A movie night.
Yeji actually planned on doing something more eventful.
But judging by Ryujin's personality, and the fact that they both need more rest, a relaxing evening alone sounds more pleasing right now.

Besides that; with the temperature cooling down a bit and her bed filled with fluffy pillows, it's a perfect day for cuddles.

Yeji prepared everything in detail. Her room, her bed, the movies, even the snacks.
She made sure to make it as cozy as possible.

She chose a scary movie as the first one; a not too scary one.
But just enough for Ryujin to scoot over to her during scary scenes.
And it worked.
Step by step Ryujin got closer to Yeji; gripping her arm and hiding every now and then.

Honestly Yeji was afraid as well, but she tried to keep her cool.
She got distracted from Ryujin constantly touching her anyways.

When the movie was over, Yeji noticed that Ryujin was still a bit scared.
"Be careful, they can sense your fear and kill you."
"You're mean" Ryujin pretended to hit her, causing Yeji to giggle at her reaction.

"Come on, isn't it obvious that i'd protect you?" Yeji responded.
Ryujins eyes softened as she was staring at her.

Somehow it was too much for Yeji's heart to function; she found herself getting flustered all of the sudden.
"The-" she cleared her throat "The next one is a romance movie."

By the time she was about to start the next movie, it got quite dark outside. She thought about lighting candles, but that would be too much.
So she switched on the furtherest lamp away from them.

Back on her bed she thought it's the perfect opportunity to put her arm around Ryujin, who's currently quietly eating popcorn. Ryujin immediatly rested her head on her shoulder.

A cozy, relaxing evening, with snacks and Ryujin snuggling her.
Paradise for Yeji.

After the movie was over and all the snacks eaten, Ryujin was ready to leave her room. But got stopped by Yeji.
"Ryujin, before you go..." She turned around, humming.
"Remember when you said you just wanted to dance in the park as a kid?"
"Well..." Yeji grabbed her phone and opened her playlist.

An upbeat song started to play.
Yeji started to dance with full enthusiasm, causing Ryujin to laugh and join in the fun.
They danced together; hyping each others silly dance moves up.

After a couple of minutes, they needed to catch their breaths.
But Yeji decided to play one last song 'on accident'; it was much slower than the ones before.

"Oh, i guess we have to slow dance now." Yeji failed to act surprised.
"What a coincidence." Ryujin smiled back at her.
She pulled Ryujin closer, hands on her waist and slow dancing to the music.

Ryujin, not being able to wait any longer, leaned in and kissed Yeji. She had to tip toe due to their slight height difference.
After breaking the kiss, their lips were still parted; Ryujin's lips lightly brushing Yeji's.

"I could do this all night." Yeji joked.
But it wasn't really a joke; she wanted to kiss her again so badly.

"Then do it." Ryujin whispered, before pulling Yeji closer.
