Tagged XD

I got tagged by TheNewEclipse

1. How many pets do you and your family have?
2 cats, a Guinea pig and a rabbit

2. What's your favourite animal?
CATS!!! Or Dragons

3. What's the first letter in your crushes name?

4. What's your favourite word?
Aqua, don't ask me why XD

5. If you were any animal what would you be?

6. What is your superpower of choice?

7. How long have you been on Wattpad?
2 YEARS!!!

8. What is your least favourite hobby?
Walking XD

9. Whats you favorite academic subject and why?
Maths or English ^^ Maths: because I don't suck at it
English: we have an awesome teacher, and I LOVE creative writing

10. Do you have any other accounts?
Yeah... I never go on the last two though... They are Jaywing1072 and another one I can't remember XD

There are more but meh.. can't be stuffed.. She tagged me like... 3 months ago X3

Heh... Its a little late XD
