Chapter 2 ~ Misunderstanding

"Guys!" Violet rushed out of her room in a panic and started running down the hall. Her clad boots should've been thudding against the hard floor but her powers silenced them.

She turned the corner in the hall and ran straight into Allison and Luther.

"What the hell is going on?" She asked, catching her breath.

"Come on." Luther grabbed the two girls by the arms lead them to the courtyard, Allison and Violet exchange quirked eyebrows.

When they made it outside, Diego and Vanya were already there, looking at the loud, blue light in the sky.

"Violet, stay back." Diego grabbed the girl from Luther and pushed her behind him, making her scoff.

"Don't get to close." Violet warned Luther as he started taking steps towards it.

"Yeah no shit." Diego mused.

Diego and Luther started bickering back and forwards, when Violet's attention was brought Klaus bursting through the door and yelling with a fire extinguisher in hand.

"Out of the way V!" Klaus pushed her aside and started spraying the blue hole in the sky with the chemicals before giving up and throwing the whole metal bottle.

It did absolutely nothing.

"You just made it angry!" Violet reached passed Deigo and grabbed Klaus by his fur coat to drag him back.

"Well do you have a better idea?" His tattooed hands were in the air in defence.

The blue light in the sky started sparking again and panic arose once more, but Violet started to notice something happening in the centre.

It looked like a man.

An old one too.

"Woah, woah, woah!" Luther noticed it too. "Stay behind me!" His number one instincts kicking in.

"Yeah, stay behind us." Diego's number two instincts kicking in as well.

Violet glanced to Allison to see what she was thinking, but all she noticed was how Allison held on tight to Luther's hand.

Then she noticed Diego's hand keeping her behind him, how she would feel so much better in a moment like this if she could just reached out and -

All of a sudden the lighting stopped and the courtyard fell silent, aside from a small thud against the ground.

"Is that a boy?" Violet tried to rush forwards but she was stopped by Diego again.

"Just wait a minute-" He tried but Violet just rolled her eyes and turned invisible to easily manoeuvre around him.

"Come back." Diego frantically looked through the air for her but it was hopeless, until she appeared again next to the mysterious, groaning boy.

"Five." The number left Violet's lips so softly she's not sure if anyone even heard her. Except it wasn't  just a number, it was a name.

"Is that a little number Five or am I just high?" Klaus asked as the whole group approached.

"I think its both." Diego's head tilted slightly as the boy finally looked up, each and every one of them would know that face anywhere.

"Shit." Five sighed after looking himself up and down.

"Lets – lets get you inside." Violet didn't know what to do as she tried to help him limp to the door.

The completed Umbrella Academy soon found themselves in the basement kitchen, all staring at Five who was making himself a peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich.

"What's the date, the exact date." Five spoke and Violet could tell his mind was running through a million different things.

"The twenty-fourth." Vanya answered and Violet watched Five tick with irritation.

"Of." He clarified.

"March, two thousand and nineteen." Violet answered for him.

"Thankyou, Violet." Five paused what he was doing to take a good look at his sister. "I've missed you." He said sincerely before resuming his intense thinking.

"She's too old for you." Diego's eyed bored into Five.

"Actually she's too young." He corrected and put on his famous smirk Violet remembered too well.

"Are we going to talk about what just happened?" Luther interjected, already treating this like some sort of mission, but was ignored.

"You've been gone for seventeen years." He stood up from his seat to try an intimidate Five but, despite his height, Five stood just as tall.

"Its been a lot longer than that." Five just teleported behind Luther to get to the cupboard he needed, but Five's words sparked a light bulb in Violet's head.

"You went to the future." Violet whispered, more of a question than statement.

"Actually I got stuck in the future, but I guess you could say that." He teleported back to his sandwich.

"It's shit by the way."

"Called it." Klaus laughed like he always did.

"I should've listened to the old man, jumping through space is one thing, but jumping through time is a toss of the dice." Five spoke to himself.

"You don't have to say that, he pushed you into jumping. If he had listened to you, he could've trained you and stopped you from going missing." Violet scoffed just thinking about her dead father.

"Its okay V, I think we've come to an . . .  understanding now." He said and started eating his sandwich.

"Don't tell me you guys are buddies in the future." Diego laughed.

"He's dead, dingus. What part of the future don't you understand?" Five clenched his jaw at his idiotic brother, then his eyes laid on his other idiotic brother.

"Nice dress." He complimented Klaus who was wearing one of Allison's skirt.

"Oh, well danke." Klaus curtsied from his position on the table. "Its very breathy on the bits, if you know what I mean." He giggled.

