Chapter 26

(A/N: just, just so you know, the floor is lava, so chill. dude, man, you just lost - Shawn Mendes)

(another A/N: who would read my Shawn or Matt fanfic if I made one?)

(another A/N omg: don't forget to vote & comment ๐Ÿ˜Œโค๏ธ)

โ€ข Unknown's POV โ€ข

After hearing the news about Jack G, Johnson dropped everything and ran into the kitchen. He started hitting all the walls and breaking things. Nash ran into the room to try calming him down.

Nash grabbed Johnson's shoulders and pulled him back from anything fragile that he could break. "Stop it, man."

Johnson grabbed Nash's hands and threw them off of his shoulders. He ran back into the kitchen and continued breaking things.

"Jack, seriously, stop it. You're breaking Ally's belongings," Nash stated while grabbing Johnson again.

"Lay off me, bro!" Jack yelled. "He's dead, my fucking best friend is dead! How the fuck do you think I'm going to take this?"

Nash looked around the room before talking. "Pretty hard, but that doesn't mean you can destroy property. Dude, look at what your doing."

The kitchen was filled with broken china and glass. The cabinets had scratches on them and the window had multiple handprints. In Taylor's thoughts, it's as if werewolves made love in the kitchen.

Jack heavily breathed, then jumped over the counter to tackle Nash. Cameron jumped in to stop the fight, but he ended up being punched in the nose.

Ally ran into the kitchen to break everything up. "Boys, stop this immaturity! Face it like real men instead of violence. You idiots are not only destroying my kitchen, but your friendship. What happened to best buds?"

"Jack was my best bud. That was; until he died," Johnson said coldly. He continued punching Cameron and Nash. Then, something happened. Jack's eyes turned a deep shade of red and his fangs came out. He stood up and grabbed cash (see what I did there) by their shirt collars. Jack threw them into the other room and walked out the door.

Ally's eyes widened. "What's with him?" She whispered to Brent.

Brent replied, "He's gone full vampire. This hasn't happened since the Bart incident. Jack's power is super strength-meaning he can flip over anything in sight. It's pretty cool."

"He's probably going to find eyebrow boy.." Carter mumbled.

Aaron elbowed Carter. "Shut up, rice boy. Now is not the time for jokes."

Aaron was right; now was not the right time for jokes. It was, however, the right time for searching for Jack and Jack. And, if all goes to plan, Matt.

Ally thought for a second. "Hey, Brent? Can you tell me everyone's powers?"

Brent nodded. "Nash can read minds, Cameron can make men and women faint with just his smile, Gilinsky shares the same power as Johnson, I have the ability to become invisible and time travel, Taylor...I'll tell you about him later, Aaron is like some kind of Spider-Man, Matt has atmokinesis, Carter has superhuman endurance and water breathing, Hayes has night vision, Shawn has power mimicry, and you, you have the power of healing."

Her face full of shock, Ally asked multiple questions. One of them being about Taylor.

"Well," Brent awkwardly took a deep breath in, "Taylor has an odd power. Multiple fans call him a tease, or a seduction beast. Wanna know why?" He laughed. "Taylor has the power of being a sex magnet. I know, I know; hard to believe. But it's true. If any of the girl super villains try to fight us, Taylor will charm them and lead them to a bedroom. They think something's going down, but really, Taylor just bites them and kills them."

Ally awkwardly looked behind her and at Taylor, who remained smirking.

"Is Shawn going to be okay?" She asked again. She's been asking that repeatedly.

Hayes turned around to face her and crossed his arms. "Why? Do you loooooooooove him?" He smirked.

Ally gave a dull look and slapped his cheek while waking away. "Shut up, Haaasss."


Meanwhile, Matt and Jake kneeled behind a bushed, watching the drama that they caused.

Matt didn't know what to feel. His emotions were tied up in a knot.

Jake, on the other hand, was happy as can be. I mean; he just killed a Magcon Boy. One step (out of many) to being closer to get back Ally. But what would be in it for Matt? They both like her. She obviously doesn't have any feelings for Jake, and got over Matt. Basically, they would fight in dominance over Ally, which is a complete waste of time. Well, not really...

"Hey, Matt, bro," Jake pointed out to the scene. "We did it. One down, eight to go. Am I right?"

Matthew didn't respond. In fact, he had a small tear form in his eye. What did he just do?

All of the sudden, a boy about the same age of Gilinsky ran to the car. His hair was blonde, his eyes a deep shade of red. Matt pulled his hoodie over his head and ran over towards the news lady to get a better look.

"Where is he?" Johnson asked. "Where is my best friend?"

The news anchor had a look of shock upon her face and tried to explain that she had no further information other than that he passed.

Jack ran over to the bush Jake was in almost immediately. Matt ran behind a tree to hear.

Jack grabbed Jake by the neck and slammed him against the front part of the tree Matt was hiding behind. "You did this," Jack yelled, "to my best friend; my brother! My god damn life!"

You could hear the pain in Jack's voice, while Jake; Jake only laughed a raspy laugh.

"I did, fluffcake. What are you going to do about it?"

There was a heavy breath and a thump. Jake threw Jake to the ground.

"Kill me," Jack said confidently.

Matt's eyes opened wide. He whispered a soft 'no.'

Jake laughed again. "What?"

"Kill me," Jack repeated, even more confident then the first. "If Jack dies, I die with him. It's our brotherly promise."

{A/N: just a quick reminder-both Jacks can die if killed by another vampire. Any of them can}

Jake looked astonished. He looked around before responding. "I--"

"If you don't kill me, I'll do it myself."



short-ish chapter, sue me. the next chapter for sure will be focusing on Shawn and Johnson.

comment when I should update next ๐Ÿ˜Œ

luv you all,

- Ashley
