I got tagged XD

I got tagged by TheNewEclipse  (she's awesome, please follow her if u don't) so I'm gonna do it right now... Enjoy XD

1. Zodiac sign? (star sign) I'm Pisces XD my birthdays so soon!!!

2. Do you have pets? YESH I have two adorable kitty's, Platypus (top) otherwise known as Platy and Midnight (somewhere in the book) otherwise known as middy... I won't tell to much about them or I'll be here all fricken day XD

3. Have you broken a bone? Nope!! Thankfully, let the miracle continue XD

4. How many books are in your wattpad library? I don't know XD maybe 75..

5. How many followers are you hoping to gain in the next year? Hopefully 50... Thanks for following me guys ☺️☺️☺️

6. What do you want to be when you're older? I. Love. Animals. HOPEFULLY A VET :D

7. Rainbows or glitter? Um... Close call... Uhhh.... Glitter

8. What percent is your device on right now? iPad is 15% and phone is 100%

9. Which device do you use wattpad on the most? My phone, definitely, do ya know why?? *whispers* I sneak on it at night... He he he ^^

10. Which social networking site (s) do you use? Whatty, YouTube, Snapchat and a little bit of Facebook

11. Do you like to draw? HELL YEAH!!!!

12. Has your experience on wattpad been good so far? AWESOME!!!

13. What is the scariest moment/thing of your life? I nearly got ran over, and I have dodged the bullet many times...

Ok... The fun part... I tag

