Preserved village of High Plains

My sister agreed. At the hotel room we talked about the experience at the battle site. "I hope we won't get anymore scary times on this trip." Mom assured herself. I knew in my mind that she was would be wrong. "The only thing that was going to happen on this road trip is that we are going to be seeing more haunted things." I said in my mind. Mom explained what is going to happen tomorrow. The village of High Plains is located on Route 75. The town is only four miles away from the town of Holton. We are going to be staying at a hotel in the town while we visit the preserved village for one day. I knew that Daniil Sakai was the key to figuring why the Agricultural Civil War started. However, I didn't know where to start in the town. I got myself cleaned up and got ready for bed. I tried to dream about High Plains. I tried to picture in my mind what the preserved town would look like. I knew that the town could be preserved by a dome. That wasn't a surprise to me. That's because the village might be a historical site. If there's one thing I remember too well about these areas is that these sites might be preserved in a domed area.

The next morning, I had breakfast with my family and friend. I finished my breakfast and used my iPad to ask some questions about the town. "The town of High Plains is a preserved pioneer village. It has some machines that look a lot different then the machines that we know today. So it basically has some tractors and farm harvesting vehicles there." Mom explained. "I'm interested in Daniil Sakai. He's the man supposedly caused the Agricultural Civil War to start." I stated with the help of my iPad. "Where did you learn that?" Abigail asked with an astonished expression. I told them about the information given to me by the staff members from the Bartlesville battle site. "Well that's interesting. However, we don't know that for sure." Mom barged in. "How would he get the Agricultural Civil War to start?" Carol questioned. I tried to remember the times I've been at preserved cities and battle sites. Then it came to me. "Daniil might have spread rumors about the cherriple and wheatrain plants. The staff members from the Bartlesville battle site told me that he hated those plants. He also hated the Blue Beauties." The voice from my iPad explained for me. "What kind of man hates plants? Or plants that give you food?" Carol asked. "Maybe he thought that the plants might have been bad for the country." I answered through the use of my iPad. "Whoever this Daniil is, I think that he is just angry about everything." Carol replied back. "Well hold on now Carol. We don't know what this Daniil could be thinking about the plants. It could be that he just hates them. Though we must get to the preserved town to learn more about him. We'll do all of that tomorrow." Mom promised. After we got back to our hotel room, I began to make sure that my suitcase was ready for the road trip to Holton. I went to take a seat in the car while Abigail made sure that we were checked out of the hotel. "Charlotte?" Carol pumped me.

She was already sitting on the right side of the back seat. I typed "Yes?" on the screen of my iPad. "This Daniil. You don't think he would want to destroy every strange plant on the planet do you?" My friend questioned. "Maybe he is just a malcontent who dislikes the cherriple fruit plants and the wheatrain crops." Mom answered for me. I turned to look at her. Mom stared at me from where she was sitting in the front passenger seat. "Mrs. Wouters, what does malcontent mean?" Carol quizzed again. "A malcontent is somebody who has issues with others, or in the case of this man that Charlotte is talking about. He probably doesn't like the plants." Mom responded. "You were talking about a person. I am asking about the word malcontent. Not a person who could be called a malcontent." Carol grilled for a third time. "It's a quality that tells people that whoever this person was might be not satisfied about everything that happens in his or her life." Mom responded. After three seconds, I started to type a message on my iPad. "Why would Daniil would hate the cherriple and the wheatrain plants?" I asked with the help of my device. "Maybe he doesn't like them period. Besides, this man must be angry about everything that has already happened in his life." Mom answered. "Well I like to find out why this man is like that." My iPad spoke for me. "We'll have to wait until tomorrow Charlotte. Until then, we could think about why this person could be like that." Carol interrupted. "I may have an idea about that Carol." My iPad conveyed for me. "The cherriple and the wheatrain plants were not originally from America right?" My iPad asked for me. "That's true. The cherriple plant was originally from the country of France. And the wheatrain crop was originally from the country of Japan." Mom declared. "So what if this Daniil Sakai wanted to get away from everything? The plants from both countries would remind him of his home country." My iPad suggested while I formed a theory. Soon enough, Abigail came from the lobby. She sat in the driver's seat and asked if we were ready for our next stop in the car ride.

