna give you a chance to leave...take your comrade and get the hell of my planet! And never return...

Y/N then is seen already in his fighting pose...

Y/N: Or else...

Vegeta just grunted at the statement...and sighed...

Nappa: me...

Nappa reached his arm out for Vegeta...and so Vegeta grabbed Nappa's hand...

Then Vegeta grew an evil smirk...and threw Nappa into the air...

Nappa: W-what!?! Vegeta!!! What are you-

Vegeta: I have no use for someone who can't move!!!

Then out of nowhere...Vegeta started charging up an attack...

Vegeta: Goodbye Nappa! HAAAAA!!!

Nappa was then engulfed by the beam and was screaming in agony because of it...


Y/N was in shock...he never thought that someone would turn on their comrade...

Y/N: How dare you!?!

Vegeta just looked at him with a smirk...

Vegeta: What's wrong? Didn't you want him dead? Your welcome! You should be thankful that I got rid of him...

Y/N: That is not the point!

Vegeta was taken back by this...and his smirk then faded...he is still afraid of this child...that beat Him and Nappa down...

Y/N: You heartless bastard...he took the hit for you...and that's how you repay him!?! By killing him in cold blood!?! You are pathetic, selfish, bastard!!!

As Y/N was about to attack Vegeta...his body made a crack sound...which caused the young Saiyan to cough up blood...

Y/N: Gah!!! W-what?

Vegeta then started laughing and then smirked...

Vegeta: You foolish child...did you really think your body could handle that sort of power after the ass whooping you received?

Vegeta pointed at the Saiyan child...

Vegeta: Even though you somehow obtain the legendary still are a child...and I am surprised you didn't die with all the energy you were using against us...

Y/N gasped...Vegeta was right...he somehow achieved a power that was beyond the Kaioken...but didn't know how...or what it was...but now it's gone...and Y/N knew he was in trouble...

Vegeta: Matter of fact...I don't even think you achieved the Legendary form...just half of it...but I can't believe a mere child achieved this sort of power before I!!! The Prince of all Saiyans!!!

Y/N annoyed by Vegeta's monologuing... finally spoke up...

Y/N: You done?

Y/N slowly started to get up...and was shaky when doing so...and finally stood on his two feet...

Vegeta was amazed by this child's determination...he knew this child was a true Saiyan...his pride could sense it...

Vegeta: You can still stand...impressive...

Y/N: I ain't giving up now...I gotta keep matter what!!!

Vegeta: Hmph...As you wish...

Vegeta then started walking towards the Saiyan Child...Y/N knew this was his end...but he didn't care, he is just glad he can go out fighting...

*Meanwhile at The Kame House*

TV: As we can see...the child is still standing...but this battle is over...

Chi-Chi is seen in tears...knowing what's going to happen next...

Chi-Chi: Son...

Bulma couldn't look at the TV...and went outside to cry...while Puar comforted her...

Bulma: This can't be it for him...he just came back...dammit!

Roshi sighed... knowing that this is the end for the child...but he gave a soft smile...

Roshi: [Y/ have my respect...thank you for doing your best in protecting the planet you can rest now...Goku will do the rest for you...]

*At the Battle scene*

Krillin: Wow...that Kid is finally out of juice huh? My respect for him is high...Gohan?

Gohan is seen crying... knowing that is older brother will soon meet his demise...

Gohan: T-this can't be it...He can't lose here!

Krillin put a hand on Gohan's shoulder...

Krillin: Gohan...I am sorry to say this...but your brother put everything he got into this's over...he ran out of steam before Vegeta...But know this...

Gohan looked Krillin with tearful eyes...

Krillin: He gave them hell...and did everything he could to protect you and everyone, and everything that is on the planet...

Gohan looked at Krillin...and then back at his brother...he was right...Gohan closed his eyes...and then looked at Krillin...

Gohan: Let's go...I wanna be there to comfort mom...

Krillin nodded...and they were off...

Vegeta...then looked at the Saiyan Child...he was ready to kill him...but something was holding him back from doing it...he couldn't do it...for he knew that this child was a mighty opponent...his pride wouldn't let him...

