Chapter 42

It didn't get crazier at first.

We casually went up into the hotel rooms (which were king suites, and I was happy for that) and we split up among two of them: the three girls went upstairs, and Theo and I went to the room downstairs.

I wasn't happy with what I saw.

I mean, I was happy to see Stormo, but he was fighting with Theo's unicorn, and literally setting everything on fire.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I screamed and stuck my hands out in order for them to stop.

Stormo slashed at the unicorn with his talons. The unicorn's mane started to flame up and exploded in a big show of fire and sparks. Stormo shrieked and stumbled back.

I got between Stormo and the unicorn.

"Stop," I calmly ordered it.

The unicorn huffed behind me.

"You, too," Theo muttered towards his pet.

The unicorn neighed in a way which didn't sound very royal, considering that he was a pet that was usually owned by royals.

"How do we clean up this mess now?" I asked.

The room was absolute carnage. There was one living room with an L couch which curved alongside the walls, and a separate room, which comfortably fit the two giant creatures.

Their room was fine. The living room was dead. The couches I mentioned? Yeah, those were on fire. Also, the table was on fire, and so was the TV and also the chairs.

Then a cloud of white filled the room as the fires started to die out. I looked behind me to see Theo holding a fire extinguisher, trying to balance himself while still spraying the fire.

I grabbed the red metal can and helped him keep it still. We moved it around on all of the fiery areas, and finally, the fires went out.

Yeah, nothing "crazier" there.

"Bad," I motioned at both the unicorn and Stormo, locking eyes with both of them.

Stormo laid down like a dog, closed his eyes and started to sleep, and so did Theo's pet.

Once everything was settled, Theo and I sat down on the couch. The girls said that they would take showers upstairs and clean up, and suggested that we do the same, but we didn't.

The main reason I didn't want to take a shower was because I wanted to ask Theo something. Something that had been in the back of my head since my talk with Ariel.

"I feel like I saw something before. Something related to this whole 'reforming Tormenius' thing," I told him.

"Well, with that brief description, I don't think I can tell what you're talking about," he said sarcastically.

"Dying of laughter right now," I replied. "Something we saw before..." I looked at the floor. "I feel like I've seen this place where Tormenius will reform."

"We haven't been in the Cursed Lands long enough to see it, and I was with you everytime we visited the Cursed Lands through a gateway."

Some puzzle pieces started to click together in my head. "But that's it! We haven't been in the Cursed Lands, I have!" I exclaimed, sudden realization hitting me.

But what had I seen? Where had I seen it? Those were still unanswered questions. And also the fact that Tormenius had a master.

He was strong enough by himself, but now we have to deal with another all powerful super-villain who, no surprise, probably wanted to destroy every single Realm there is.

"Dude, I can see the puzzled look on your face, you don't need to try and hide it," Theo stated.

"Oh, right," I snapped back into reality. "It's just... there are so many obstacles and trials, and we're still not done. Who knows? Maybe we might die!" 

I was frustrated. The fact that the place where Tormenius would be reformed was somewhere in my head but I didn't know where bothered me. The fact that Tormenius had a stronger being than he was bothered me. The fact that half of our group split up bothered me.

"It's okay," Theo said. "We'll get through it. We can do it."

Judging by what he just said, I didn't think Theo would be good with a girlfriend if his best comforting lines were those.

"Thanks, dude," I said.

He stood up and started heading toward the bathroom. 

"Also," I called from behind him. He stopped. "Have a talk with Aurora once this is all over."

He didn't respond, but I felt like I saw a slight nod, and then he disappeared into the bathroom.

After he took a shower, I took a shower, and once I was out, I pressed the gray button on my watch.

The watch grew into the backpack that I had packed about... a week ago?

I pulled out a fresh pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. I had also apparently backed a clean dark blue jacket, so I put them all on. It was relieving to finally get rid of my armor and wear some normal clothing.

Once Theo and I were finished, we sat down and watched some TV. We skipped through the channels until Theo found a soccer game. The spectators were screaming in Portuguese, though, so it was hard to understand, but Theo watched it excitedly anyway.

I watched, even though I had absolutely no interest in the sport.

Just as one of the teams were about to score, a knock on the door dragged my attention off of the TV. The spectators and Theo started screaming, so apparently one of the teams shot a "GOOOOOOOAL!"

I opened the door to find the three girls standing, and oh boy, did they clean up. Skylar was wearing a summer yellow t-shirt and jeans. Her face looked clean, and her hair was straight, reaching her shoulders.

Dawn's hair was in braids, and she wore glasses -which looked new. She was wearing a green dress shirt and slacks. She looked at the floor as if expecting a giant monster to appear from under her.

Mia's hair reached a little farther than her shoulders in waves. She was wearing a jacket and jeans. She looked happy as if nothing had happened in the past twenty-four hours, and we were just some casual teenager group.

"So, I think we should leave," Skylar finally spoke up.

"Yeah... um sure..." I said.

