Chapter 32

It was Monday morning, and guess where I was heading. That's right.. school. I never expected myself to ever walk into a school again. My life was okay at school. Probably the best time of my life before I came here. I was friends, I was involved in so many activities. I just wish I was smart and had the chance to study.

Darry and surprisingly the rest of the gang think it's a good idea for me to go back, even Dally. Pony is over the moon excited about it, which I was expecting.

"Rise and shine" Soda said coming into the room.

I was up for a while, I was just laying in bed thinking about what school here would actually be like. Socs and greasers in one school? That doesn't sound safe to me at all, but Pony survives, I should be okay too. Unless I'm that "new" girl who everyone decides to pick on.

For my outfit I chose skinny jeans with rips, and a green skin tight long sleeve shirt, with my new combat style boots Dally got me for my birthday. I thought it was a cute outfit for the first day. I threw my hair back into two french braids and joined only Darry, Pony and Soda in the living room.

"Hey, where's the guys?" I asked sitting at the table with Pony.

"None of them showed up yet, its early I guess" Pony said sipping his orange juice. I nodded and waited for Darry to serve my breakfast. Eggs was this mornings meal, my favourite, Darry is excellent at cooking, but something about his eggs are great.

"So Pony, is there anything I should know about this school?" I asked.

"Usually greasers warn other greasers about Socs, but your use to them already, nothing you should be worried about. Don't make friends with any of them though, even the girls who seem nice. They really aren't who you think they are, trust me."

I knew he was referring to Cherry there. She hurt him but I'm glad she isn't around. I haven't seen her around much since that incident with her and Dally.

"Pony, she can make friends with whoever she wants" Darry said. "Just no boy socs, we all know they are trouble"

"I think I'll stick with my own side" I smiled and chugged down my glass of juice.

"Thanks for breakfast Dar" I said and got off the table. Pony got up and took a couple of books off the coffee table and we headed out the door. On the way out we seen Dally and Two-bit cut across someone's yard.

"Hey, watch out for socs okay, if anything happens just leave okay, don't be afraid to leave. It's okay to be bad sometimes" Dally smirked as he approached us.

"Dal I'll be fine, I love you, I'll see you later" I kissed him and caught up with Pony.

I actually haven't seen the school before, Pony said it was a nice, big school. We chatted on the way there, basically about the teachers and the people my age there, I really didn't know anyone, I hang with the gang and that's it, outside from them Buck and Kaitlyn are the closest.

"This is it" Pony said.

The school was actually huge, it did seem like a nice school. There were so many people walking in and hanging around outside. I was feeling nervous.

"I'll show you the office, then I have to go to class, I can find you later" Pony said when we walked in the school. We turned a couple halls and we got to the office.

"Just go in and tell them your name, they will know you" He said.

"If you need me I'll be around"

Pony left me. I started to sweat, I was nervous about this. There were so many people around.

"Hello, I'm Hannah, I'm new" I said walking into the office.

"Ah yes, we were expecting you" A woman with a skirt suit on said. She must be the principal.

"I'm principal Marks" She smiled.

She showed me around the school. She was a nice lady, but she seems like the strict kind, I wouldn't blame her for having to deal with all these people.

"So what is the relationship between you and the Curtis brothers?" She asked as we walked.

"Um my mom sent me here last year and Johnny Cade, he brought me there the night I got dropped off here, he found me outside. I've been living with them ever since, so we think of each other as brother and sister" I said.

"That was nice of Darrel to let you stay with them" She smiled.

"Yes it was"

"Are you ready to go to your first class?"

I nodded. I wasn't ready but it had to be done. I'm sure it won't be that bad. I hope not anyway.

"Class, this is our new student, Hannah, you may know her from the Curtis brothers. She's living with them now" She said as we walked into a room filled with Socs and greasers. I could feel my face burning as every individual stared at me. The teacher told me to take a seat anywhere I liked, so I chose the front. I could still feel everyone's eye one me.

"What's she wearing?" I heard one girl whispered behind me. I was offended because I thought my outfit was quite nice. She must have been a soc. I let that comment slide and tried my best to pay attention to the teacher.

It was getting hard to focus. All I could think about was everyone staring at me. What was their problem, haven't seen a human before? Like seriously. I couldn't wait to leave here so I could find Pony.

After what seemed like forever, the bell finally rung. Everyone jumped out of their seats and headed toward the door. I slowly got up and followed the rest but the teacher stopped me.

"Hey, do you mind staying a second?" She asked.

"Not at all" I smiled and turned back around.

"I just wanted to say that it isn't easy going through this school without being tortured by some of the kids. I know you've been living with Darrel, and I'm sure he's been keeping a good eye on you, but now you're in a smaller, but at the same time bigger place with all the mixed people, and it can be harder to deal with. If you have any trouble, please come to me and I'll try my best to help you, and if I can't, i'll find someone to help you" She smiled.

"Wow, thanks a lot, that makes me feel better" I laughed. "I've had experience with some of these people before, it haven't been to bad yet, hopefully it stays that way. I'm glad Pony is still here though, he doesn't seem to have trouble"

"Ponyboy is a good kid, he doesn't get into much trouble, you seem to be just like him" She smiled.

"He is" I smiled back. I didn't know what to reply back on that compliment.

"Anyway have a good day, remember I'm always here"

"Thanks again" I smiled and walked out the door. There was a break now between this class and the next. It was about 15-20 minutes I believe. I stopped in the middle of the hallway. I totally forget where my locker is. I remember the number was 567. I looked to my right and looked at the number on the locker, 328. I was probably no where near where I had to be.

