Chapter 5

I woke up on someone's chest. I remember falling asleep on Soda's shoulder while watching Mickey, but he was sitting on the floor. I looked up and seen Dally. He was asleep and I was laying on top of him. When did this happen?

"Ouuu" Pony says when he realizes I'm awake. My face got red and my body was burning up. I would have moved by now but I didn't want to wake Dally up. He looked really cute when he was sleeping. I almost felt like we were a couple here. A few minutes later Dally groaned and opened his eyes. I smiled when he looked at me. He looked a little confused for a second but then he smiled back.

"You guys are cute" Pony teased. Dally threw a pillow at Pony, then I sat up, blushing again. Dally sat up, trying to hide his smile, which was extremely cute. Johnny looked up at me and gave a little grin, he was adorable.

"Lets watch some more Mickey" Two-bit says and I think everyone in the room rolled their eyes.

"Hey you wanna get out of here?" Dally whispers. I looked at him surprisingly and nodded my head. We stood up and Dally winked at Darry when he smiled at us. What was that? We walked outside and he took my hand in his. I never felt this way before, butterflies in my belly, getting nervous whenever he came around, I guess this was what love felt like?

"Where are we going?" I ask breaking the silence.

"Drive-in" He says, letting go of my hand and taking out a cigarette. "Can actually watch something besides Mickey"

Shortly after we arrived to the drive-in. There was a line to pay so I got in. Dally looked at me and shook his head. He pulled me to the side and crawled under the fence. I crawled under enough for Dally to pull me up. I brushed the dirt off my pants and Dally took my hand again. We walked to two empty seats behind a bunch of guys, they must have been socs because they dressed a lot more fancy. The movie started and the socs in front of us started talking really loud and I think it started frustrating Dally.

"Hey, shut up" Dally says kicking the back of one of their chairs. They all became silent and turned around facing us. They starting laughing and mocking Dally. His jaw clenched and I nearly died. I hated fights and I didn't want to be anywhere near one right now so I placed my hand on Dally's and just shook my head. He looked forward and the socs settled down.

"I'm going to get some popcorn and soda, want anything?" Dally asks standing up.

"Popcorn please"

Dally walked to a little shack thing and I continued watching the movie. A soc wearing a blue sweatshirt turned around and looked me up and down.

"Hey greaser" He said. I looked at him and focused back to the movie. "Look at me while I'm talking to you" He growled. I glared at him and again looked back at the screen. This time he never said a thing, he got off his chair and pulled a blade out from his pocket.

My heart started to beat faster and faster by the second. I was praying Dally would be here any second. The soc slowly starting walking toward me with a greasy grin on his face. He quickly pushed me off my chair and dropped down right beside me, with the blade right under my chin. Here we go again I thought to myself.

I closed my eyes just like last time, and I heard Dally's voice. This time I wasn't dreaming. This time he actually jumped right over me and starting punching and kicking the soc. Dally picked me up off the ground.

"Are you okay, god I shouldn't have left you alone" He said putting a loose strand of hair behind my ear. I smiled and that told him I was okay. Soda was right, Dally was the toughest of the gang.

"Let me bring you home" He says and walks me to the fence again. He seemed so frustrated again. I really didn't mind, I mean Darry can't expect all the boys to stick to me 24-7.

"Im really sorry Hannah, I can't keep letting this happen, do not tell Darry okay, this'll never happen with me again ok I promise" Dally says kicking his feet across the dirt road.

"Dally it's really okay, I'm not hurt, I won't tell Darry anything" I said as we soon reached the house.

"Im heading to Buck's, I'll see you tomorrow, I'm sorry this never went well"

"Dally stop apologizing, please" I giggled. He looked deep into my eyes, then started leaning forward, my eyes grew a little wide then I started leaning in to. His lips smashed on mine, I immediately felt sparks. Our lips were moving in perfect sync. He slowly leaned back, and smiled.

"Goodnight Hannah" He said and kissed my forehead before turning around and walking toward Buck's. I stood outside for like five minutes to make sure what just happened was real. I definitely wasn't dreaming this time. I really just had my first kiss, with Dally.

I went inside when the wind started to pick up.

"Hannah it's late, are you alright?" Darry asks standing up.

"Yeah I was with Dally, we went to the drive-in" I smiled, I was still stunned at what just happened.

"Soda's already in bed" Darry says.

"Okay thanks, I'm gonna head to bed now too actually, goodnight guys" I said to Darry, Pony, Johnny and Two-bit. Steve must have went home to sleep too, he and Soda had to work in the morning.

I crawled into bed with Soda, still smiling.

"Fun night?" Soda asks looking at me smiling.

"The best" I replied. It was absolutely the best night of my life.
