Chapter 1 - The Attack of Raditz!

Y/N=Your Name


*Cue DBZ Intro Theme*

It has been five years since Goku's victory at World Martial Arts Tournament, and also since Goku has took Y/N under his wing, but that peace is about to be broken when an alien crashes on planet Earth...

*Y/N's POV*

Me and Goku were training in a large bamboo forest, the bamboo were very tall, but I didn't mind. Right now, me and Goku are doin something called "Mental Training", Goku says it is a great way to sharpen your mind and also get to know your opponent without fighting them!

Goku: So, Y/N what do you think of it so far?

Y/N: It's pretty cool! It's like a Virtual experience!

Goku: Say...Have you seen Gohan?

Y/N: No, thought he was with you?

Goku: Ah crap! Now we gotta find him!

Y/N: Found him!

I say this while pointing down the waterfall where Gohan is holding onto dear life on a branch I jumped down and throw him up to Goku.

Goku: Thanks Y/N!

I put a thumbs up...

Y/N: Now a way to get up...

As I say that the branch then snaps, I gasp as I fall...

Goku: Y/N!

I then look at my surroundings, and see another branch, I then try to alter my position and glide towards the branch, so I can reach the branch...I do it successfully, I then swing on the branch, do a flip, and land on top of the waterfall.

Goku: Wow! That was cool Y/N! When did you learn to do that?

Y/N: Heh, back when I was training by myself...Pretty neat huh?

Goku: Yeah!

Goku then looks at Gohan...

Goku: Now son, you need to be a lot more careful, we don't want you winding up dead right?

Gohan: (Scared) R-r-right D-daddy...

Gohan then hugs Goku...sometimes you wish you can do the same with Goku, but you feel like it would be awkward to hug him since he is not your father, so you just smile.

Goku: Right, well it's time for us to go, don't want to miss going to Roshi's place!

Y/N: Roshi's? Who is Roshi?

Gohan also looks confused and looks at his Father.

Goku: Oops! Guess I forgot to tell you both, hee-hee! My bad, anyway, Roshi used to be my old mentor, he made us go through tough training to become strong to this day! Now since it's been Five years, me and some old friends are meeting up at his place to reunite with one another.

Y/N: Oh cool! Well what are we waiting for!?! Let's Go!!!

Goku then giggles then says...

Goku: Flying Nimbus!!!

Then, a yellow cloud comes, this is flying nimbus, a cloud that Goku used back when he was young, it only let's the righteous hearted ones ride it.

As Gohan sat on Goku's lap and you were sitting behind Goku, you were off traveling to Master Roshi's place to meet some of Goku's old friends!

*Meanwhile in an other Place*

*3rd Person POV*

As we can see here...there is a farmer collecting his crops...then a space pod crashes near his farm...

Farmer: What the!?!

The Farmer then goes investigate the crash landing and to his speculations...he sees a pod...

Farmer: Is that...?

The pod is then seen to be opening and to reveal a person with long spiky hair plus a tail emerge out the pod...this person is known as Raditz...

Farmer: HOLY CRAP IT'S SONIC THE-wait's an alien!!! Holy Crap it's an Alien!!!

Raditz: Finally I am here on this dead plan-wait a sec...this planet is still beaming with life...dammit knew we should've sent Turles!!!

As Raditz was looking around the farmer took a stand and said...

Farmer: Hey You!

The farmer was brimming with confidence after saying that...

Raditz then notices the human and then smirks at him...

Raditz: Oh? we have a human here huh? What's your power level human? Only 5? Pitiful!

Raditz the slowly walks over to the Farmer, the Farmer then shoots his shot hoping the bullet would hit Raditz...instead Raditz catches the bullet, flings it back at the farmer hitting him and ending his life.

Raditz: Hmph, what a waste of time...

Raditz scouter then starts to beep and shows him where a stronger power level is shown to be in the rocky wasteland, Raditz then starts to head over there...

*Timeskip brought to you by chibi farmer juggling his Gun*

As we are now in the Rocky wasteland, we can see a green yoshi-I mean...a namekian sitting on one of the Rocks in the wasteland...meditating...this green dude was no other than Demon King Piccolo, who was defeated at the World Martials Arts Tournament all those years ago...

Suddenly, Piccolo feels a sharp rise in Ki coming towards him!

