Chapter 19

My heart sunk when I read the letter. I wanted to cry but nothing came out. I know my mother wasn't a good mom after my dad died but we use to have good times together. I can't believe she's actually gone.

"Han, what does the letter say?" Darry asked.

I couldn't reply. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I just looked at Darry with glassy eyes. He knelt down beside me and took the note from my hand. I watched him as he scanned the note quickly. He looked at me with sad eyes. He hugged me so tight I felt like I couldn't breathe. My heart was racing as I started to sweat. My eyes started to sting when Darry let me go and Dally placed his hand on my thigh.

"What's going on?" He said putting his cigarettes back in his pocket.

I didn't say anything, all I could do was cry at this point. I hugged into Dally and he held me like he knew what was happening.

"Her mother died" Darry said standing back up.



Darry came out of my room with a sad look on his face but no one said anything. We could all hear Hannah crying in the room but no one knew what was going on. Darry sat on the couch and ran his fingers threw his hair.

"What's going on?" Two-bit asked. For once he looked concerned, even sad maybe.

"Han's mom died" Darry said looking Two-bit in the eye.

Part of me wanted to run in there and comfort her all night but she needs some space. Plus if she wants to be with anyone it's going to be Dally for the rest of the night.

The house seemed so depressing. No one spoke since Darry told us that Hannah's mom died. Everyone just moped around. Hannah's crying seemed to die down but you could still hear the soft whimpers.


I was lid on Dally's chest and he was rubbing my back softly. I stopped crying a while ago but my eyes still weren't clear enough to see.

"Dally" I said weakly.

He shot his head up so he's looking at me.

"It's getting late, head back to Buck's" I said.

"Are you okay here alone?" He asked with sad eyes.

"Dally I'm not alone, Soda has to sleep somewhere, he has to work in the morning, but come back tomorrow morning please" I said getting off him. He quickly sat up and I walked him out into the living room. I knew everyone was there but I kept looking forward. I turned around to meet Dally's face again before he left.

"I'll be back" He whispered and kissed my forehead. "I love you"

"I love you Dally" I said.

He opened the door and walked out. I stood in the doorway and watched him walk. The night was cold, the sky was dark, not a star to be seen. I looked up there and I could picture my mothers face. All the memories were flowing back. The first thing I thought about was the first time my mom and dad took me on a trip. We never went far, but it was the best time of my life.

"Han, come inside it's freezing" Pony said snapping me out of my thoughts.

I turned around and there he was with his arms folded and one leg crossed over the other, leaning against the door. Seeing Pony made me realize that I wasn't the only one with two of their parents dead. Pony held his hand out and I took hold of it and he pulled me inside and shut the door. I awkwardly stood there as everyone stared at me.

"Ah" I said. I didn't know what to say, I just wanted someone to say something.

"How do you feel?" Darry asked.

"I don't really know" I said scratching my arm awkwardly.

"Soda, take her to bed" Darry said. I didn't want to sleep but I didn't feel like arguing with Darry right now so I let Soda drag me into his room.

"I need some clothes, can you get me some clothes please" I said sitting on the edge of the bed. My head was splitting and my vision was still a little blurry from the tears. Soda passed me a pyjama dress and I slipped it on, I didn't really care about being half naked in front of Soda right now and he didn't seem to care either.

I scooted back to the pillows and got under the blankets. I stared at the wall without blinking for a long period of time. Soda ended up turning off the light and getting into bed but that never stopped me.

"Want to talk about it?" Soda asked rolling over to face me.

"What's to say" I said sighing.

"I know how you feel Han, and the best thing to do is talk about it, trust me"

"I know but not now, maybe tomorrow" I said rolling around to face the window, away from Soda.

I heard Soda sigh behind me.

"I'm sorry Soda, goodnight I love you" I said feeling tears form in my eyes again.

"I love you Han" Soda said. I wiped the tears racing down my face and cuddled up into Soda and that's how I stayed the whole night.

I woke up and my head was pounding. Soda must have went to work already because I was alone in the room. I didn't want to get up but lazing around wasn't going to help me get over this.

I sat up and looked around the room. The letter from Riley was on the table by the side of the bed. I picked it up and looked at the address. I placed the note back on the counter and got dressed.

I slowly walked out of the room, the house was awfully quiet. I turned the corner and everyone was sitting on the couch.

"Good morning" Darry said looking up from his newspaper.

"Good morning" I said back. I stood there and looked at everyone doing their thing, like it was a normal day.

"Aren't you guys supposed to be at work?" I asked wrapping myself in one of Soda's hoodies.

"We took the day off, we want to spend time with you" Soda said.

"Aw you guys didn't have to do that" I said smiling a little.

"Nah anything for you" Soda said getting off the couch and coming towards me. I was expecting a hug but instead he starting messing up my hair even more than it already was. I giggled and the door flew open and there stood Dallas.

"Dally" I said smiling wide as he made his way over to me. He pulled me into a huge hug.

"How did you sleep" He asked letting go.

"Surprisingly well" I replied going into the kitchen to grab some coffee.

I probably wasn't showing it but I sure was upset. If my mom was good to me, I'd be a state right now, but even though she was a pain, I'm still hurting. The only thing I'm wondering is how she could have died. As far as I know, she wasn't sick so that couldn't have been it, unless it came on pretty quick.

"So Hannah, how do you feel about having a brother?" Pony asked as we all sat around the living room.

"Never really thought about it too much, can't hurt I guess" I said before taking a sip of my coffee.

"Are you going to talk to him again?"