My reply was yes. She carefully drove the car out onto the highway. We were on Route 75. It turns out that it will take us a whole morning to arrive at the town of Holton. We only relaxed for the rest of the day. The few minutes before supper, I talked to my family and friend about the town of High Plains. "I think that Daniil would want to get rid of both plants since he thinks that this is a new country and he wanted to have a new start." I spoke with the help of my iPad. "Didn't he also wanted to get rid of the Blue Beauties? Those plants were already planted in the area before a town was built there." Carol mentioned. "I can't believe that those flowers caused a lot of trouble then create another tourist attraction." Abigail said reminiscing of the time at Bartlesville. Then we had supper at the China restaurant. We had a decent Chinese dinner. The next thing we did is that we hanged out in our hotel room at the local Super Eight. The thought of the town of High Plains was still on my mind. I can't wait to figure out why Daniil would want to get rid of the strange plants that the country of the US had. Then we went to bed. The next morning, we got up and went to the breakfast room of the hotel. I had some small omelets with some fruit. Mom and Abigail were hopeful that today was still going to be a great day for visiting the town of High Plains. In Mom's mind she thought that the pioneer village did not have any ghosts or anything else strange about them. After we ate and cleaned up in our hotel room, I put on a fresh lime green T-shirt and bright orange shorts. In fact, the only other clothes that were in my suitcase and the ones that are going to cleaned later in the local laundromat was two pairs of jeans, a purple tank top, a cherry red shirt, a pair of tan pants, one aqua green shirt, and a yellow and pink T-shirt. Then we walked ourselves to the car. I felt ready for today. I was hoping to find Daniil Sakai and talk to him.

We actually lounged in the room during the morning. Abigail drove to a Boomer's grill. After we had lunch at the restaurant, we were off to see the preserved town of High Plains. Mom was driving this time. She drove down the highway and found the pioneer village about four miles north of Holton. There was a parking lot located next to a building that was next to a domed area. I wasn't surprised about this. Inside the glass dome, I saw that there were buildings and people inside it. I followed Mom and Abigail, and we were inside the building. Mom went to buy tickets at the counter. The staff member was friendly while the tickets were bought. The area next to the desk was very nice. There was some black and white pictures in frames. I took the time to look at them with Carol. "This is cool." Carol said as she looked at these pictures. These pictures appeared to be of different people and buildings that might be in the domed area. Abigail and Mom joined us while we looked at the pictures. "I don't think we can see Daniil anywhere." I conveyed discouragingly with the help of my iPad. Mom was hoping that this place wasn't going to be haunted. The next thing that happened is that we walked down a short hallway and went through a set of doors. We were in the domed area. I looked up and saw the sign of the town of High Plains. There were also other tourists that were looking around the town. They walked into buildings just to see what they looked like. I saw that there was a few horse mannequins. I had to keep my eye on them. Just in case they did came back to life. We checked inside a general store. It was nice to see that there was still some of the original packaging for the supplies on the shelves and there was a mannequin standing behind the counter.

I thought that this general store reminded me of any store that I would go to with my parents. There was one or two barrels next to the cash register counter. Though they were either ale or some other kind of liquid that the people would use during the time the pioneer village was still active. Just then, I heard the noise of something being dragged on the floor. I turned my attention to the floor next to the counter. One of the barrels was in a spot where it hadn't been before. This made Mom terrified in the inside. The same barrel moved back to the spot where it originally was. There was also something that happened to the items on the store's shelves. They started to float off the shelves and float in midair. Abigail couldn't believe her eyes. Neither my mom could believe what she was seeing. She thought that it might be something else. I looked at one of the cans that had floated off the shelves. It was some kind of canned meat. I couldn't figure out when canned meat was invented.

