Chapter 2 - Assault on Raditz!

Y/N=Your Name


*Cue DBZ Intro*

As Goku and Piccolo are in a desperate race in time, to save Goku's children...Gohan and Y/N...Piccolo strikes a conversation against his arch nemesis...

Piccolo: So, do you even know your brother?

Goku: Nah, never met him...but all I know that he is a threat that we gotta I can save my Kids...

Piccolo: Hmph, you mean your kid...

Goku's: What do you mean by that?

Piccolo: Let's be serious Goku, I know that Y/N is not your kid...

Goku: Ok, and what?

Piccolo: So, why did you lie to them?

Goku: Well...I guess there was really no point in telling them that he wasn't my I just told them he was....

Piccolo: Hmph, if you say so...Goku...but do you think he feels?

Goku: Huh? What do you mean?

Piccolo: Hmph, nevermind...we're almost there...get ready...cause this is gonna be our most toughest battle yet...

Goku: Right! [How does Y/N feel?]

*Meanwhile with Raditz, Y/N, and Gohan*


As I can see, Gohan is still punching Raditz, barely fazing him...

Raditz: Stop it...

Gohan: You big meanie! Let go of us!

I am just sitting there watching it unfold, I am doing Mental Training to see if there was any strategy to beat this guy...but it wasn't really working...

Raditz: Stop it...

Gohan is still punching Raditz...seems like the Kid is gonna keep going till he wears himself out...

Raditz: Hey you!

I look at him...

Y/N: What is it?

Raditz: How do you make him stop?!?

I just shrugged, knowing Gohan, he won't stop till he gets his way...

That's when Raditz made a Hasty decision and threw Gohan into the Pod, and closed it...

Raditz: Maybe I should've left him behind...such a brat!

Raditz then looks at me seems to be trying to study me...

Raditz: You know...for a Saiyan child, your pretty strong...

Y/N: If this is one of your attempts to make me join you, then I'll pass...

Raditz: Grr, look kid, I don't want to hurt you since you are just a kid and all...

Y/N: I find those words highly doubtful...

Raditz: Grr, shut up! Anyway, as I was you really think these guys care for you?

Y/N: What do you mean?

Raditz: Well it seems like my younger idiotic brother seems to just see you as do I put it...a training toy...

I gasped at his sudden statement...Goku doesn't see me like that...right?

Raditz: Think about it...has he really treated you like his own?

Y/N: Well, if he didn't take me in...and didn't call me his Son...then I would've thought about it...

Raditz: Ha! Please! Do you really think he actually thinks trash like you? Could be his Son?

You were hurt by Raditz words...what if it was true? What if Goku was really just using you to get stronger by himself?

But then you thought of Goku's words when he first found you...

*Flashback 5 years ago*

Goku: Your not trash! Your a child, that can become strong! You will become strong! So don't ever say that about yourself!

*Present Time*

Raditz: So...what do you say? Why don't you join me? Together...we can destroy anything or anybody in our path!

I then slowly walk up to Raditz...and put my hand out to him...

Raditz then smiled...thinking he has successfully made me his comrade...but boy was he wrong...

I then take his hand and squeeze it... making Raditz grunt...and say...

Y/N: If you think I would ever join you...your a bigger fool than me!!!

As I said that...I reel back my fist and send it straight for his did not however was caught by Raditz and then I felt pain rushing in my stomach again...

Raditz: You Moron!

I was then sent a few feet a way... everything started to go black again...

But...something...something is telling me to...

I get up and release all my power...


Raditz: This power!!! It can take a whole chapter to make him stop screaming!!!

I then lunged at him and hit him with my fist straight to his sent him skidding a couple feet away but he regained his balance...

Raditz: Alright that attack was fairly impressive...

I then hit him with a couple of kicks to his abdomen, and chest...

Raditz: Agh! Gah! W-what the hell!?!

I then kick him up in the air and then jumped in the air, and clasp my hands together and strike him right in the back with both of my hands...

Y/N: How does the sledgehammer feel!?!

Raditz looked pissed and then starting charging and said...

Raditz: NO MORE GAMES!!!

He's pretty fast, seems this guy will take me seriously now...

Then out of nowhere...he was behind me!?!

Y/N: The hell!?!

Raditz: Take this!!!

He hits me with a beam attack...and I crash into the ground...

Raditz starts walking over to me and is talking while at it...

Raditz: Ha! To think that I had to use a beam attack on you...interesting...your stronger then I thought...

But then I cough up saliva and blood as I look at my stomach to see him press his foot into it...

Raditz: But your not as strong as me!!!


He then kicks me away...but then appears behind me and close lined me...

I felt like I was gonna die...probably was...

Then he started beating me to a Bloody Pulp...and Gohan was watching in disgust and fear...

Raditz: Did you really think I would be defeated so easily!?! Your more stupid than I thought!!!

I then am getting thrashed around...being punched, name it...

I looked Gohan and he started looking pissed so when I got threw to the pod...I turned around quickly and looked him in the eyes...

Y/N: D-d-don't your s-s-s-strength...t-this is p-p-part o-of the p-p-p-plan...

Gohan looked confused but nodded and said real quick...

Gohan: D-d-don't die o-o-on me...