"How did you get back?" Vanya asked and Five replied with a very lengthy answer about projecting consciousness and math equations.

"That makes no sense." Diego shook his head at his little – or older – brother's words.

"Well it would if you were smarter." Five pursed which set Deigo off as he jumped up from his seat ready to have a go at him.

"Diego!" Violet grabbed him by the belt and yanked him back.

"Get off me!" Deigo turned around to push her off, but as he did, his knife covered belt drew a long red line up her forearm as he twisted.

Violet didn't say anything, she only hissed in pain and clutched her arm.

"Oh my God, V." His tone immediately changed when he saw what he had done.

"Its Violet, asshole." She corrected. Only people she liked got to call her that.

"I didn't mean to I'm -" Diego tried to apologise but he was cut off.

"Jesus Diego! First you punch my sister and now you're slicing her up!" Klaus announced to the whole room who turned to Diego holding her bloodied arm with his bloodied knife strapped to his waist.

It was not a good look.

"What the hell Diego!" Allison was the first to react.

"It was an accident!" He defended.

"Doesn't look like it." Vanya pointed to where his blade.

"You don't get a say in this." Diego snapped at Vanya.

"Or what, you're going to slice her up too?" Luther asked and Violet felt Diego's hand tightening in a fist around her wrist, only causing her more pain.

"Diego you're – " Violet tried to get his hand off of her.

"It was an accident! I didn't m . . . I didn't m – m – m," Deigo stuttered over his words as he got accusations thrown at him from everyone.

He really didn't mean to. The last thing Deigo would ever do is intentionally hurt Violet. He tried not to show it, but he still cared just as much about her as he did before they parted ways.

Violet would've defended him if he wasn't actually starting to hurt her as his fist got tighter and tighter.

"Diego you're hurting her even more!" Five was the first to notice Violet's struggles and teleported to them, shoving Diego away from her.

"That is quite enough!" Pogo interrupted them and they all fell silent, Five not standing down his guard in front of Violet, glaring at Deigo who was still in shock of what he had done.

"Miss Violet," Pogo's eyes slightly widened when he saw the gash on her arm. "Let's go get you patched up."

The French girl stood up, still clutching her shaking arm that throbbed, and followed Pogo out of the basement and to the small medical wing.

"Unbelievable." She heard Five say as they left and then the familiar sound of him teleporting.

"Let's get you patched up sweetie." Her mother stood in a nurses uniform with a needle and thread.

"Will it hurt?" Violet felt like a child again, scared of needles.

"Only for a second." She smiled at her and got to work on her arm.

Violet needed eight whole stitches.

But she would never blame Diego for what happened, it truly was an accident.

"I'm terribly sorry Miss Violet, I thought bringing you all together would bring some light into this house." Pogo felt guilty for what happened. "I guess I was wrong."

"Its not your fault Pogo." Violet assured, examining her stiches. "Its no one's. We're just, not the same people we used to be."

"I can see that now." Pogo looked to Violet with such kind eyes. "You should head home, get some rest."

"I think that's a good idea." Violet agreed and stood up off the medical bench. "After I leave, could you do something for me?" She asked Pogo.

"Anything for you Miss Violet." He nodded and Violet held out a small piece of paper.

"Could you give this to Diego before he leaves?"

"Of course."

"I'll see you around, Pogo." Violet waved goodbye before silently leaving the room.

She thought it best to leave unnoticed and invisible, sneaking past Klaus who was dancing around the halls and she took one last glance at everyone gathered in the living room from the entry hall, before opening and closing the Umbrella Academy door, leaving them behind her.

No one saw, or heard her leave.

Violet couldn't help but sigh when she got back to her dingy apartment, throwing her now ripped shirt off and putting her pyjamas straight on.

That's what you get for thinking going was a good idea

She told herself as she poured herself a hot tea.

At least I got to see him

She took the tea to bed.

You barely even talked to him

Violet groaned silently at her thoughts.

Then it's a good thing I left that letter.

She finished her cup of tea and snuggled into her sheets.

This time, she had a very good sleep, dreaming about Diego.

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"How was the funeral?" Damien asked her the next day on her night shift.

"Huh?" She snapped out of polishing the same glass for the passed five minutes. "Oh, right."

"So?" He pressured.

"Well it wasn't much of a funeral." She shrugged.

"My long lost brother turned up before we could and then I had a little accident with my other brother."

Violet showed her boss her arm.

"Your brother did that to you?" Damien didn't know whether to be shocked or horrified.