Piccolo:[This's something I have never felt before...! Not even from Goku...]

That's when Raditz appears right next to Piccolo...

Raditz: You there! Can you tell me where to find Kakarot!?!

Piccolo then smirks and says...

Piccolo: I don't know what hell your talking about...whoever Kakarot is...he's not get off my planet or I will kill you...

Raditz then starts to laugh at Piccolo's statement...causing the Namekian to get annoyed...

Piccolo: Tch! What's so funny?

Raditz: Haha! You? Kill me? Don't make me laugh!

Piccolo then sent a powerful attack and the Author is too lazy search up the move he used...

(Author: Hey!)

But when the smoke cleared...Raditz was unscathed!?!

Piccolo: What the!?! [Impossible! That was my most strongest attack! Damn, guess this guy is for real!]

Raditz: Seriously? That's all you got? Pitiful...well I will make your death real quick since you wasted enough of my time already!

As Raditz was about to destroy Piccolo...his scouter went off...

Raditz: Oooo...higher power level!

Raditz then flys up into the air...

Piccolo: Hey! What the hell! I thought you were going to kill me!

Raditz: Shut up you green yoshi! Now, from the power level of this Namekian...and that farmer it must be...oh screw it! Time to go see if it is Kakarot!

Raditz then flys away to the direction of the power level... leaving Piccolo by himself...lonely bit-

*Timeskip brought by chibi Crying Piccolo*

*Y/N's POV*

As we were riding overseas, I couldn't help but notice Goku and Gohan together...having a family...No! Don't let those thoughts creep into your head...your just there to train, that's all...and once your ready...your gonna go on your own adventure...yeah

Goku: Alright! Here we are! Kame's House!

As we were heading down...I can see this house in the middle of the sea...I thought it was pretty cool...then we finally landed...

Goku: Yo!

Goku gets the attention of the three was bald and had no nose, one had blue hair, and the last one was also bald but had cool looking Sun Glasses and a beard...

???: Hey Goku, long time no see!

???: Well well, it's seems the 2nd student has arrived! Heh-heh!

???: Well Goku, you haven't changed a bit!

Goku: I can say the same for you guys as well, hee-hee!

???: Say Goku, who is this little guy?

The one with blue hair points at you...

Goku: Hm? Oh yeah! Everyone meet...

Goku was then thinking on what to say next...

Goku: My Son...Y/N!

You gasped at the statement...he call you his Son! But does he really view you that way, you still weren't sure...

All three of them gasped and said...

???/???/???: YOUR SON!?!

Goku then smiled and said...

Goku: Of course! What else would he be?

That's when the guy with the sunglasses and the blue hair people came close to Goku and said...

???: So does that mean you did the thing?

Goku then looked at them confused and said...

Goku: What thing?

???: You know...Bow-Chika-Wow-Wow!

Goku: You guys are acting weird...

???: Well no matter...wait that another one!?!

The blue hair person pointed at Gohan...

Goku: Hm? Yep that is my 2nd son!

All them looked dumbfounded but there minds said...

???/???/???: [Oh My God he's a parent...]

Goku: If you're wondering, his name is Gohan!

Bulma: Well it be rude to not introduce ourselves, hey kids the name is Bulma!

*Art not owned by me all rights go to DBCProject*

Roshi: And my name is Master Roshi! But call me Roshi for short!

Krillin: Hey hey! The name is Krillin! Nice to meet ya!

You smiled and said...

Y/N: Glad to meet you all! Hope we can be good friends!

Gohan was behind Goku but shyly smiled...

After the introductions, Goku then suddenly felt a rise in Ki! Then got serious...

Goku: Gh! Everyone...we got company's higher...than Krillin's losing streak!

Krillin: You guys are the reason I go to therapy...

You then pat Krillin's back...

Just then...a guy with spiky hair landed on the island...he also had a...a Tail!?!

Goku then got into a Fighting position...

Raditz: Finally, it took me a while to get here but I finally found you...Kakarot...

Goku: What?

Raditz: That's right, that's your name!

Goku: ...What?

Raditz: You know, the name you had before we sent you to this planet...?

Goku: ...What...?

Raditz: You hit your head as a child didn't you?