The items then floated back to the shelves where they were last kept. "Let's just pretend that this only exists in our heads." Mom told us. I didn't think we should be thinking that we should only be treating this haunted building just as a place that is only existing in our minds. Besides, we were standing in the very building in the area of the preserved town of High Plains. If I had to guess why the general store would be haunted. Maybe it could be the owner's ghost might be haunting it. The next place in the pioneer village we got to see was a school. The building had some desks. There was a blackboard that was at the front of the classroom. The desks were all very much the same. The next thing that we saw was that there was a piece of chalk that was floating in the air. I looked at the spot next to the blackboard. At the bottom of it where they would keep the chalk and the eraser to clear up the mistakes and the chalk messages and anything else that was used for teaching the children at the time. There doesn't appear to be any chalk that was left on the metal piece meant to hold the pieces of chalk. I didn't believe it. Then again, I don't think anybody else would believe me. I could hear the sound of the chalk writing against the blackboard. The stuff that was written on the board was a math problem. It was a simple 6+8=?. I knew how to solve the problem. Though I didn't have a piece of chalk with me to write on the blackboard. "Why is it always us?" Mom asked in disbelief. I looked at the message on the blackboard. Something else was getting written on the board. Whatever was writing on the blackboard didn't appear to be using a piece of chalk. The written stuff on the blackboard and the piece that was supposed to hold the chalk didn't seem to be using chalk. I couldn't believe my eyes. There was another math problem that was written on the board. This one was 13+47=?. The question marks mentioned earlier meant that there was nothing that was written as an answer.

Just then there was some other chalk sounds that were being made on the blackboard. I looked and saw that something was writing the answers on the blackboard. The answer to the 6+8 problem was 14. The next answer that was being written on the blackboard was 60. "Let's get out of here." Mom exclaimed. I had the feeling that she was a little freaked out. Carol got out of the building with her. Abigail walked to where I was next to the blackboard. She grabbed my left hand and walked with me out of the building. I didn't seem to be scared by the ghost haunting the school. I was a bit fascinated by the math questions that were written on the blackboard. I thought a ghost teacher could be haunting the school. Just as I was about to leave the school with my big sister, I looked back at the blackboard. There was nothing written on it. "I'm glad to be out of there." Carol announced. "Same with me! This place shouldn't be haunted! I did some research on this village myself!" Mom stated. "I helped you with the research too! This place doesn't have a reputation for being haunted!" Abigail mentioned. "Well how many times are you two going to be wrong about the other places that we are going to visit next?" I asked with the help of my iPad. "Charlotte!" Mom shouted at me. Carol didn't want to get involved with anymore arguing that would happen again. Mom and Abigail were thinking about leaving because they thought they had been lied to about the pioneer village. At last Carol decided to speak. "Everybody let's calm down. We can look at the rest of the pioneer village. If there are anymore buildings here that are haunted, then we can get out of them and avoid them." She proposed.

Abigial and Mom turned to look at her. I used my iPad to talk. "I agree with Carol. Let's look around, and if there is any other scary buildings, then we can just get out of them and just leave them alone. I want to find out if Daniil Sakai lives here." Abigail and Mom looked at each other. "Alright. I'm sorry if I did yell at you Carol." Mom observed. I felt calmer as Abigail let go of my hand. "So? Where could this Daniil Sakai live?" My big sister asked me. I typed a reply on the screen. "Maybe he might live in a house somewhere in this village." My iPad spoke for me while I guessed at the same time. "Alright, let's find the houses then." Carol declared. We walked to where the houses in the village were. It was amazing to me to how much time could be used in building the glass dome that would protect the pioneer village from the outside. When we got to houses of the village, I started to look at them. Nothing about them seem to interest me. Just then, I think I saw a man's face from the upper floor. I stopped and looked at the house. "Are you sure it's this house?" Mom asked me. Carol looked at the fence and felt positive that I had found the right house. "Take a look at the fence." Carol told Mom and Abigail. We both turned our heads towards the mailbox. The name Daniil Sakai was written on it. There was a gate that had a lock and chains that were holding securely shut. "I don't think we can go in." Mom told me. "I think you're right Mrs. Wouters. I bet the door is even locked too." Carol added. Just then, a face appeared in the window. This person has black hair, and he had some hair growing on the sides. It wasn't enough to have a whole beard covering the face. I couldn't make out the other physical features from where I was standing on the road next to the house. I looked at the other houses. They didn't appear to have any fences. "Why would this house have any fence while the houses do not?" I pumped with the help of my iPad. "I don't know. Maybe he doesn't like anybody who lives in High Plains when it was still a village." Mom speculated.

