11 Facts about me :)

I got tagged, but I'm gonna do it kinda differently

1. Even though I love them I have a deep fear of horses

2. My bestest friends on wattpad are: Cloude, Notebook, Badger, Willow, Spottedrain, Eclipse and many more (no order right there :3)

3. I hate talking about cats getting run over... It's from a deep, sad, horrifying memory... *wipes a tear*

4. I. Hate. Pink... Not judging or anything I just... XD

5. Jay is basically me as a cat :3 I wish I was called Jay DX

6. I have saved 3 birds lives and accidentally killed one :( (don't ask... It's so horrible *nearly spews*

7. I was a really REALLY annoying kid XD (still amkinda... :3)

8. My parents are divorced and (telling a sad story) I remember the day he left, I was sitting in the lounge and I saw his truck pull out and leave, I asked mum where he was going (long story short we had an apartment downstairs, he was living in temporarily so we could see him) she said away, and me being the nosey 8 year old I was asked when he would be back, and I remember those words that tore my world apart and shattered my heart to pieces... He isn't coming back..

9. I am a proud Cristian, and urge people to be so.

10. I had an amazing dog called Saturn that saved my brothers life, she is now lying peacefully in the ground under the NZ native pahutakawa tree. I will never forget you my beautiful puppy.

11. I was born on the same day the white tail spider was found in New Zealand... *evil grin* jk

That's a little about me :3 enjoy
