Chapter 7 ~ Confessions

"Diego." Luther knocked on his bedroom door the next morning. "Diego, you in there?" He knocked again. "We need to talk."

Diego groaned slightly, waking up from his deep sleep, the best sleep he'd had in a long time.

However, when he moved, he found that he was not the only one asleep in his old, single bed.

"Diego?" Luther gave up calling and cracked open the door to peak in.

"Oh good, you're her - is that Violet?" Luther whispered and pointed to her, who was still snoring softly.

"Yeah, I got her back." He whispered back, still in a confused, sleepy state.

"Great." Luther smiled, seeing his sister sleeping softly.

"What do you want, Luther?" Diego whispered harshly, trying his hardest not to wake her up.

"Oh, right, family meeting." He pointed in the general direction of the living room. "I'll leave you two to it." He gave Diego a slight wink before ducking back out of his room.

Once he was alone in the silence again, Diego looked down to study Violet who had curled up next to him with her back pressed against his front.

Diego gently moved his arm and brushed her long, dark hair away from her face.

Then he saw the long pink scar the ran around her face.

It reminded him of the one he had.

The one that ran in a straight line in his hair, just above his ear.

The one he gotten the day he tried to save Violet from the mirror room but only succeeded in getting her sent away to a mental hospital for months.

He blamed himself for that whole ordeal.

Diego decided to not wake her up and leave her to get some rest, but Violet's stealth powers had stopped him from noticing the way she had already started to stir awake.

He slipped out of the bed, grabbed his coat, and reached for the doorknob.

"Diego?" Violet's small voice croaked when she saw his dark shadow.

"Luther called a family meeting," Diego replied, matching her quiet tone. "Go back to sleep V, I'll fill you in." He told her and left to not let her protest.

Couldn't go back to sleep if I wanted to

Violet thought as she had already started to get a throb in her bullet wound.

She groaned to herself as she sat up and placed her feet on the ground, wiggling her toes in Diego's black socks he had provided her with, before fully standing up.

Violet was about to follow after him, but her eye caught the blanket that was hung up over the mirror.

Without thinking too much about it, Violet reached out and pulled it down, revealing her own reflection.

Violet was a total mess.

Her hair was knotted in every direction.

She desperately needed a shower.

Her eyes were red, lined with purple circles.

Then there was that nasty curved slash next to her eye.

Violet really didn't want her family to see her like this. A total mess. So vulnerable. So weak.

But for some reason, when she was with Diego last night, she didn't mind feeling that way.

Not getting shot and slashed obviously, but just to the extent where she wanted Diego, and to the extent where he wanted to help her.

Violet took a deep breath in, and then a deep breath out before making her way out of the house.

She could already hear her siblings arguing from the hall.

Violet made her way carefully to the living room, and down the stairs when she came face to face with Vanya and a strange man she had never seen before.

"Oh my God, Violet?" Vanya seemed generally happy to see her alive. "How did you - when -?'" Her sister didn't know what to say, but Violet just engulfed her in much needed hug.

"Diego got me out." Violet whispered, knowing it was a lie, but she didn't feel like mentioning her new friend that had died trying to help her.

"I thought you said Number Eight was dead?" The man beside her spoke and Violet looked at him with a rightful scowl.

"Excuse me?" She hated being called 'number eight' let alone by some stranger.

"Violet, this is Leonard." Vanya tried defusing her as she grasped on Leonard's hand. "And I said she was shot, not dead." She clarified.

Violet studied to be a short, stubby man, and the look in his eye made her uneasy.

He almost seemed disappointed that she was not in fact dead.

Violet eyed him off as she moved past them and joined the others in the living room.

"I told you to go back to sleep." Diego immediately jumped off of the couch when he saw her.

"I tried." She shrugged and then looked around the room, seeing odd and shocked looks from the others.

"Violet." Allison's mouth slightly curved upwards.

"Oh, tiny sis, I have missed you." Klaus threw his arms open and tried to give her a sloppy hug but Diego stepped in front, pushing him away.

"Careful." He warned and Violet scoffed.

"I got shot, I think I can hug my brother." Violet rolled her eyes.

"Let's get you back to bed." Diego took her arm and tried to gently take her away but he stopped when he saw Vanya and Leanard.

"What's going on here?" Vanya asked, seeing all of her siblings gathered where she wasn't.

"It's a - family matter." Allison let the words slip before she could stop them.

"Family matter." Vanya repeated, nodding her head. "I guess that makes sense as to why you couldn't include me."

"No, its not like that we were - " Luther tired but Vanya was already on her way out.

"Don't let me intrude."

"Vanya, wait." Allison tried to run after. "I'll fill you in later when we're alone." Her eyes flickered over Leonard."

