"So you cuddled?"

"Did you kiss?"

"Have you called her yet?"

"Why not?"
"Because it's only been 3 hours, Lia."

"Call her right now."
"No! You'll embarrass m-"

Yeji and Lia were so busy arguing, they didn't notice a girl right in front of them and bumped into her.
The girl fell on the ground; the food, that she carried, dropped.

"Oh my god, i'm so sorry!" They both apologized while the girl was groaning from pain.
"Are you okay?" Yeji asked and helped her to get up.

"Yeah... i'm fine." Her voice sounded sweet and soft.
When she was on her feet again she looked at the food on the ground and sighed.

"We'll pay for it!"
"Yeji... we don't have any money with us." Lia whispered angrily.

"It wasn't for me, but a friend of mine."
She cleaning up the ground as best as she could and threw the food in the closest trash bin.

"She gave me the money and told me to buy it." she added.
"Wow, where can i get such a nice friend like you" Lia responded, what caused her to get a hit from Yeji.

"She's just going through a hard time right now. I'm trying to help her out." the girl explained with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Does your friend live nearby?"
"Why?" Lia and the stranger asked at the same time.
"So we can apologize to her."

After a bit of hesitation the girl spoke up again.
"Promise you're not going to murder us."
"Not today." Lia answered, and getting another hit from Yeji.

"Fine. I'll tell her that we're on our way."

While they were following her, the girl tried to call her friend multiple times; but failed.
"By the way, I'm Chaeryeong." She said and dialed the number again.

"I'm Lia."

"She's not picking up." Chaeryeong sighed before putting her phone back into her pocket.

Yeji used their current awkward silence to look at her phone; specifically her lockscreen.
With Ryujin's whisker smile on full display.

"What you smiling at?" Lia asked.
"Uh... nothing."

"We're here." Chaeryeong headed to the door and opened it.
'They must be really close. She even has a key.'

Passing the livingroom, they saw a young woman sitting on the couch. Lia and Yeji immediately greeted her politely, but got met with coldness. The woman just ignored them, not caring at all that two strangers just entered her home.

When they finally entered the bedroom, it was empty.
The room wasn't big, but filled with books instead.

"She must be in the backyard... Wait here." Chaeryeong left the two friends alone in the stranger's room.

Lia was standing in front of the mirror, checking herself out, while Yeji just rolled her eyes and took a seat at the desk.
When Yeji felt something hitting her right leg, she looked down and saw a dark-green backpack.

The moment she realizes, the door has already been opened; revealing a shocked Ryujin.
