Captain (Total Accurate Battle Simulator) Evil Pirate Ch30

Captains are powerful units of the pirate faction. Equipped with a cutlass and a flintlock, they will blast their way through far-away enemies while slashing and kicking any that comes near. When need be, they can parry enemy strikes, avoiding melee damage.

Classification: Pirate Faction Unit

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, weapon mastery(Can parry melee attacks of comparable units), and resistance to fear manipulation(Powerful units are typically more resistant to fear than fodder units)

Attack Potency: At least Wall level+

Speed: Supersonic+(Can keep up with other units, some of which can dodge tank shells)

Lifting Strength: Class 10(Shouldn't be too far behind Bank Robbers, who can lift large safes)

Striking Strength: At least Wall level+

Durability: Wall level+

Stamina: Average

Range: Standard melee range, tens of meters with Flintlock

Standard Equipment: Captain's Cutlass and Flintlock Blunderbuss

Intelligence: At least Above Average