Just then, the gate and the fence that belonged Daniil Sakai began to wiggle. The lock and chains held them both firmly in place. I looked at the lock for myself. It looked like a lock that I would see at a hardware store back home. The lock was starting to float towards the roof of the glass dome. "Let's get out of here." Mom suggested. Before anyone else could say anything else, the lock holding the chains in place unlocked by itself. The lock floated away and slipped out of the chain links. It flew up into the air and fell. It landed on the dirt road. Carol felt uneasy and backed away across the street. "You know, we should go to the front desk and tell the staff members about this." Abigail suggested. The chains somehow fell off the gate and fence that they were holding together. The chains landed on the grass on the inside of the land next to the house. I looked at the upper left side window. The man's face was still staring at us. The door of the house opened by itself. The gate swung open towards the house. "I don't like this." Carol said as she looked at the house. "Come on Charlotte. We're leaving." Mom declared. I could feel her hand holding onto my left hand. I was holding onto my iPad with my other hand. Or rather, it was being held onto with my right arm. Suddenly, Mom felt something that was forcing her to let go of my hand. The force pushed her fingers away from having a grip on my hand. She can't believe what she was seeing. I looked back at the window. The man was no longer there. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I started to walk towards the house. "Turn away! Charlotte!" Mom pleaded. "I'll go with her." Carol volunteered. "Don't let whoever is haunting that house hurt my Charlotte." Mom asked. "I won't." My friend promised. Carol followed me as I walked towards the house. "Wait Carol!" Abigail called as she walked up to her. My big sister gave my friend her cellphone. "Just remember to use the flashlight app." She demanded.

Carol held the phone in front of her. She had the flashlight app of the phone turned on. I was about three steps away from the entranceway. I was holding my iPad in both hands and turned on the flashlight app on it too. I entered the dark house. Carol got inside a few seconds later. Then the door closed behind us. It didn't slam itself shut. It carefully closed. I turned back to look at the door. Carol waked back to the door and tried to open it. It was jammed shut. I shined my light on the other features inside the house. There was a flight of stairs just in front of me. The house has two doorways on the main floor. I walked towards the doorway on the left. Carol investigated the stairwell.

Upon a closer look, I discovered that the room is a kitchen. There was nothing on the counter. I looked out from the window of the kitchen. I saw that Abigail was standing next to the gate. I turned my attention to the screen of my iPad. I turned off the flashlight app and started to use the iPad to talk. "Daniil?" The device's electronic voice asked. I got no answer. Carol shined the light from my big sister's phone towards the room on the right as soon as one enters the house through the front door. The room itself seemed to be a dining room. There was only two chairs and a single table. I saw earlier that there was a table with strong legs in the kitchen. It was a square table that was very small. If I was using the table myself, I would be cutting ingredients on it. I typed something else on the screen. "Daniil? Are you there?" My iPad's voice asked. Still, I did not get an answer. After five seconds passed, I looked at my iPad. There was something typed on it. "I am." Is what the words spelled out. Suddenly, I could see that there was a figure that was blocking the doorway to the kitchen from the rest of the house. I recognized the figure from the window. It was the mysterious man. I'm guessing he must be Daniil Sakai. "What brings you here?" He questioned. He spoke with a western accent. Upon looking at his face, I can tell that he has green eyes, a small nose, and average sized eyebrows. I didn't like the look of the expression on his face. I can tell that he is not happy to see me.

"Daniil I am trying to figure out how the Agricultural Civil War started." My iPad's voice explained. "Yes, that battle is now written in the history books. The only way people know about it is by reading from books." Daniil replied. "What do you think happened that started that caused the civil war to happen?" My iPad rallied for me. "It is very simple. People didn't like the plants that were being grown in the east and the western parts of the United States. So they fought each other. The western side won the battle." Daniil delineated. "You mean the Western States of America?" I questioned with the help of my iPad. "Quite right." Soon enough, a source of light shined from behind Daniil. "Will keep that light away from my eyes?" He yelled. "Why are you doing this?" Carol queried. Daniil stumbled away from the doorway and stopped next to the window sill. Carol stepped inside the kitchen. Just then, something jumped Carol. I turned on my flashlight app again. The light from the device showed that the small table in the kitchen was blocking Carol's view. "I better turn on some lights in this house myself." Daniil muttered. Four seconds later, there was something that floated into the kitchen. I focused the light on the small object and saw that it was a candle in a candle holder. The candle had a flame that emerged from it. The candle was put on the counter next to the wall on the opposite side of the wall that had the doorway. I changed the iPad so that its function would help me to talk to others. "Help!" Carol screamed. The wooden table has forced my friend out into the room that people would first see when they entered the house. I ran and saw the table was blocking the way. I tried to look under the table. I could see a pair of feet. And they were only three centimeters away from the wooden floor. I tried to look over the table but that didn't seem to work to well. "Carol, what's going on?" The iPad's voice queried. "I'm floating away!" Carol exclaimed. As I tried to look for another way around the table. I could still hear Carol as she screamed. I turned to look at Daniil. "Where is she?" I asked with the help of my device.