"It was all a big misunderstanding." She shook her head remembering how things had gotten so out of hand so quickly, but that was the way things always went at the Umbrella Academy.

"Uh-huh." He eyed her sceptically before being interrupted by Police sirens driving past the pub.

"Chuck on the news, V." He told her quickly and she
flicked the channel off the football which earned some groans around the pub.

"Its half time soon anyways." Violet clicked her tongue at the older, drunk men and switched her eyes to the tv.

"Someone shot up the donut place?" Damien was just as confused as everyone else.

"That is weird." She agreed but her mind did go to one place.


"Well we might have to call the cops here soon enough." One of the waitresses, Abigail, joined them at the bar, handing over dirty glasses.

"That boy over there is going to get himself in trouble." She sounded amused in her southern accent.

"Causing trouble?" Damien groaned, really not in the mood to deal with drunks.

"Not really. He just keeps asking for a lot of alcohol, but he doesn't look a day over twelve!" Abigail laughed.

"Is that so?" Violet had a feeling she knew who the culprit was.

"Uh-huh, and what's worse is I think he's got his eye out for you, V." The waitress winked and walked away giggling.

"Allow me." Violet stopped Damien from dealing with her brother, wanting to talk to him herself.

"You're not allowed to drink yet." Violet joined Five in his booth in the corner.

"Like I told that Texas girl, I think I'll live." He smiled tiredly at her. In such a young body, Violet really could see the old man he had become.

"What's wrong, Five?" She asked on a more serious note, her voice lowering.

"I need to talk to you about something important." Five folded his hands together on the table and started leaning in close.

"And at the moment, you are the only one I trust in this world." His words flattered Violet very much.

"You can tell me anything." She assured.

"The world is ending in eight days." He deadpanned and Violet just fluttered her eyelashes in response.

"Why don't I get you a drink." She thought they might be there for a while.

Five explained everything to Violet that night, about how he got stuck in the future, how he had found the family dead and about the glass eye he had found in Luther's hand.

"I know it's a lot to comprehend, but you need to trust me Violet, and stay smart. Stay sane." Five's words were strong and, even though is final words had rubbed her the wrong way, it seemed he had had a lot more experience with this kind of thing than her.

"I'll do my best." Violet was truthful, she would really do anything for her brother.

"Good." He sculled down the last of his drink Violet had so generously poured for him. "How about you sleep on it, and I'll meet you again on your next shift."

"That sounds like a good idea." Violet wanted nothing more than to rest.

"Do you mind if I walk you home? There's some shady people out tonight." Five asked, tossing a few coins on the bench for Abigail.

"That'd be nice." She laughed lightly at how silly it sounded coming from such a small boy.

They walked down the snowy sidewalk to down town where her apartment was, acting just like old times.

"You're telling me you caused that ruckus at the donut shop?" Violet was slightly amused.

"I didn't cause it, but I sure as hell ended it." Five shrugged modestly.

"And with a butterknife too?" She was still shocked.

"That was not my first rodeo with those guys, and they'll be back soon enough." He sighed tiredly.

"You know, I thought it was Diego, but I guess I was thinking of the wrong brother." She laughed at the coincidence.

"Is that the only reason you thought of him?" Five looked up at her with a hint of a smirk.

"Don't get too big for your shorts, boy." She warned, her smile fading.

"I was only wondering." He backed off. "In fact, we crossed paths after." Her eyes lit up again and Five noticed it.

"He was going to play Batman." He explained.

"You mean Bargain Batman." Both of the siblings started laughing until they reach the door to her apartment.

"Speak of the devil." Five's eyes narrowed in the dark and he saw a man clad in black walking towards them.

"Have fun sis." And he teleported out of there before Violet could even realise what was going on.

"Violet?" The dark figure called and Violet instantly recognised the voice.

"Diego." She sighed. She wasn't expecting him to show up so soon.

"Was that Five?" As he got closer, she could see the features in his face more. He looked like he had a rough night.

"Uh, yeah. He wanted to walk me home." Her breath drew smoke in the cold air.

"Yeah, that's good of him, good idea." Diego didn't really know what to say. He clutched the small piece of paper Pogo had delivered to him the previous day, but he wasn't sure if he was doing the right thing.

"Its cold." Violet whispered as he took another step closer to her. "I should head inside."

"Right – of course. I shouldn't have come – its so lat-"

"Wanna join me?" She nodded her head towards the front door that was lit up by a dull yellow bulb. "I don't want you to freeze out here."

"Lead the way." His shoulders started to relax and they walked inside together to the small, dark elevator.