*Shows flashback of baby Goku hitting his head on a rock*

*Present Time*

Goku: What?

Raditz: Oh for God's sake!

Raditz then explains that Goku was sent here to kill this planet off to sell it to the highest bidder...and also he was from an alien warrior race called Saiyans...

Raditz: And to top things your brother...

Everyone showed shock expressions...but then Krillin snapped out of it...and says...

Krillin: Oh! Since your Goku's brother that means you will be part of a bunch of future events, right?...right?

Krillin then gets slapped into the Kame house...

Krillin owned Count:1

Goku: Hey! How dare you hurt Kame house!

Krillin: (Weak) o-o-Oh y-yeah, how dare you hurt Kame house...ugh I hate my life...

Goku: So what do you want? Do you want the Dragon Balls?

Raditz: Dragon Balls? Ha! Don't make me laugh...

Raditz then walks in front of the Kame house...

Raditz: I came here for you to join me so we can kill this planet so we can sell it to an alien overlord...who may or may not have destroyed our planet...

Goku: Hell no! I would never harm this planet! Only protect it!

As Goku says that...Raditz then knees him and sends him to the ocean...

Y/N: Goku!!! Dammit! I will make you pay for that!

You then lunged towards Raditz...

Raditz: Ha! Fine! Hit me with your best shot!

You then put your palms together and pull them back...

Y/N: Ka...Me...Ha...Me...

Raditz: Huh!?! What's this!?!

Y/N: Eat this! HA!!!

A blue beam then comes out Y/N's hands and swallows Raditz

Raditz: Aaaaaaaaaaagh!!!

When the smoke clears, Raditz comes out with a few scratches and his armor is a little cracked...

Raditz: Is that it? Huh expected more...oh well...

You looked at him shocked...

But then you felt a pain in your stomach...Raditz has punched you hard in the stomach...

Y/N: Agh!!! [No way...I...I...lost...]

You coughed up some saliva mixed with blood due to the force Raditz hit you felt like a truck hit you...
(Lol, return of Truck-Kun)

Everything started to go blurry then finally you fell and

*3rd Person POV*

Y/N was knocked out by the powerful blow that Raditz gave him...

Raditz: Your strong for a child...maybe I will take you instead of this low life Kakarot...

Goku then finally emerges from the sea still dazed from Raditz attack...

Goku: G-g-get a-away from him...

Raditz then looks at his brother then smirks...

Raditz: Oh? You want him?

Raditz then puts Y/N on his back...

Raditz: Then come get him! I am going to take the boy and if you really want him, then you will come with me Kakarot!

We then see Gohan punching Raditz leg...

Gohan: Let go of...big bro!!!

Raditz then grabs Gohan and puts him over his other shoulder...

Raditz: I will take this one as well, see ya later...Kakarot!

Raditz then flys away laughing like a maniac...

Goku: No! Dammit, he's got my boys! Somebody stop him!!!

Silence fills the air...

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Gohan punching Raditz leg*

Goku: Dammit Krillin!

Krillin: Hey! I was Pimped Slapped through a house! What's your excuse!?!

Goku: I was kneed in the stomach...then was thrown into the ocean!

???: You guys are truly pathetic!

Everyone then gasped and then looked up and it was no other than...Piccolo!

Goku: Piccolo...surprised to see you here...

Piccolo: Hmph...

Goku: Listen...I know we are enemies and all but...right now is a bad time...

Piccolo: Oh yeah, I saw the whole thing, don't waste your breath on it...

Goku: So I was wondering if you would like to join forces?

Piccolo: Hmph...fine, but this is temporary, after this...we become enemies once more...

Goku then nods and yells...

Goku: Flying Nimbus!!!

As Goku hops on and and looks at Piccolo and nods...

Goku: Alright! We're off!!!

Everyone says good luck as they leave...

Goku: [Please hold on boys, Daddy's coming to save you!!!]

And so Goku and Piccolo are off to stop Goku's older brother Raditz! Will Goku and Piccolo be able to beat Raditz and save Goku's children? Will Y/N become stronger? Find out next time on DRAGON BALL Z!!!

*Author Note*
Boom! 1st Chapter is done! I hope guys like it! I am thinking of making the chapters as long as this may be shorter...what you guys think? Tell me in the comments below, and with that...see ya in the next one!