"She will be well. As soon as I have her locked on the second floor." Daniil answered. I did not like Daniil. Though I had ask him more about the Agricultural Civil War. "So, you know how the people started to hate each others crops?" My iPad asked. "About their fruit and grains? That's very ridiculous. We need those plants in order to survive." Daniil reasoned. "I'm talking about the cherriple and the wheatrain crops." I questioned again. "Seriously, those two plants? I wish that those plants stayed where they have originated." Daniil snapped back. I thought for a moment. Then I remembered an idea Mom told me. She told me that Daniil might not like the cherriple and the wheatrain crops because they might remind him of his life back his own homeland. "I have heard that the civil war started because there were stories that people told that may have caused the Separatist Provinces of the East to form. They want to preserve the cherriple plant and not let the wheatrain crop grow on their territory." I explained with the help of my iPad. "Where have you learned that?" Daniil interrogated. "I have learned that from various museums during my road trip." My iPad's voice answered. "Really? When I was still alive, people didn't go on road trips. The only trips they went on was just to move to another village or a city." I then started to think again. "Now people travel just look at museums and anything that's quite a sight." Daniil ranted. I typed another message on my iPad. "At a museum of the Wilsith house. The owner said that he had only heard about the rumors and only helped to spread them." I added. "Wilsith you say? I never knew that name. Though he is right about hearing about the rumors. That's because I was the one who made them up!" Daniil spoke with a serious expression on his face. Suddenly, I could feel myself moving towards the wall very quickly. My feet slid across the wooden floor. I somehow turned around. I looked down at my shoes. They weren't touching the ground anymore. I decided to type another message on my iPad.

I could feel myself being jerked forward. I screamed with that surprise. The mysterious force brought me flying over the flight of stairs. Before, I knew it, I fell on my face when I landed on the wooden floor. Then I could hear a door that slammed. I pushed myself up from the floor. "Charlotte?" A voice asked me. I turned and saw Carol. She helped me back upright. It was difficult to see what room I was in. As soon as I got myself standing again. Carol shined the light from the cellphone in the room around us. We were in a bedroom. I changed the iPad setting back into the flashlight app. I shined it on where the door to the room is. I tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. "So what did you learn about Daniil?" My friend questioned. After I told her, she let out a gasp. Though she immediately put her hand over her mouth just so that she wouldn't seem so surprised. "Why would he do it?" She queried. All I did in response is that I looked out from the bedroom window. Abigail was seen trying to get into the house. Though the gate was closed. I turned back to look at Carol. It appeared as if she had been expecting me to say something. I typed a small message on my iPad. "I don't know why he would want the Agricultural Civil War to start." I answered. Carol turned her attention to the door of the room. Just then, Daniil appeared out of thin air. The man only looked at us sternly. Carol screamed and jumped back. I was motivated to ask another question with the help of my iPad. "This was supposed to be a new world not an old one!" Daniil ranted again. He did so using a louder tone of voice "Why would you spread the rumors in the first place?" My iPad asked. "The place for both of these plants is back with their country of origin. When people come here, they should be thinking about a new world, not the one they came from." Daniil exclaimed. "What are you talking about?" Carol questioned. "The people should only worry about having a better life when they came to America! That's what my family wanted when we left Japan! I had a bad time while at that country! I was beaten up by all of the kids who came to my school! The teachers didn't care about that!" Daniil screamed back. "Hold on, you had a bad time while you lived in Japan?" I pumped the ghost. "Yes. I only wanted to have a new and good life when I came to this country all those years ago. Though some men, women, and children brought souvenirs from their countries to remind themselves of their last home. That was a mistake!" Daniil complained.