"One problem," Theo called from behind. "How will we get out?" then he gestured to Stormo and his unicorn.

Turns out, Lukas's unicorn had been with the girls and had already thought of a solution.

We heard a loud BOOM! from above. A second later, the electric unicorn was flying outside, waiting for us. As if on cue, Stormo and Theo's unicorn barged towards the wall, breaking through like a knife cutting butter.

Dust and debris flew around the room as the giant creatures made their way outside.

The girls came in.

"Okay, Mia and Theo, you get on the fire unicorn. Dawn and I will take Lukas's," Skylar stated. The mention of Lukas made Theo look at the floor, and I couldn't blame him. "Leon, you're alone."

Honestly, it felt good to be alone for once. Just me and Stormo, riding through the clouds, expecting an almost certain death unless we reached our destination in time. Great way to spend a vacation!

Before I could ask how we would get on the already flying creatures, all four of my friends jumped through the hole in the wall and landed on the backs of their mounts.

I wasn't so certain on doing that.

I didn't know why. Except for Skylar, I was the only one who could fly by myself out of all of them.

But for some reason I hesitated, giving our next enemy enough time to strike.

"Come on!" Theo said, enthusiastically.

I gathered all of my guts and managed to run towards the wall, and jump off, barely landing on Stormo.

The air inside me felt like it had just all ben thrown out as I made a hard landing on Stormo. The animal didn't like it either.

It let out a silent whimper.

"Sorry, buddy," I said and patted his neck. That seemed to cheer him up a little bit.

"To Rome! Again!" Theo said and pointed his hand a direction which I doubted was north-east since that was where we needed to be going.

The animals started to fly towards the correct direction, which was almost the opposite way Theo had pointed, and we made our way to the Hall of Pandora, yet again.

I tried remembering where I had seen this thing that was bugging me. Something that was related to this "rebirth" thing.

Before I could think much about it, Mia screamed "Watch out!" and pointed below us.

She jumped off of the unicorn and fell downward.

My mind was literally frozen in shock. (You will see the pun later)

"What just happened?" I asked but didn't get a reply from Theo or anyone else.

In fact, everyone else was gone too.

I looked at the sky to see if they were doing some sort of acrobatics, but nothing could be seen.

Stormo shrieked and then quickly jerked towards the left.

A blueish white blast sailed past my face, nearly going inside my nostrils (which I was very thankful for).

I looked below us and just chilling on the roof of some sort of apartment lay all of my friends, frozen. (I added another pun, did you see that?)

"Stormo, down," I told him as he started diving towards the roof.

I let out a few screams, but Stormo landed on the flat area perfectly, barely affecting me or him.

I quickly jumped off and reached for my sword, and then again realized that I didn't have one. I needed to get at least a knife or something, because going into battle with absolutely nothing except the air around you, was really tough.

Standing in front of me was the first real enemy I had met, and I wasn't happy to see her again.

Her ice blond hair was shorter now and only reached her shoulders. She was wearing her same outfit as before - like a cowgirl from the North Pole- the white boots, the fur pants, the blue shirt.

Glacia, the Legend of the Frostlands, loomed over my friends. (Now did you get the puns?)

She turned back around once she realized I was there.

"Oh, hello!" she screamed with fake delight.

"Hi," I muttered.

"Well, it seems like you've made a new friend. She pointed at frozen Dawn. "And lost some of your old ones."

I didn't see Mia frozen, or anywhere close by, but instead of filling my head with thoughts of her just being an absolute chicken and running away, I thought she was preparing a surprise attack.

I didn't know how to respond to Glacia's comment, so in a weak voice I said, "Um... yeah."

Stormo huffed behind me.

I felt that maybe we could ease the conversation with words and maybe escape -which was unlikely- instead of her just freezing us all to death in a fight- which was more likely.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I just want some sweet revenge from your irritating friend over there," she gestured at Theo, "and you, of course."

"Of course," I mumbled.

I saw a glint of light towards the left of Glacia. I tried to focus and spotted a shiny dagger in Mia's hand. She was gesturing towards Glacia, ordering me to keep her distracted. So my idea of Mia planning a surprise attack was true!

"So do you wish to die easily, or do you want to go down fighting?" she put up her fists like a boxer, then threw them down and started laughing hysterically.

"I never go down without a fight," I said, bravely, even though ever since I landed on the roof, I was pretty sure all of my bravery had disappeared.

Glacia laughed at my comment. "Honey, you do know that I'm in my Days of Supremacy, right? You cannot defeat me. Especially not alone."

I remembered what Ariel had told me in my dream, that even all of the Legends combined could not have enough power to defeat another Legend in their Days of Supremacy. Then a thought came to my mind. They might've not had enough power, but we might've had enough brains to take on the ice witch.

"Oh, I'm not alone," I gestured at Stormo, then pointed behind Glacia.

Without even letting her turn around fully, Mia attacked Glacia with her daggers, and the battle started again.