I was then grabbed by the neck and was force to look at Raditz...I was all bruised...cut... scratched...and bloody...and sweaty...

Raditz: Heh! Any last words before I end you?

Y/N: Y-you broke your w-word...

Raditz then starting laughing and said...

Raditz: Who said I promised?

He then threw me and said...

Raditz: Don't worry! You and your so called dad will see each other real soon!!! Once I am through with you then I will kill him as well!!!

Raditz was laughing...I just closed my eyes and accepted that I was gonna die...


I then hear a punch connect and hear Raditz yelp and hear a crash...

I then open my eyes and see someone running towards was...

I just smiled and said...

Y/N: T-t-took y-you l-l-long enough...

Goku: Save your breath Son! God...what did he do to you!?!

I just chuckled and said...

Y/N: I got my ass whooped...

Goku then grit his teeth and grunts...

Goku: That bastard...

???: Save it Goku...we need to help the little guy, then we can beat the crap out of Raditz...

I then see a green guy with a cape...

Y/N: Am I dying? Or is that a Green Yoshi...

???: I can arrange that...

Goku then looks at him and says...

Goku: Piccolo! Now's not the time!

So the guy I guessed name Piccolo nods...

Goku then takes something out of his pocket...

Goku:Was gonna save these for later for us...but you need it more...

He then puts a senzu bean in my mouth...and I chew it...and I feel so much better...

Y/N: Whoo...that's better...

Goku: Glad your feeling better son...but what were you thinking!?!

You then gasped at what Goku said...

Goku: Me and Piccolo felt a Ki spike...we knew it couldn't be Raditz since his is higher...but then I realized what it was...and my heart...dropped...

Goku was then in tears and hugged me...he actually cares?

Goku: I thought I lost you...never scare me like that again...please...son...

Y/N: Of course...Dad...

I then returned the hug...and felt good...

Piccolo: Hate to break up the touchy moment...but he's getting back up...

Goku: Let him...I am just gonna beat him down again...

Goku seemed serious...he wasn't playing any games...

Raditz: Damn you! That was a cheap shot!

Goku: Cheap shot...?

He put his head down and started shaking...

Goku: Cheap shot...!?!

Goku then looked right at Raditz and look like he wanted to kill him right here, right now....

Goku: To hell with your cheap shot! You know what's cheaper? You beating my son!!!

Goku was enraged, there was no stopping him...I swear I keep seeing his hair flashing yellow...what's up with that?

Then out of nowhere...Goku then clashed with Raditz...

Raditz: So will you agree with my

*3rd Person POV*

Goku didn't say word...rather he just punched him right in the Jaw...then leaped toward him and punched him in the stomach...then he kicked Raditz a few feet away...

Piccolo: Hey! Don't hog all the fun!

Piccolo then jumped in and started to combo Raditz...first with a kick then a punch, then two knees witch put him and Raditz in the air...

Goku: Let's finish this!

Goku then joined Piccolo and...Goku did a dropkick while Piccolo did a Chop witch sent Raditz crashing into the ground...


Raditz then gets up, and then in blazing speed...punches Goku and Piccolo witch sent them flying back a little...

Then as that was happening then he grab Goku and threw him into Piccolo...then slammed them both into the ground...

Raditz: Take this! DOUBLE SUNDAY!!!

Goku: A Sunday? During a fight...?

As Goku said that he and Piccolo were hit with a beam attack that did grave damage to each of them...

Goku: Gh! Dammit that hurt!

Piccolo: Goku...we got to admit...he's tougher than he looks...I can't believe your son took a brutal beat down like that...

Raditz: Hm? Oh you mean that trash that damaged my armor? Such a waste I should say!

Goku then looked at him and said...

Goku: Your gonna die Raditz...I don't care how, but your gonna die!

Raditz then laughed and looked at his younger brother with a smirk...

Raditz: Then make me die, Kakarot...

Piccolo then pulled Goku aside and said...

Piccolo: I have a plan...

Goku: Ok, spill it, what is it?

Piccolo: I have an attack, that can put this bastard away for good...

Goku: Ok, what's it called?

Piccolo: Special beam Cannon...

Goku: Ok! Then do it!

Piccolo: I can't just do it! First I need to charge it up!

Goku: Oh! I get it! While your doing that! I will keep him busy! Right?

Piccolo: Exactly, now...let's do this!

Goku: Right! I'll keep him busy!

Piccolo: [Good luck Goku...your gonna need it...]

As Goku said that...Y/N then joined Goku...

Goku: Y/N? What are you doing!?!

Y/N: Piccolo needs time right? Then we are gonna make sure he gets all time he needs!!!

Goku then looks at his son surprised, but then chuckles and says...

Goku: Right! Let's do it then!!!

As Goku and Y/N charge Raditz, they say...

Goku/Y/N: Here we come Raditz! This next assault is gonna put you away for good!!!

And so Goku and Y/N are going to fight Raditz! To help Piccolo charge his attack! Will Goku and Y/N buy Piccolo enough time? Will Piccolo be able to perform this attack and stop Raditz once and for all!?! Find out next time on DRAGON BALL Z!

*Author's Note*

Boom! Chapter 2 is done! Hope you guys enjoyed it! Please leave feedback in the comments! Will be much appreciated! Until then, see ya in the next chapter!