"What was a mistake? People bringing their own stuff to this country?" I asked. "No. There's a simpler answer to that. I only wanted to remind myself of a good life in this country they called America. I felt that the country should have it's own plants and fruits that would make them distant from everybody. The cherriple and wheatrain plants only remind me of the pain. I want it to go away!" Daniil exclaimed. I carefully typed my next sentence. Daniil was starting to take a few steps towards where I was standing. Carol held her arms in front of her eyes. "So, you started the rumor just so you can get rid of the cherriple and the wheatrain?" My iPad's voice asked Daniil. "Yes! Those plants should never have come here. If it were the case. I can enjoy a humble life I had with my mother and father." The ghost shouted. "I've also heard that you didn't like the Blue Beauties from Bartlesville." I spoke with the help of my iPad. "The reason behind that was very different towards the emotions I had towards the cherriple and the wheatrain plants. The flowers had caused one soldier to have the same plants grow all over his body. It is harmful to human kind then a poison." Daniil reasoned. I thought for a moment again. "I feel that I should throw both of you out of this house. In fact, that's just what I am going to do." With that we started to feel ourselves being lifted from beneath. "Wait a minute. What about the spooky activity at the school or the general store?" Carol blurted out. "Wait? What activity?" Daniil asked. "The school in this village is haunted. Somebody was writing on the blackboard." Carol responded. "I do not know about such things." Daniil snapped back. "Some of the items on the store's shelves were floating away. Even one of the barrels moved by itself." My iPad's voice added. "So I am not the only one that is haunting this town. I guess they are only here for once in a few years." Daniil said as he thought.

"Wait a minute! What do you mean by once in a few years?" I rallied with the help of my iPad. "Us spirits are asleep here in High Plains. Once every few years we come and see how the world changed. If some of the former townspeople scared you that is not my problem." The ghost answered. I could see that Carol and I were turning towards the window of the bedroom. At any minute, the ghost could be throwing us out. "Would you like the windows of your own house to be broken as you throw us out from your bedroom?" My iPad pumped for me. "There should be some technology that would be useful for that. Surely, with the technology I am seeing now, it should not be a problem fixing the window." Daniil said not worried about my friend or I. "Now I know why you would want to destroy the cherriple and wheatrain crops Daniil. You hate those crops because they remind you of the worst time of your life. Also, you think that every other plant that is strange must go because it would remind you of the two plants." I paraphrased what the ghost said with the help of my iPad. "Enough! You may be right about my hatred for both plants! Now it's time to see you go!" Daniil ranted. I could feel myself floating back towards the wall of the bedroom facing the window. Daniil looked at us as if he hated us with all his mind and heart. Carol held out my big sister's phone. She was ready to take a picture of Daniil. We then moved towards the window at a fast rate of speed. Just as our feet were going to burst through, Carol took some pictures of Daniil with the flash on. The flash made the ghost want to cover his face. "Ahh!" We both fell on the wooden floor. I turned the flashlight app on my iPad on. It was pointed at the floor. The ghost angrily approached us. Carol took two more pictures with the blinding light. That inspired me to shine the light from the flashlight app onto Daniil's face. Three more photos were taken of Daniil with the flash on. "Come on Charlotte!" Carol called. I followed her until we made our way to the door. I had the flashlight from my iPad pointing at the ghost. I couldn't feel the floor underneath my feet anymore. I pointed the light from my flashlight app onto the floor. Carol took two more pictures of Daniil. "AAAAHHHH!!" The ghost screamed. We both were flung against the wall opposite of the wall where the bedroom door was. The door was flung violently open. The ghost let out another loud scream. "GET OUT!" He yelled. Carol and I scream as we were thrown out of the bedroom.