Vegeta: I have to say...for put a great fight against me and my comrade...

Y/N: Heh...that was the plan...

Vegeta: I am glad I have met you have earned my respect...

With swift speed he chopped the child's neck...

Y/N: Gah!

Y/N then went unconscious...

Vegeta then put the child over his shoulder and placed him on a flat rock where the child is now resting...

Vegeta: Until we meet again...Y/N

Before Vegeta can leave...he sensed another Ki...

Vegeta: [That must be Kakarot...]

So Vegeta soot next to the sleeping Child...taking glances at him from time to time...then Goku finally arrived...

Goku: Vegeta...

Vegeta: glad you can finally join us...

Goku gritted his teeth in anger...and held his fist high...

Goku: I would've been here already if your bastard of a partner didn't throw me...where is he anyway...?

Vegeta: He is dead...

Goku smirked...

Goku: So...I am guessing you killed him?

Vegeta smirked and looked Goku in eyes...

Vegeta: Of course I did...not without your son's help of course...

Goku then got serious...he needs to know if his son is still...alive

Goku: My he...?

Vegeta: Alive? Yes he is...he is right here resting after a tremendous battle...

Goku sighed in relief...knowing his son is alive...

Goku: I am surprised Vegeta...knowing that the heartless Vegeta can be merciful...

Vegeta grunted at this statement...

Vegeta: would've unfortunate for a worthy Saiyan to I of course let him live...

Goku the giggled and said...

Goku: Face it son made you grow a soft spot for him...

Vegeta just grunted...

Vegeta: Whatever...

Goku then had to ask him a question...

Goku: So we fighting or what?

Vegeta then turned his back...

Vegeta: Of course we are...shall we get started...

Goku: Not son is in the area...I won't let him get hurt...

Vegeta: Hmph...very well...

Goku: Let me do something before I go...

Vegeta: Make it Quick...

Goku then walked up to the resting, battered child...and ruffled his hair

Goku: Good job held them off for long time...I am proud of you...once this is all over let's go get some grub!

Goku then got up and started flying with Vegeta trailing behind...

*Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N sleeping*

Finally Goku and Vegeta landed in the deserted wasteland...

Goku: This is where we will fight...

Vegeta: be it...

Goku and Vegeta got in their stances...then clashed one another...


*Meanwhile in another area*

Y/N: *Gasp* Vegeta!

Y/N has now shot up awake...and is looking around...

Y/N: Where did they go?

Y/N then Sense two Ki's...

Y/N: That's gotta be Dad and Vegeta...I gotta help Dad...Vegeta is super strong...

Y/N then tried to get up...but failed doing so...

Y/N: Dammit! My won't move...

Y/N then gasped and looked into his pocket...he smiled when he pulled out...a senzu bean...

Y/N: This should do the trick!

Y/N then ate the Senzu Bean...and was replenished with strength...

Y/N: Alright! Time to help Dad!

*At the Kame House*

TV: As we can see...the Kid has finally gotten back up and looks ready to fight...he is now heading towards where the other have went...

Chi-Chi is seen crying Tears of Joy...and hugging Bulma doing the same...

Chi-Chi: He made it through! My sunshine!

Bulma: Yes! Now he is gonna go kick some ass!

Chi-Chi: Hell yeah!

They both High Five each other...

Roshi: Jeez they were both just fighting each they are best friends in the whole world...

But Roshi smiled...

Roshi: I am glad the Kid is it's time for Him and stop this Saiyan...

As Roshi says that...we than fade to see Y/N flying towards the Desert Wastelands...

Y/N: [Just Hold on Dad...This time I'll save you!]

And so the Saiyan Child is off! Will he make it to Goku in time? Can Goku hold off Vegeta during that time? Will Y/N achieve the Legendary form again? Find out next time on DRAGON BALL Z!!!

Author's Note

Boom another chapter done! I hope y'all enjoyed...I worked really hard on this one...But enough of that...thanks for all the support so far...if you have criticism or ideas or just support...let me know in the comments below! As always, have a great day or night...and Peace!
