Chapter 3

• Ally's POV •

The next morning, I was awoken by something steaming hot falling on my chest. "Ouch, okay, why the hell is there coffee on me?"

"I'm sorry, Ally. I was trying to bring you breakfast in bed, but as you could see, it didn't really work out well." I woke up to Shawn's face.

Oh. "Aww, thank you so much, Shawn." I kissed Shawn on the cheek.

"You know, Cam's gonna be pissed when he finds out that you kissed Shawn." Carter said, entering the room right as Shawn left.

Oh, if only they knew.

"And THAT, that is exactly why you aren't going to tell him." I smiled.

Carter threw his hands up into the air, as if to surrender. "I can't make any promises!"

"Oh, Carter. You really are something, aren't you?"

"Something sexy? Then yes."

"No, just...different." I laughed.

"HAY. Just because I don't hump a rug like Taylor doesn't mean I'm different." Carter threw his hands up in the air again.

I threw my head back and laughed.

We were interupted by a knock. "May I come in?" Cam asked.

"Yeah, we were just finishing up." Carter winked at me. God, he makes everything sound so weird.


"#cally..." Carter whispered on his way out.

"Shut up." I hissed at him. Carter only smirked and walked away.

"Morning." Cameron sat on the edge of my bed. He was shirtless...and for some reason I couldn't stop staring at his abs.

STAAAAAHHP! The. plan.

"Good morning to you as well." I smiled. "Hey, I should probably get dressed..mind leaving? I don't wanna sound rude or anything."

"Oh, yeah, totally." He scratched the back of his neck, and I knew that he felt super awkward. "I'll talk to you later, I guess."

When Cameron was fully out of my room and sight, I grabbed my phone and turned on some music. I honestly love getting ready in the morning with music playing, because music is my life. I don't know what I would do without it.

The first song that came on was "Kiss Me Kiss Me" by 5SOS.

Whenever I play music while getting ready in the morning, I seem to always do everything so fast. I was like a flowing river. Just going with the flow.

Before I did anything, I showered. I shaved my legs, and made sure that all my shampoo was washed out before I applied some conditioner. After that, I stepped out of the shower and dried my hair.

The song "#GETITRIGHT" by Miley Cyrus came on. I loved that song, it had such a good beat. I started to move my feet a little.

I then quickly took off my super-long night shirt and pulled on a sports bra, then covered that with a grey t-shirt that read "okay." in the middle written in a darker grey color. I grabbed some white high wasted shorts and my white converse hightops.

Then I rushed into the bathroom and did my makeup until I realized something. I looked like complete SHIT. My face was super pale, and my eyes were starting to turn red. I ignored it and put on some mascara, eyeliner, Eos Lip Balm, and contacts that made my eyes look the color they used to be (before becoming a vampire), dark brown. After that, I tied my still slightly wet hair into a bun on top of my head. I was ready.

I hopped downstairs to the kitchen, where a "good morning, Ally" was chanted all around.

Taylor slid behind me and took out my hair bun. "Hey!" I yelled at him.

"Honey, the bun needs to go." He looked at me with a serious face while all the boys were laughing. When he took out the hair tie, my soft, wavy, dark dark brown hair was revealed. All the boys stopped laughing.

"Hey, Nash." Brent elbowed Nash. "Don't you like brunettes?"

"Shut up, Brent." Nash smirked.

"Ally, come over here." Cam motioned me to him. I then slowly walked over to him. He smiled and pulled me in for a big bear hug. Then I smelled something weird.

"Cam, did you shower this morning? You smell like shit." I told him. Cameron blushed and got super embarrassed.

"I guess I should do that now.." Cam looked at me and smiled. A laugh came from Matt, idk why. Then, Cam tried to kiss me on the cheek, and in the background, I could see Matt's jaw tightened. I shot him a look, and hesitated Cam's kiss. Matt's jaw slowly relaxed.


After Cam left, I stood up and walked over to Matt. "You're jealous. I saw your jaw tighten when he tried to kiss me." I smirked.

"Am not. If he kissed you, then, you know...he would kiss you. End of story." Matt looked up at the ceiling.

"And if I tried to kiss you..?"

"Then you'd kiss me. I told you, END OF STORY." Matt started to tighten up.

I then sat on his lap. "So, you wouldn't mind....this?" I got close to his face.

He leaned in about an inch. "You don't wanna do this, Rain. Stop it."

"Make me." I leaned in closer until our noses were about touching.

"I.." Matt drifted off, and lifted my chin up with his index finger. He leaned in until our lips were brushing against each other. I slowly stopped.

This kid is a good kissers! Like damn.

He smiled and leaned in again. I heard gasps across the room, so I drew back and looked sideways at all the boys. Their mouths were wide open. I didn't care though, for some reason, all I could care about was the feeling of Matt's lips against mine. I craved more, also.

I looked at Carter, who was smirking the whole time. What could be going on in that silly little mind of his now? I winked at him and then turned back to Matt.

Matt and I leaned in again and kissed for a while. One of my hands was on his chest, while the other was around his neck. He had both of his hands wrapped around my waist. Then, he raised up one arm in victory, while all the other boys clapped. I giggled and stopped kissing him. We smiled at each other.


It's been like 10 minutes already, and I've been laughing with the boys while cuddling with Matt on his lap. Cameron all the sudden walked in on Matt lifting my chin up with his index finger, as if to kiss me again.

Cam tightened his jaw and made fists with his hands. He ran away, filled with anger.



k bye.

- Ashley <3
