Chapter 10 ~ Help Is Okay

After the shocking revelations of their father's suicidal death, Violet decided to go get some air.

Diego held her hand as they walked on the sidewalk down the main street in a comfortable silence.

As shocking as it was to hear that their father had killed himself in the hopes of bringing everyone together to save the world, there was some sort of peace within the two now.

"You're not actually feeling sorry for the man, are you?" Diego asked after a minute of watching her creased face.

Violet did that when she thought too hard.

Diego loved it.

"No, no, not at all." She waved jokingly. "I just can't help but be grateful."

"What in this world could have old Reggie done to make you grateful for him?" Diego truly had no clue.

"He brought us back together." Violet swung their interlinked hands as they walked.

"You don't need to thank him for that, he also tore us apart." Diego's hand tightened slightly around hers, almost in a possessive way.

"The only reason why I came to that stupid funeral was the chance that I might see you." She told the pure truth.

"That's funny," Diego looked down at her with a smile. "The only reason I came to his funeral was to see you, but then you left before we even spread the ashes."

"Yeah, well I think a rogue knife and my arm had something to do with that." Violet playfully bumped his shoulder with hers.

"That was purely your fault." Diego defended, matching her playful tone.

"Well if you didn't dress up like Batman then it wouldn't have happened in the first place." Violet reached around with her free hand and tugged on his harness with a smirk.

"Batman, hey?" Diego's face lit up and his eyes turned distant, remembering their childhood jokes.

"Don't worry, I love Batman." Violet leaned in close to his side and pinched his cheek.

"I know you do." Diego flinched away from her hand with a chuckle before pulling something out of his back holster.

"Do you remember giving me this?" He twirled one of his shiny knives in his fingers, this one was particularly more shiny than his others.

Diego handed it over to Violet and her eyes grew bright and wide.

It was the one she had engraved for him on their twelfth birthday with a batman symbol and initials.

"You still have it?" Violet traced her thumb over the scratches she had worked so hard on.

"I wouldn't get rid of it to save the world, heck, I don't think I've even thrown it at anyone since you gave it to me." Diego watched the way she looked at it like it was the most precious thing in the world.

"You should have it."

"What? No, I gave it to you." Violet quickly handed it over but Diego just pushed her hands away.

"Please, I want you to keep it." He pushed her hands close to her chest.

"Why? I made it for you. I'm not Batman." Violet's cheeks started heating for some unexplained reason.

"I just want you to take a little piece of me wherever you go." Diego also wanted to give it to her for some sort of protection but he wouldn't say that out loud.

"Well I'm sorry Mr. Wayne, but I can't accept." Violet tried once more to give it back, but Diego was much stronger than her and held her hands in place.

"At Least keep it until we save the world, then I'll be wanting it back." Diego finished his charm with a wink and Violet couldn't help but sigh.

"Alright then, the minute all of this bullshit is over." Violet pointed her finger at him stubbornly before tucking the blade in her waist band.

"Talking about bullshit." Diego's voice suddenly got low and his arm wrapped around Violet's body, pushing her to start walking again.

"What? What is it?" Violet tried to look behind her but Diego had grabbed the hood of her - or his - hoodie and pulled it over her head.

"What are you - " Violet tried to take it off but he had suddenly spun her around to bend down and look at her eyes demandingly.

"You go ahead, don't do anything stupid." As Diego finished his instruction, Violet heard the whoop of Police Sirens start in the street.

They were there for Diego.

"Diego I'm not leaving you." Violet quickly grabbed his hand and turned invisible, trying to make him invisible with her, just like she can with objects she holds.

"Come on V, you know it doesn't work on people." Diego broke his hand away from her. "Go back to the Academy and stay there until I get back."

"No, you don't deserve this, you're innocent." Violet reached for his jacket, using all of her weight to anchor him to the ground as the Police Cars got closer.

"Go, Violet!" Diego grabbed her invisible hands and shoved her away, Violet was too shocked to realise what was happening next as Diego held a knife in the air in surrender to the multiple Police officers that were pointing their guns at him, yelling orders.

"Get out of here!" Diego whispered-shouted as he knew she was still there.

Violet didn't know what to do, whether to help him, attack the officers and get out of there, but she would only put him in more trouble than he already was, so Violet scrambled to her feet and ran down the nearest alleyway.

Diego sighed in relief when he saw the slight dust pick up as she ran and then dropped to his knees.

Violet watched in horror when, seconds later, the Police cars whizzed past the alley with Diego in the back in handcuffs.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" Violet kicked at one of the large dumpsters that were there, denting it deeply with her anger fueled force.

"Why didn't you do something?" Violet yelled at herself, moving to bang her fists on the metal, over and over again in frustration.

"I can't believe you just left him there!" She didn't realise how her knuckles were starting to sting.