The whole way up to the fourth floor was in complete silence. Diego just kept clutching the small note in his hands and Violet was sure he heard him muttering something to himself.

"Picture . . . in mind." He rambled silently to himself.
Violet found it cute.

"Home sweet home." She announced as they entered room eight.

"This is where you live?" Diego inspected each corner of the small apartment.

"Its not much but its home." Violet dumped her coat on the couch and started the kettle on the stove.

"This is – this is nice." He nodded approvingly.

"You're joking right?" She quirked. Her apartment was far from nice.

"Well I live in the boiler room of a boxing gym and my rent consists of Janitorial work." Diego and Violet really did have more in common than they thought.

"I feel you there. The only reason I got my hands on this place is cause I do a few side jobs for the owner." She started pouring two cups of hot chocolates.

"Side jobs?" Diego's mind went straight to the gutter.

"Ew! No! What is wrong with you?" Violet almost spilt the hot liquid on him as she handed it over, whether it was on purpose or not was a mystery.

"Hot chocolate, hey?" He brought the cup up to his nose to smell.

"It reminded me of . . . of when you would come to room from across the hall, expect this time is across the city." Violet shrugged, keeping her eyes away from his.

"Coffee would've been fine, but I guess this works." She couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Pogo gave me this." He placed the small note on the coffee table in front of the couch they sat on either ends of. "What does it mean?"

"What, can't you read or something." Violet got defensive the moment anything became too serious for her liking.

"I know what it says, but what does it mean?" He urged. For some reason, Violet was the one to be lost for words.

She looked down at the note to read what she a written.

I don't blame you

I never did

When you're ready, come find me

63 McCalister Street.

"You can't tell me to come find you and then not talk to me." Diego scooted slightly closer to her, but she scooted slightly away.

"I said when you're ready. I thought you'd be doing the talking." Violet said quietly, keeping her eyes on her knees.

"I kept my promise you know." He started for her. "I really did try to find you, but it was like . . . like you were invisible." He wasn't sure if that was the right thing to say , but he was just glad he got them out all in one sentence.

"Invisible?" Violet scoffed. "Nice choice of words."

"Okay, that was a bit of a reach, but you know what I mean." Diego started to have a slight plead to his voice. "Why do you think I went to dad's stupid funeral in the first place?"

"So what? You said you'd find me, and now you did. Now what?" Violet crossed her arms over her chest and started tapping her foot anxiously.

Diego's tone completely changed.

"Maybe we can try going back to how things used to be." He smirked, straightening his shoulders.

"Used to be?" Violet really hoped this wasn't going where she thought it was.

"Yeah, like meet up at night, hot chocolates, and then a little fun." Diego thought wrong.

"Please, Diego." She groaned.

"Oh come on, is that not what you want?" He raised his eyebrows at her questioningly.

"What I want is to have a talk with a mature adult." Violet stopped her foot tapping to stomp it, only amusing Diego more.

"Right, you're the mature one."

"You are so unbelievable right now." Violet uncrossed her arms and stood up from the couch.

"This was a mistake."

"Hold on a minute, we can't just end this here." He stood up to stop her from running away. "I haven't finished my hot chocolate."

"I'm not dealing with you tonight, I liked you better when you were nervous." She sighed deeply. "I just got back from work and Five told me to get some rest." She started heading for her bedroom.

"So you'll listen to Five and not me?" He scoffed.

"He just asked for my help a really important and possibly life threatening situation that my mind needs well rested if I am able to give him my full focus." Violet started rubbing her temple's with her forefingers.

"You can't just leave me, you told me to come find you, and I did. You let met find you." Diego dropped his cocky act and started reaching for her before she could make it to her room.

"I know I did, and if Five had gotten to me before I would've told you to come by some time else, but we'll talk sometime in the future. I promise." She had finally reached the door where she slept.

"Maybe I could help you and Five – or – or -" He really didn't want to see her walk away again.

"Goodnight, Diego." Violet glanced behind her at his frowned face one more time before disappearing behind her door.

"Goodnight, Violet." She heard him whisper sadly and then the soft thumps of his boots. Only when she was sure she heard her apartment door close did she finally allow herself to breathe.

I am such a horrible person.

Violet started to sob to herself, leaning on her bedroom door.

If Five is right, that won't matter in eight days.

Her eyes were squeezed shut so tight she started to see colours.

That means you've got eight days to make it up to Diego.

Violet somehow made her way to her bed and sobbed herself to sleep thinking about the knife throwing man who was just in her living room.

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