"I was thinking about going to see him today" I answered Pony again.

Pony nodded and the room went silent again. I felt too sad being in the house right now. I think I would have been fine if everyone was making the noise they usually make. It was just too quiet and it was making me think of my mother.

"Do you guys mind if I go to Riley's house?" I asked standing up.

"No go ahead" Darry said.

Dally stood up beside me.

"Want me to come with you?" He asked.

I thought about it for a while and agreed to let him come, just to be safe.

"Do you know where we are going?" Dally asked as we walked down the empty road.

"Yeah it's not too far from here" I said kicking a small rock.

We kept walking until we reached Riley's house. It was a little larger than our house, it didn't look so old either.

"Nervous?" Dally asked as we stared at the house. "We should probably go in ya know"

I nodded and walked to the gate to unlock it. We walked through the yard, which was pretty long, until we got to the door. I knocked on it lightly but Dally shook his head and banged on the door.

"Dallas" I said and slapped his arm.

Before he got to give a smart reply, the door opened and a woman smiled at us. Her face lit up when she looked at me.

"My, you must be Hannah" She said smiling wide.

I nodded and shook her hand when she stuck hers out. She looked at Dally and smiled but he just looked at her with pure hatred, like every other person besides our gang.

"Please come in" She said opening the door wider so we could fit in.

"Please be nice Dally" I whispered when he walked in the door behind me. Dally snickered like he thought I was crazy for even saying that.

"So is Riley here?" I asked the woman.

"Yes just a second sweetie, I'll call him down" She said.

This woman must have been his adoptive mother, and boy was he lucky to have such a happy and caring person to take care of him.

"Riley, you have company!" She yelled looking up the stairs. And fast enough, Riley came down the stairs with a smile on his face. My first thought was, why is he so happy? But he didn't even know our real mother like I did.

"Hey, I'm glad you could show up" He said, still smiling. This sure was a happy family. "Who's this"

"This is my boyfriend Dallas Winston" I asked looking at Dallas. He was pulling out a cancer stick but I hauled it out of his hand and he looked at me like I was crazy.

"Not in this house Dallas" I snapped and he rolled his eyes.

"Let's sit down to talk" Riley said leading us into a large room, which was his living room. This house definitely didn't look like a house that should be on this side of town, this house is for a rich kid.

Dallas and I sat on the couch across from the smaller chair Riley sat in.

"So, how did you know I was here?" I asked. I had tons of questions in my mind already and I'm sure he did too.

"Karen found out somehow and told me" He said cocking his two legs up on the coffee table.

"Karen?" I questioned.

"Oh right, she's my adoptive mother, the one who let you in"

"Oh, she seems very nice" I smiled. He was incredibly lucky and he knew it too.

"So what brought you here to Tulsa anyway?" He asked. Did he really not know our mother?

"Well, when my dad, I guess your dad too, died, my I mean our mom went a little crazy on the drinking and drugs side, she was abusive, and one day she sent me here" I explained giving as little detail as possible.

Riley must have known I didn't want to talk about that so much because he never questioned anything else.

"I think the big question is, why don't I know you" I asked.

"Well when mom and dad had me, they were only 16 and 18 years old, where for you, they were 19 and 21 years old, I was always told that they gave me up for adoption because they were too young to raise me, so I lived here since I was 2 months old" Riley explained.

"Why haven't I seen you before man?" Dally asked.

"I don't have greaser friends, I have soc friends but I only ever see them in school" He replied nicely, which was surprising because usually people don't get along with Dally.

"Why?" I asked. I found that quite strange.

"I'm not a fighter" He replied.

I could tell that Dally didn't want anything to do with him anymore when he laughed and fell back on the house. I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"That's not a bad thing" I smiled.

Riley and I talked a little while longer until I figured Dally really wanted to leave.

"Well, we should be getting going, thanks for dropping by yesterday" I smiled before opening the door.

"Wait will I see you again?" He asked nervously.

"Of course, we are brother and sister right?" I giggled.

He puts his arms out for a hug and I kindly walk into them. It was a quick hug but the entire time I thought about my dad, the way he hugged felt like I was in my dads arms.

"Wow" I said when Dally and I walked the street again.

"What?" Dally said, already a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.

"That was so weird, I can't believe I actually have a brother"

"I have a brother" Dally said.

"How come you've never mentioned him before?" I asked.

"Not close with my family"

I nodded and we continued walking to the house. A shiver went down my spine when I seen a blue mustang roll up beside us. One soc with curly hair rolled down his window and the other soc driving yelled "Hey greasers" Dally turned to them and they never even laughed like usual.

"Not today" Dally said. The soc driving looked at me, almost like he knew there was something wrong. He looked back at Dallas.

"Okay" Was all he said. The other socs looked at him like he was nuts but he ignored it and drove on. I was very confused, especially for those socs because their the ones always looking for a fight.

"What was that about?" I asked Dally. I wasn't expecting him to know but worth a shot.

"There was talk about you last night at Bucks, like about your mom"

"How do people know that?"

"Some socs were at a bar and your brother came along and told them to leave you alone, he ain't want you to get hurt, some greasers were talking about how good you get it here at Bucks" He growled.

I didn't really know how to answer that so I kept quiet until we got to the house. We walked through the gate and Johnny greeted us at the door. Dally's face lit up when he seen Johnny standing there looking all frightened.

"Hey Dally, you've got company" Darry said as we entered the house. Dally looked so confused I couldn't even explain.

And there came Soda with a little girl attached to his hand.