"You could've saved him, defended him at least!" She was letting the voices escape her mind this time, everything had just happened too quickly for her to keep up.

"You always just hide away like an invisible coward!" Her hands turned bright pink as they started to split at the bones.

"Diego - *Punch* - would've - *Bang*- saved - *Kick* - you!" Violet heaved in heavy breaths as all of her energy was already exerted, her mind still too confused to take note the pain throbbing in her hands.

Violet had done it again.

She had let herself get the better of her again.

"Oh Diego." Violet sunk to the floor and leant her back against the dirty, rusty metal of the bin. "I need you."

Her shaky hands rose to her eye level and saw bright, bloody colours of pink and red across each bump.

"You're going crazy, Eight." Violet let the degrading name slip from her lips before she could stop it.

"Well this is a first." Another voice joined her in the alleyway. "I thought I was the only nameless sibling in the family."

Violet looked up to see her brother Five in his Academy uniform once again, with a little less blood than the previous day.

Less blood than Violet at least.

"Hi Violet." He smiled, dimples showing in his cheeks.

"What did dearest Diego do now?" Five sighed as he walked up to her, peering down at her tear stain face and red painted knuckles.

"It was my fault." Violet moved her hands away and tucked them in her hoodie's pockets.

"Why do I have a feeling you say that a lot?" Five crouched down and took the hood from her head.

"Because it's true." Violet mumbled, keeping her head low with her full face now visible.

"I'm sure the reason I just saw Diego ride off in a cop car was not because of you." He knew that Diego was the most likely in the family to ride off in the back of a divi-van.

Klaus was most likely to ride off in the back of an Ambulance.

Luther was most likely to ride off in the back of a Rocket Ship.

Allison a limo.

Violet on Diego.

If you know what I mean.

"Well it was." Violet huffed, thinking Five had no idea what he was talking about.

"Enlighten me." Five sat down next to her, copying her position.

"Diego got arrested for Eudora's murder, Eudora wouldn't be dead if she didn't have to save my tied up ass from Hazel and Cha-Cha."

"But you wouldn't need saving if it wasn't for my ass leading Hazel and Cha-Cha to our home." Five finished for her.

"See? You don't always need to listen to that voice in your head."

Violet finally looked up at Five. She was confused as to how he would even know about her mental unstableness since he was missing for the duration of her lengthy stay at the hospital.

"If I know one thing in the world, I know the symptoms of insanity." Five read her confusion and answered.

"You think I'm insane." It wasn't a question, more of an unsurprised sigh.

"Maybe, but I also know there's one thing in this world that can pull you out of it." Five suddenly grew a distant smile.


Five was completely right, and Violet knew it. She had never, ever gotten her voice in her head, or felt like ripping her hair out whenever Diego was around, but when she felt him slipping away, everything just got worse.

"You were in love?" Violet asked gently, not wanting to touch on the subject if Five didn't want to, even if Five was very open about touching on hers.

"Her name was Dolores. I met her during my time in the apocalypse." He seemed more than happy to share with his sister. "We had forty good years together."

"Well it seems I'll only have two good nights with Diego since his ass will be in Jail for the remaining couple of days." Violet's face grew sad again.

"Violet." Five had a chuckle to his tone and Violet looked at him confusingly. "We're highly trained superheroes who have literal magic powers." Another smirk grew on his face.

"We're getting him out."

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"Sir, you've imprisoned my father! I don't have a stable economical income without him!" Five played the part of Diego's son to the receptionist at the Police Station.

He was doing a terrible job.

"No child talks like that." Violet whispered and stood on his toe from her invisible position next to him.

"I'm trying to get him out for you!" Five growled back, but to the receptionist, he was talking to air.

"Son, if you need help we will get you some. Some real help." The man's hand slowly reached for the telephone on his desk.

He was going to call a hospital.

"Okay Violet, we're doing this my way." Five cracked his neck and teleported behind the desk. "You might want to keep that number on the speed dial." He smiled at the very shocked and scared man who had nine-one-one logged into the phone.

"Five, be gentle." Violet pleaded, knowing the little boy's bloody history.

"Just this once." Five grabbed the telephone from the frightened man and whipped him over the head with it.

"Five!" Violet would've preferred asking him nicely to let them pass.

"What? I didn't even make him bleed." He shrugged tossing the phone next to his unconscious body.

"Urgh, move." Violet grumbled and crawled over the desk, knocking over many pens and papers.

"You think he's in the holding cells?" Violet asked, looking through all of the labeled keys in the drawer.

"No, I think he's in Mexico, yes he's in a holding cell." Five was an easily frustrated boy.

"Am I the only one who didn't know Diego was born in Mexico?" Violet asked as she casually tossed around the holding cell key.

"Well everyone knows that you were born in France and Vanya was born in Russia." Five shrugged.