It then occurred tome that Carol and I were floating very fast. There was the sound of another door that opened with a loud bang. My friend and I screamed as we flew out. We were launched over the fence and landed onto the dirt road outside of the house. "AND STAY OUT!" A loud scary voice yelled as the door to the house closed by itself. The gate itself was locked by the chain and the lock. "Are you alright?" A voice asked us. I rolled myself on my back and looked up. There were four museum staff members that were helping us. One staff member gave my iPad back to Mom. Abigail picked up her phone from the dirt road. "Are you okay?" Another voice asked me. Mom gave my iPad and explained to the staff members that I am nonverbal. I typed a message on my device. "I think so." The voice from my iPad answered. I didn't like getting dirty from being thrown out of the house. The staff members helped to wipe the dirt off my clothes. Abigail and another staff member helped Carol stand back up again. I was sure that I would have a lot of answers for the questions that would be asked later on. One of the staff members asked me what I was doing in the house with my friend. I answered him and told him the whole story. "So the man who started the whole civil war lives here?" One staff member queried as he turned his attention towards the house. "But this village isn't supposed to be haunted. How can it be haunted?" Another staff member questioned while looking at the house. Carol and I explained to the staff about how the ghosts come back to live once every so often. "So our pioneer village is haunted." A third staff member concluded. I saw something in the upper right window. It was Daniil's face looking out of the window. Some of the staff members mouths dropped open when they saw this. I was scared too. He had a serious yet angry expression on his face. "We're sorry about this. We'll do everything we can to inform visitors about this paranormal activity in the future." The staff member conveyed. "This is the first time that our pioneer village has been haunted in quite some time. Maybe this only happens every few years." The third staff member concluded. I did agree with him. "I'm glad to see that you're alright Charlotte." My mom exclaimed. "I'm sure you have a long story to tell us when you get back to the hotel." Abigail spoke. I did type a message on my iPad. "The mystery behind what had caused the United States civil war has been solved." My iPad spoke for me. "We'll make sure to write an article about it." A staff member told me. "Can I ask a question?" Carol asked. "Certainly." One staff member responded. "Who lived in that house?" Carol asked while pointing at the house that Daniil haunted. The answer wasn't surprising to me. It did belong to Daniil Sakai. "The man didn't have a good reputation. He always tried to avoid any long conversations with people." The staff member elucidated further. "So it wouldn't be a surprise that he would start a war?" I rallied with the help of my iPad. "We didn't knowhow Daniil could start a war. How did he do it exactly?" The staff member questioned me. I told them the reason how this man could start a civil war. The staff members asked me to follow them back towards the building that was for admittance. I waited next to the building while they returned with a notepad. They asked me to tell my experience inside the house with my friend. I told them the whole story in detail. Once I was done. They asked us a few questions. Once I answered them. The staff members left. "So, this pioneer village is only haunted just for a day." Mom said as she looked back at the village. "Wait a minute. We still have some time before we get back to Holton. Why don't we look at the other buildings in this town?" Abigail observed while reminiscing the whole day. "I want to look at the farm machines. I'm sure they would be fun to see." Carol agreed. "Remember, this place is only haunted just for today. So, it won't be haunted again for a very long time. After all, didn't the staff members told us that this is the first time that the village has been haunted ever since it was open?" I prompted my family and friend with the help of my iPad. After thinking for a while, Mom agreed. "I'll try not to be scared." Mom told us. "Let's go to the farm!" My iPad declared for me. "Let's go!" Carol added. We walked around until we have reached the farm. It was only a short walking distance away. I could see there was an old tractor and an old threshing machine. The machine was parked next to the side of the barn. I didn't see any big field nearby. It was only a small part of a field. My big sister explained that the farm would have plenty of land to grow crops because that is needed to feed everybody in town. Just as we were standing next to the threshing machine. It let off a loud noise. It felt more like a thud. I looked over the old machine. There was no motor for it to run on it's own. The pipe that was connected to the threshing machine swiveled so that whatever could come out of it would fall on top of us. "I don't like this." Carol said as she looked up at the pipe's spout. I started to walk away from the pipe. Carol followed me. Somehow, it didn't seem to work. The pipe followed us as we walked. Then I had the idea of walking away from the machine. I quickly walked away from the machine. Carol did the same. Mom and my big sister were looking at the other side of the threshing