"That's not fair." Vanya turned to talk to everyone. "My whole life, I have been left out of everything, and I always blamed dad. But he's dead now, so it turns out you're the assholes."

Vanya walked off with Leonard and Allison was about to follow but Luther stopped her.

"There isn't enough time, we need to work stuff out about this apocalypse." He told Allison, and she knew he was right.

"Violet, got any ideas? You were the one Five asked for help." Luther turned to Violet who was still in Diego's grip.

"He just said we had eight days, which I guess is down to three, and there was something about a glass eye." Violet remembered how she had let that slip to Hazel and Cha-Cha. "But I guess I fucked that one up for him."

"You mean the prosthetics building that got burned down a couple of nights ago?" Luther asked, he watched a lot of news reports. "That was you?"

"What? No." A half truth. "I was tied to a chair a couple of nights ago, but I kind of told the culprits about the eye, hence why they burned it." Her voice got quieter towards the end of the sentence.

"Great, our only lead is gone now thanks to you." Luther huffed, rubbing his forehead.

"Hey! Don't you blame her for any of this!" Diego immediately defended.  "If it wasn't for your pathetic ass needing my help, she never would've been taken in the first place!"

"Lead or no lead, if we try fighting whatever ends the Earth, who's to say it's not just going to end up the same way it did the last time?" Allison asked, stopping their fight before it could get out of hand like always.

"We have Five, the full force of the Umbrella Academy." Luther said confidently.

"Nope, Violet's not fighting." Diego shook his head.

"You don't get to make decisions for me." Violet tried tugging her arm away from him but he kept a tight grip.

"Do you really want to fight?" Diego, being  the asshole he is, moved his hand to her waist, applying little pressure, but just enough for her to intake a sharp breath in pain. "That's what I thought."

"I'm taking Violet back to bed, then I'm going after Hazel and Cha-Cha." He announced and tried dragging her away once again.

"Woah, hold on, I know you want to avenge Violet and your friend -"

"She wasn't just some friend!" Diego turned around and pointed a finger at Luther, warning him to stop.

"I got three days and I'm losing light by the minute."

"Diego." This time it was Violet.

"Look, Violet, if I'm going to die, I need to know that I killed those bastards who killed patch, who did this." His eyes raked over her scar.

"Just be back before I wake up." She knew it was no hope stopping him, and she was too tired to try harder.

"Just in time to save the world." Diego nodded and helped her back to his room.

"You think you'll be alright for a little while?" He asked once they were in his room.

"Yeah, yeah, I just really want a shower." Violet sighed, running her fingers through her greasy hair.

"By yourself?" Diego raised an eyebrow at her and she raised one back.

"Is this some flirting technique of yours?" She asked and he furrowed confusingly before smirking.

"Is it working?"

"Okay, get out." Violet pointed straight to the door.

"That was a joke, I promise." He held back a laugh. "I just meant that do you think you'll be okay by yourself?"

Violet bit her lip as she thought about how hard it was going to be standing in a shower and Diego caught on.

"I'll run the bath." He nodded and went to the bathroom.

What are you doing, Violet?

She asked herself as she turned to the mirror and she saw her own reflection talking to her.

A side effect of her childhood trauma.

Having a bath.

She glared at her moving reflection.

With Diego.

Violet's reflection smirked, and before she could yell at herself, Diego appeared behind her in the mirror.

"It's warm." He spoke lightly to her reflected face.

"Thanks." She almost whispered and walked past him.

Violet didn't bother shutting the door as he was about to bathe her in a minute, and slowly started getting undressed.

Diego couldn't help himself but take a glance in the mirror that reflected her bare back.

It too was covered in bruises.

His fists clenched and unclenched by his sides as he thought about driving his knives through Hazel and Cha-Cha's eyes.

When he glanced again, Diego saw her sitting in the tub with her knees hugged to her chest.

"You sure you me too . . . help you?" Diego asked, leaning against the bathroom doorframe.

"The water's making it worse." Violet looked down through the water and poked her wound, scrunching her nose in response.

"Well don't do that!" He scolded and rushed to the edge of the bath, crouching down. "I'll fix that after I've got you cleaned up." It had started to leak red.

Violet just watched Diego as his focused yet careful hands rubbed the soap against her body and gently poured the warm water over her.

Not once did she see his eyes flicker to the wrong part of her body, not once did he seem inpatient to get away.

"You ready to get stitched up again?" Diego asked once he rinsed the last bit of soap from her hair, gently messaging her as he did, but she just blankly stared at him in confusion.

"Is everything okay, V?" He swallowed, pulling his hands away, hoping he hadn't crossed a line.

"Why are you doing this?" Violet whispered, keeping her eyes locked with his.

"What do you mean?" Diego was scared.

"Why are you helping me?" Violet had never had anyone care so much about her. "You should be out there avenging Eudora, it's what you want." She couldn't understand him.