"Wait - Vanya's Russian?" Now Violet was really baffled.

"Why do you think we had to learn eight different languages as kids?" Five tapped his foot impatiently "Each language was one of our native ones."

Violet was about to say something else seemingly clueless, but another man's voice interrupted her.

"Hey, you! You can't be back there." It was another Police Officer who was about to see the unconscious reception in about three seconds.

"You go get Diego, I'll deal with him." Five straightened up his blazer, getting ready for another round.

"Be nice." Violet asked of him and phased away from view.

"No dawdling!" Five yelled after her as she ran through the back door before he teleported in front of the officer who had just noticed the body.

Violet rushed down some concrete steps, having no idea if she was headed in the right way as she buzzed through different doors with the receptionist's key card she pick-pocketed, until she saw a sign that said HOLDING CELLS.

Violet smirked and rushed in, not making a sound, even as she skidded to a halt when she laid eyes on the man she was looking for.

Violet smirked as she saw him sitting on the small bench provided, his back leaning against the bars with his head thrown back and eyes closed.

Diego still hadn't heard her.

She walked up behind him, gripped the bars above his head and leaned into his ear.

"Hey there, beau gosse (hot guy)."

Diego didn't jump in fright like Violet wanted him to, instead, his eyes remained closed and a smirk grew on his face.

"I gotta say, I thought you'd be a bit quicker than that Querida (darling)."

"I thought you didn't want me to come?" Violet's hands ran down the bars and settled on his shoulders, her thumbs rubbing the skin on his neck soothingly.

"I didn't," Diego opened his eyes and looked straight at her, despite her invisibility. "But I knew you couldn't resist."

"Hurry up and get out of here, I'm going to go help Five." Violet rolled her eyes and dumped the keys in his lap through the bars.

"Wait, what the hell is Five doing here?" Diego instinctively grabbed her wrists from moving and her body jumped into view.

Her hoodie was over her head, trying to shadow her tear stained cheeks, and Diego looked down at his shoulders to see her red raw knuckles gripping him.

"It happened again." He looked at her with pity.

Violet hated it.

"It's okay, Five called me insane so I'm all better now." Violet patted his shoulders twice and wriggled away from him, Diego could only get so far.

"That little bastards gonna get it." Diego didn't really know the context of the whole 'insane' thing.

"Hurry up, we'll meet you in the alley near the back door." Violet vanished once more and raced off to find Five.

She was feeling saner already.

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"How are you feeling?" Diego asked Violet once they were back in the Academy.

"Fine." Violet shrugged, both her arms wrapped around his elbow as they walked to their rooms.

"Are you sure?" He wanted to double check, the state of her knuckles worried Diego.

"Psychosis can come in temporary forms, you know?" Five answered for her as he third wheeled beside them.

"Psychosis?" Diego glared at the short boy who walked on his other side.

"He means I'm a psychopath." Violet whispered to him with an amused smile.

"No, I mean the voice inside your head is a psychopath." Five leaned around Diego with his hand in his pockets to smile at Violet. "And it can be temporarily silenced by certain things that make you forget."

Diego's eyes slightly brightened when he heard this.

Violet had never gotten voices in her head when he was around. In fact, the only reason Diego knew about it was because the voice came back when he left her.

"Work." Violet piped when she noticed his sparkling pupils. "I never get them when I'm at work." His light slightly faded away.

Violet didn't know why, but she felt almost embarrassed if Diego knew she literally needed him to be sane.

"I'm probably too busy." She nodded slowly, looking at her boots as they walked.

"Well then that's what you should do." Five told her, but when she looked down at him, he was unconvinced.

"We need you to be in the right mind if you are to help us fight Jenkins and get Vanya back. You should go to work and I will come and get you when we are ready." Five tread lightly with his wording, but his eyes told a different story.

They were asking her if that was what she really wanted.

If you're going to be in the right mind, you need Diego.

Violet chewed her lip as she thought to herself.

"In the meantime, I think we need to get this one in the right mind set." Five skidded to a halt at one of their sibling's doors.


Klaus was lying shirtless in his bed, appearing to be attempting to knit but he had just made a huge knot with the yarn and needles.

"Oh, Klaus." Violet giggled and went to help him but Five teleported in the doorway to block her tracks.

"Go to work. I need to talk to my brothers here about our father." He was about to budge.

"They're my brothers too." Violet challenged by shoving his shoulder but, despite his smallness, he didn't move an inch.

"Ha! You banged your brother." Klaus laughed, still fiddling around with his wool.

"Adopted." Diego shrugged embarrassingly.

Five and Violet just ignored him as they were caught in an intense staring - more like glaring - match.

Five was winning.


Violet turned around, throwing her hair in his face as she stormed away.

Stormed away very quietly.

Diego, trailing behind her, was not very quiet.

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