The hallway was crowded, people were pushing each other around, huge guys pushing their way through everyone. One guy knocked my shoulder so hard that me and my books were straight to the ground. I looked up at the guy and he laughed, and walked away with the rest of the guys. The people around me started laughing a bit. My face was boiling. I'm not the type to shrug embarrassment off, I cry. But thankfully this time I didn't. I picked up my book and held them tight to my chest as I walked down the rest of the hall with my head down.

I wanted to leave already. I hate this place. I need to find Pony. I passed a few familiar places in the school, I knew I was getting close to the office.

"Hannah! Can I help you?" Mrs Marks said.

"I'm kinda lost, I forget where my locker is" I laughed a bit in embarrassment.

"No problem dear, i'll show you the way" She smiled and walked around her desk, put her arm around my shoulder and we walked down the hallway, which seemed much less crowded.

"How was your first class?" She asked as we strolled down the hall. She didn't seem to be in a rush so neither was I.

"It was okay" I lied.

"It's a little tough getting use to at first, but I believe you are a smart girl, and Darrel told me you were very strong. I think you'll be just fine here" She said, now interlocking her hands together and placed them in front of her hips.

I thought about what she said. Darry does think I'm a strong person, and I believe it too after all the stuff that has happened lately. But this, I don't think I can handle, it was probably a mistake putting me here. I wanted so badly to tell her about my problems, but I didn't want to taunt her for the rest of her life. Not right now, it's to quick for her to know anything about me.

"Something on your mind?" She asked, looking concerned.

I sighed before answering.

"Lots" I said quietly. I can't believe I'm about to tell her.

"Do you want to talk about it with me before continuing on with the day?"

I nodded slightly and we turned around to go back to the office. My heart was racing, this is a mistake, everything is a mistake.

We sat down at her office desk in a small room, her on one side, me on the other. I didn't know where to start.

"Did something happen to you in your past that effects problems with school?" She asked. There was the question to get me started.

I ended up telling her almost every single detail about my past, and some things that happened here. I totally missed my third period class, which I wasn't upset about.

I was now at my locker, Mrs Marks showed me where it was after our 'little' talk. It was now lunch time. I almost had my head completely in my locker because I didn't want to see anyone at all. I took my sandwich out of my bag and slowly started taking bites.

I felt someones body close to mine. I turned around fast but it was only Pony.

"Hey Han" He smiled.

"Hello" I said and looked away.

"I tried looking for you at break, where were you?" He asked.

"In with the principal" I said.

"How come? Everything okay?"

"Yeah, she just asked me some questions because I told her I wanted to talk that's all, I'm fine though"

I didn't want Pony, Darry or any of the gang to find out I was already having problems. Not now anyway, it's probably just because I'm new and they got some new prey. It'll probably go away soon.

"I'm supposed to meet Kaitlyn, and a couple of her friends, want to come?" Pony asked.

"Nah, I'm better off staying here, I have to search the place to find my classes so, I'm gonna head there early."

"Alright, meet me outside by the steps after school" He asked and kissed my cheek.

"Alright, tell kaitlyn I said hi" I called as he walked away. He raised a thumb in the air. I sighed, turned around and finished my sandwich.

The bell rung just as I made it to my class. There was a scatter few people around, I sat away from all of them. I heard a few snickers from across the room. When I turned, of course they were looking at me, what could be so funny? I looked just like the rest of them, I wasn't lookin' like a grease today. I could have pulled off lookin' like a soc. I let it go again and kept telling myself to not let it get to me.

I had bullying problems back at my old school, only because people found out about my mom and started teasing me about it. But I had a few friends, I didn't need many, just enough to support me and make me feel good. I have that in Tulsa, they just aren't here by my side now.

Finally the day was over with. It was the worst first day ever, thankfully the last first day. I honestly don't think i'll make it to graduation, I don't know if I can handle that extra pressure. I was fine here without school, I got paid from the DX, the very few times i've worked there, but I could easily start it regularly. I'd ask Darry if I could just forget school, but I know it took him a lot of trouble to get me in there where it is so far in the year. I'm just going to have to let it slide, nothing in school will ever be as bad as my past.

I met Pony outside where he wanted me to meet him.

"Hey, you just missed Kaitlyn" He said as I approached him.

"Aw" I said quietly. I didn't really care. I didn't want to see anyone, I wanted to get home and that was it, but at the same time I'm dreading all the questions that will be asked when I get home about how it was.

"How was your day?" Pony asked as we almost got to the house.

"It was alright" Another lie. "How about yours"

"Good, like usual" He said kicking a rock. He was lucky he had Kaitlyn and all his friends with him. I wish I had Soda.    

When we reached the house I quickly thought of a plan. Just avoid all questions. Go straight to my room to "take a nap"

Pony walked in before me. Everyone was sat around the living room.

"Hey" Soda said and they all looked at us.

"Hey guys" Pony replied.

"How was your day Han?" Darry asked.

I dropped my bag. "I have a headache, I'm going to take a nap"

With that I went right to Soda's room like I had planned and stayed there the entire night. Not a soul came in to bother me, which I found odd. I was expecting some talk with Darry, or Soda or Dally to come in, but nope. Maybe they can sense I had a bad day?

I know this is a bit of a change now, but I have many good ideas to spice up the story again!! Please vote and leave a comment!!