Diego sat in a moment of silence.

He did want to avenge Patch.

But the world was ending in three days.

No matter who he kills, they'll all be gone eventually.

Violet will be gone too.

Diego just wanted to be with Violet as much  as he could before that happened.

"Not anymore." He breathed, hoping it was the right thing to say.

"Then what do you want?" Violet moved in the water, but there were no sounds of splashing.

Only the sound of Diego's heavy, shaky breathing that fanned over her inching closer face.

"I think -" Diego's eyes flickered to her lips as he pictured the words in his mind.

"I think I want -"

Violet swallowed, reaching her arm up to grip his bicep, saying everything was okay.

"I want you, Violet."

Diego held her eyes with his, leaning into her so that the tips of their noses brushed together.

"I have always wanted you." His breath touched her lips as they parted.

"Then come and get it." She whispered back before pulling him in fully.

Their lips clashed together with such bottled up tension and need, they both weren't sure that they would ever willingly pull away.

"I've missed you, Diego." Violet felt the urge to cry for some odd reason. "I've missed you so much." She was silenced by his mouth on hers.

"I'm not going anywhere this time -" He pecked her lips twice. "I'm with you to the end."

"I've missed all of you." Violet ranted on with her words, sliding her hands across his shoulders and letting his heavy jacket fall to the ground.

"I know." Diego moved his lips from her mouth to her jaw, and then down the side of her neck.

"I know you know." Violet let her head fall back as he kissed her, and she blindly tugged at his torn clothes.

"Slow down there, baby." Diego grasped her hands to stop her.

"You're still hurt, remember." He warned, seeing the redness soak through her white, wet bandage.

"If you want to help, then take my mind off the pain." Violet smirked and so did Diego.

Diego put his arms under her arms and knees to lift  her up and out of the water, carrying her bridal style to his bed before dumping her softly.

"Just let me know if you need to rest." He stood above her, pulling his shirt over his head.

"I can get carried away."

Violet just rolled her eyes and giggled.

"Get over here Batman."

She pulled him in by the belt and Diego had to put his hands flat in the bed, either side of his head, to stop himself from falling in her.

"Just be careful."

And that's what Violet and Diego's morning consisted of.

Continued love making and continued asking whether or not Violet was okay.

She was more than okay.

Luther passing by Diego's door was not.

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"There you are Violet!" Five teleported into Diego's bedroom where they had fallen asleep with each other again.

Except this time they had no clothes on.

"Five!" Diego yelled as Violet went into panic, disappearing from view.

"Get up, get dressed, I got a new lead." Five ignored Diego, talking to Violet.

"Urgh, can't it wait?" She groaned, her whole body aching from not just her wounds.

"The world's not going to postpone its end date just because you decided to get laid." Five waved a piece of paper in the air and, still invisible, Violet snatched it from his hand.

"You have two minutes or I'm asking Luther." Five teleported away.

"You don't have to listen to him, you know." Diego said, sitting up in his boxers, grabbing his pants from the floor.

"I already agreed to help him save the world a couple days ago." Violet was already getting dressed and Diego furrowed as he saw the air picking up clothes.

"He's gone, you know." He said, doing up his belt, watching the clothes fall in place before disappearing with her.

"Your point?" Violet knew what his point was.

"I just saw the whole package baby," Diego's eyes moved to the uncovered mirror. "You're not fooling anyone."

"Perv." She scowled through the mirror as she pulled up her borrowed pants.

"What'd Five give you?" Diego asked once they were both fully dressed. "Is it some sort of kill list?"

"The opposite, I think." Violet examined the note.


"Who the hell is Harold Jenkins?" Diego asked, looking over her shoulder.

"I have no idea."

"So you want to kill this man? Why?" Violet asked, sitting on the couch in Diego's lap, his hands tracing circles on her thigh, looking at Five who was pacing around the room.

"That order was given to Hazel and Cha-Cha who are trying to aid the apocalypse, if we want to stop it, we have to kill him." Five explained.

"Why not just kill Hazel and Cha-Cha?" Diego asked and Violet glared up at him.

"We talked about this." She shook her head at how he had just wanted to spend his last days with her.

"It's a genuine question!" Diego shrugged in defence.

"That only might work, just because Jenkins needs protection, doesn't mean he'll necessarily die without it." Five rubbed his chin as he thought.

"Come on guys, we don't even know who this Harold Jenkins is." Violet put on the breaks. "He could be some gardener living in Mexico for all we know."

"Not all Mexicans are gardeners V, that's low." Diego's hand on her waist applied pressure to her waist making her hold her breath.

"That's low!" Violet groaned. "And I thought you were Spanish."

"Just because Mexicans speak Spanish doesn't mean they are." Diego shook his head at her.