machine. The pipe swung towards where they were standing. I turned back to look at the threshing machine. "What's going on here?" Carol asked. I knew that the pioneer village was only haunted for today. I wasn't sure of what ghost would want to make the threshing machine haunted. I guess that it could be the farmer that used to run the farm for the village. Just then there was a banging noise coming from inside of the pipe. I heard the sound of Abigail and my mom screaming. Carol didn't like the idea of going back to the threshing machine to find out what had just made my family scream. I walked back towards the threshing machine. Just then, I saw a rat running from under the machine. It was running where we were. "Yikes!" Carol shouted. After watching it run through and around our feet, I typed a message on my iPad. "Where did this rat came from?" My iPad's voice queried. Mom and Abigail screamed again. "Let's go!" Carol said after running to the hitch of the threshing machine. It was difficult to run since I had my eyes looking at the rat that was moving wildly nearby. I tried not to trip. When I stopped where I could see Abigial and Mom, I froze. There wererats falling onto their heads from the spout of the threshing machine. "Get them off!" Abigail shrieked. Then I could see the spout of the threshing machine being moved towards where I was standing. I tried to back away from the spout. Just then I heard the sound of an engine roaring to life. The sound came from a tractor that was parked with it's front end facing away from the barn. Carol couldn't believe what was going on. I screamed along with my family. Carol had the urge to scream but she only squirmed instead. The rats that ran around the ground were enough to make her creeped out. I started to run away from the farm. I thought that it might be a good idea to run towards the road to the rest of the village. Carol watched the tractor as it inched forward. "Let's run!" Carol shouted to my family. Mom and Abigail were uneasy moving through the crowd of rats that ran amuck. They managed to get only five feet away from the threshing machine. The machine's spout started to spin back towards where my family was. Luckily, they were only five feet away from the machine before the spout rained more rats onto the grass. I was looking down at the rats that were running around me. I couldn't stand them. Carol backed away towards the road. She watched as the tractor turned towards where she was standing on the area of grass near the threshing machine. My friend turned around and her feet pounded on the grass. Carol made it back on the road before Abigail and Mom did. We both looked at the ground and at the tractor constantly. Abigail took six more steps before joining us on the gravel road. It only took a minute later for my mom to stand on the gravel road with us. As soon as that happened, the rats started to become transparent. The animals were still running around. The tractor rolled passed the threshing machine. The spout didn't have anymore rats coming out of it. The tractor only moved forward. I closed my eyes. "Leave us alone!" Mom whined. Four seconds later, the noise of the tractor's engine stopped. I opened my eyes. The spout of the threshing machine was right back where it was just as we first saw it. The tractor wasn't moving anymore. I tried to find out where it was. Carol walked up and down the small section of road close to the farm to spot the machine. It was parked with it's rear end facing the barn building. "I don't know about you. But I had enough of scary places for one day." Mom implied. I looked down at my feet and at the ground next to the machines. There were no rats running around. "I think we know what ghosts are haunting this farm." My iPad's voice stated while I looked at the barn. "If you're thinking about going into that barn, forget it. We can talk about our adventures today when we get back to Holton." Mom told me. I guess it's time that we go to the souvenir shop." Abigail conveyed me. Carol led the way back to the admittance building. We stopped at the souvenir shop. It was a bit small. Mom bought a T-shirt for my friend and I. We left the store without saying anything else to the staff members. "This has been an interesting trip." I admitted with the help of my iPad. "We still have lots to see." Mom told me. "What else are we going to see on this road trip?" Carol asked. "We still have quite a trip before going to the border back home. We are going through the states of Nebraska, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, South Dakota, and Minnesota." Mom answered. "I am pretty sure we are going to see more museums on this trip." I said with the help of my iPad. With those words said, I watched as Mom drove out from the parking lot of the High Plains pioneer village. I waited until we got back to the hotel before I talked again. "Are we going to see wheatrain crops?" The voice from my iPad pumped. "We can talk about that some other time." Mom told me. We rested in our hotel room for a short while. Then we had supper at a Dairy Queen. I enjoyed the ice cream I had with my hotdog. After we got back to the hotel room, I fell asleep. After I got myself up the next day, I had breakfast and got myself ready for the day. I had my bag packed in the back and sat down where I usually sit. We were on a long drive towards the state of Nebraska. We stopped at a Best Western hotel at Nebraska City. 
