Her feelings changed from nervousness to sadness, fear and anger. Not knowing what happened or who hurt her, worries started to fill up her mind.

She didn't know what to say during their intense staring battle, so she decided to not say anything at all. Slowly and defeated she took a seat on the left corner of the bench; not daring to look at the girl's confused reaction.

Yeji expected her to ask her what she was doing, or telling her to go away any minute.
But she didn't.

Yeji used their silence to take in the whole atmosphere of the park and relax. Late evening, dark but not too dark. Most people walking back home. She watched how peaceful the animals in the pond seem, and how the birds were singing in the trees. With the warm breeze touching her skin, she could smell the grass and flowers, swaying in the wind.

'It's so peaceful here' she thought to herself.
For a moment she let go of all of her concerns. But then, between people's chatting, she heard the girl silently weeping beside her. It didn't take long to concentrate only on her, again.

When her tears stopped falling down and her crying started to fade away, Yeji finally looked at her right side. And, to her surprise, the other girl was already staring at her.

Yeji could see the confusion and multiple questionmarks on her face; so she decided to answer her one of them right away.

"You looked like you needed some company." The other girl stayed silent, staring at her with still teary eyes.
"But i guess i'm not a good one..." She felt her confidence dropping when she still hasn't received a reply. Just when she was about to stand up, she felt a hand gripping her wrist softly.


Yeji didn't hesitate to make herself comfortable on the bench again. She doesn't know the reason why. Why she was so fascinated by someone's existence. Why it didn't bother her to sit in silence. But she wanted to stay.

"You're a good company."
"But a silent one."  Yeji shyly chuckled.

"Better than none..."

Her voice sounded like it was filled with pain. It made Yeji's heart ache in the worst possible way. The urge to hug her and tell her she'll be by her side won't go away. It took all of her strenght to not reach over and comfort her.

Yeji wants her to feel comfortable; to feel save. But if silence is what comforts her, then so be it. She lets her start the conversations, even if it will take hours.

Successful with her strategy, the stranger finally spoke up again.
"You're the weirdest person i've ever met."
"And you're the prettiest." A small proud smile started to creep up on Yeji's face when she saw the other girl blush madly at her compliment. She hoped to see her smile but she gladly took any cute reaction the other is giving her.

Silence. Another one.
But surprisingly it wasn't uncomfortable at all. It was light and almost soothing.

Suddenly the pretty stranger stood up and started to walk away. And yet again Yeji was hit by loneliness and the loss of warmth. Yeji watched every movement she made. Watched her taking slow steps, watched her stopping in her tracks, watched her looking back at her...

'She's looking back at me? Why? Does she want me to follow her?'
Her thoughts were interrupted by the other girl who started to walk away again.

'Now or never' Yeji thought to herself as she slowly followed the stranger through the park.

Once the other noticed Yeji's presence beside her, she couldn't help but smile.
Sadly Yeji was too deep in thoughts to notice.

"How old are you?" 
The short haired girl's question pierced right through their silence and Yeji's, now tensed up, body.

"I'm 20. How about you?"
"I'm 84."
"84?" Yeji couldnt help but let out a light giggle and looked at the girl walking next to her.

That's when she saw it. Her smile. And suddenly her heart skipped a beat and went right to cloud 9.

"I'm 19."

Both enjoying their walk together, forgetting time and worries as they reached the end of the park. Stopping in their tracks, they both looked at each other.

Again Yeji was lost for words and started to wave at her instead; fearing that she says something weird that ruins the moment.

The stranger seemed quite amused by her action and waved happily back at her.