"Well I'm French and I speak French." Violet crossed her arms, slouching into his chest.

"Justo ahora? (Really now)" Diego chuckled at her in Spanish

"Oui, vraiment maintenant, (Yes really now.) " She answered in French.

"Eres linda cuando estas enojada. (You're cute when you're mad)" Diego very much enjoyed her sassy French.

"Attention, Diego. Vous devrez dormir avec un miroir à vos côtés. (Careful, Diego. You might want to sleep with a mirror next time.)" Violet warned in her native tongue.

"Are you two done with your bilingual wars?" Five interrupted, not impressed with the two.

"Oh, right." Diego rubbed the back of his neck nervously at her threat. "I can help with finding the guy, I can go through the Police records down at the station."

"Let's go then." Five grabbed both Violet and Diego and teleported them outside of the nearest police station.

"I little warning would be nice." Violet groaned, feeling a little woozy.

"Okay we can not just be here right now!" Diego whisper - yelled at them and started pushing Violet by the back of the waist to the nearest alleyway.

"We don't have all day, Diego!" Five groaned.

"Let me make a call first." He rolled his eye and whipped out his phone.

After talking for a couple minutes and waiting a few more, a man came out from the side door looking equally annoyed and guilty.

"This is the last time, Diego." The man said, handing over a file to him.

"I really appreciate it man." Diego gratefully grabbed the file.

"I mean it, I'm done funding your vigilante ego." The copper seemed pretty annoyed with him.

"Tell me about it." Violet snorted next to him.

"No way," Diego's friend was stunned when he laid eyes on Violet. He was in disbelief.

"It's not what it looks like, Chuck." Diego's features dropped as he put his hands out warily.

"I'm pretty sure it does." Chuck took a step back and Diego took one forward.

"I didn't do it." Diego spoke warily, a tinge of grief.

"What's wrong, Diego?" Violet ignored Five who swiped the file from Diego's unattended hand and joined him with the detective.

"They're trying to string me up for, Patch." Diego kept his eyes on Chuck, watching for his next move.

"We don't actually 'string people up' anymore." Chuck airquoted to Violet.

"He didn't kill Patch, she was shot by those assholes who tortured me!" Violet ignored him.

"His handprints were all over the crime scene , and so was your blood." He reasoned and Diego jumped forward slightly, making Chuck flinch.

"They think I kidnapped you and killed Eudora." He growled lowly

"I don't, I know you would never, but you with Violet is not a good look to anyone else." Chuck relaxed slightly as Diego backed off.

"Let's get out of here." Diego room Violet's hand. "Five?" He turned to their brother.

"This is good, really good. Let's go get Allison and Luther." Five teleported them back to the Academy not a second later.

"I couldn't find anything." Allison was already waiting.

"Well this douche bag's crime fighting was actually useful for once." Five eyed off Diego. "I bring you Mr Harold Jenkins." He handed the file over for Allison to look at.

"Holy shit." Allison's face lit up when she saw the photo. "This is Vanya's boyfriend."

"Let me see." Violet rushed over and, sure enough, it was the same man who had seemed disappointed about her not-death.

"Oh yeah, this guy is totally end of the world vibes." Violet shivered.

"What do you mean?" Five asked, curious.

"Vanya told him I got shot, then when he saw me alive, he looked disappointed." She explained.

"We have got to stop this guy, I know where he lives, we should start there." Allison started.

"Okay, not going to ask questions, but shouldn't we find Vanya first?" Violet stopped her. "This guy could seriously hurt her."

"Allison's right." Five sided with her sister making Violet frown.

"But Vanya-" She tried again, feeling worried for her defenseless sibling.

"We find this guy, we find Vanya too." Diego put a hand on her shoulder to calm her.

"I guess so." Violet was disappointed still.

"You sure you're up for this?" Diego asked more quietly, secretly hoping she'd say no.

"I might just quickly change first." She looked down at her oversized pants and hoodie.

"Mind if I join?" Diego pulled her in by the waist with a smirk.

"Jamais. (Never)" Violet spoke seductively in French.

"Te amo princesa. (I love you princess)." He whispered back in Spanish.

They were about to pull each other into a kiss but they were pushed apart by the force of Five teleporting between them.

"Hurry up and change, Diego's staying here." Five kept his eyes trained on Diego as he talked to Violet.

"Fine, dad." Violet moaned like a child before limping away to change.

Violet opened her childhood draws and couldn't find much that would be useful to wear until she found her old fighting suit.

It was a black zip up jumpsuit with blue stitching that created patterns. They still had her favourite weapons attached to the side.

Violet's nunchuks.

They had blue engravings just like her suit and she loved them, being able to swing them around without a single rattle of a chain.

Violet suited up and made her way down stairs.

She was going to have a lot of fun with her old toy.

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This is Violets suit —->

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