Chapter 32

#ripnic and #staystrongaaron

nic was so young and it's a shame that he had to die now when such a future was ahead of him. he is, however, in a better place now away from all the pain and war in life. nic, you will be dearly missed

I know its a few days after-the-fact, but still, please make sure to keep Aaron's family in your prayers. they need all the support and love that they can get and I know that the fandom can play a huge part by really comforting them over tweets, dm's, and comments.

this chapter will mostly be in Aaron's point of view just to honor his family.

• Aaron's POV •

"Maia, I'm scared!" I yelled while running up the stairs to Ally's room.

She approached me and gave me one of her world-famous Maia Hugs. "Baby, shh," she cooed while patting my back, "It's gonna be okay. What's wrong?"

"Shawn and Matt are fighting," I waled.

I immediately stood up. "They're what?" The look on her face was filled with anger, sadness, and disappointment.

Maia let go of me and stood by Ally's side. "Why are they fighting?"

"Shawn was simply asking Matt why he did the thing to the guitar and then something else and blah, blah, blah," I huffed. Honestly, I wasn't paying much attention. Maia was on my mind the entire time.

She's honestly my entire world. When we met, it was like everything stopped, and it was just me and her. That's why I left Taylor there on the bench, because I truely thought we were the only ones. She's so beautiful; brown hair that's a few inches longer than shoulder length, shorter than me, hypnotic brown eyes, and a smile that can make a person faint. I want her to be mine and only mine.

Whenever I talk to Maia on the phone, my day can turn from a bad day to a good day. She can brighten anyone's mood almost immediately.

I love her so much. Maybe when the time comes, I'll pop the question. That is, if we're still together. We're still young and dumb.

I want us to be together, and I hope she does too. But my teenage instincts tell me that soon enough, we'll be going to parties together, and when I get drunk, I'll mess around with other girls. Its every ending to what seems like every perfect relationship.

A hand snapped in my face. "Aaron? Aaron. Earth to Aaron," Maia repeated. I completely zoned out.

"Yes?" I shook my head.

"Dude," Ally giggled, "You've been staring at Maia for five minutes non-stop. Are you, like, in Maiatopia?"

Maia's eyes widened. "There's such thing?"

We all laughed. I smiled at Maia's laugh, and she just hugged me. Then we kissed for what seemed like thirty seconds.

Ally started to walk downstairs. "I'm uncomfortable," she sassily mumbled.


• Matt's POV •

"You know what?" I yelled, knocking down a counter stool. "I'm done! What ever happened to bro's before hoes, huh Shawn?"

"You're asking me that question?" Shawn argued. "And for your information, I don't like her. We're friends. What ever happened to just friends, huh Matt? Because you seem to not know what the term, 'she doesn't like you' means."

I took a step back and pretended to be offended. "Oh, look who's arguing now! Seems like the Innocent Canadian is trying to change his title."

"Enough!" Cameron screamed. "Enough, enough, enough! You two are acting like little brats right now. Being the oldest one of you all, I have to take the biggest responsibility of being that older brother. Right now, I'm taking the role of the father figure, since you two obviously need your parents around. Gosh, if they heard what you did Matt, your parents would be so infuriated with you! And Shawn, I know that your parents expect more out of you then getting into such a fight. You men are going to be adults soon, Matt being the closest to one. Its time you start acting like one. Now, Nash, would you like to throw napkins at nearby bushes?"

"Hell yes!" Nash yelled.

Cameron took a package of 100 napkins out the pantry and took off with Nash.

Such adults.

Slow clapping appeared from the living room. We all turned our heads to see who it was. It was Ally. "Bravo. That speech was truely wonderful and included great details on how you two should act. Shawn, you're somewhat off the hook, but I'll discuss this with you later. Matthew Lee Espinosa, you oughta be ashamed of yourself for trying to poison an almost brotherly figure out of jealousy," she said. Ally took a deep breath in. "I never thought that after more than a year, you would be the one to do this. I honestly thought that Carter would be the first to do this."

"Who, me?" Carter asked. "What the fuck!"

Ally nodded. "Then Taylor."

Taylor shrugged and started to giggle. "Actually, I would do that."

"Then me, right?" Hayes questioned.

"Hayes, you couldn't pull this off for shit," Nash stated while entering the house through the front door.

Hayes punched his brother's arm. "Don't you have some napkin throwing to do?"

"Yeah, we did," Cameron huffed, "but Nash dumped the entire package on one bush."

"Sorry! I didn't know we were supposed to use each napkin for each bush individually."

Cameron rolled his eyes. "Amature."

"Oh, what the hell did you just call me?"

As Nash and Cameron began an argument, the entire kitchen erupted with everyone else's voices arguing, as well. I rolled my eyes and went to the living room, where I opened a window and slipped out of the house, completely unnoticed.

This is too easy.

"Amatures," I snickered.


ohmalord what's goin onnnnnn


ive decided to keep the book up due to the love and support you all generously give to me. thank u for that((: btw omg we got to 50k and I am eternally grateful so thank you sososo much! big hugs to you all

big reminder: if you want to be Cameron or Taylor's girlfriend in the story, you still have time to comment your name, hair and eye color, height, age, and hobbies! I need more people to sign up for that so I can pick the lucky winner((:

aaaaanyways, I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter and if ya did don't forget to vote and comment!

luv and napkins,

- ash
