Emporia battle site

We talked about our trip so far. We stopped at Wichita. Our car trip towards this town was very uneventful. We then had supper at the Doo-Dah Diner. I had a biscuit and gravy dish. It was very good. I think that Abigail ate a Smothered burrito. Carol ate fried chicken with hashbrowns and eggs. Mom had Brutus. From what I could recall, Brutus is a dish that is a tower of hashbrowns with some eggs on top. That night, I relaxed in the hotel room. I got the feeling that our visit to the battle site in Emporia isn't going to be normal. The night was very calm. I didn't dream about anything. The next day, we had breakfast at the hotel we were staying at. It was a Super Eight. I remembered that I had a waffle.

I smeared some syrup on it. Carol began to talk about the battle site. "So we are going to be visiting another battle site today." "We sure are. In fact this is the last battle site we are going to be visiting for a while. The rest of the places we're going to seeing during our road trip would be museums and perhaps some other domed areas." Mom added. "So, we aren't going to learn more about the Agricultural Civil War?" I asked with the help of my iPad. "Please keep your fingers clean when trying to use your iPad." Mom reminded me. "I don't think so Charlotte. You told us at the Bartlesville battle site that the person who started the Agricultural Civil War lived at High Plains. That's where we are going to be visiting next after Emporia." Abigail blurted out. "That's good news." Carol spoke after she finished a fork full of some scrambled eggs. The thought of not learning anything new about the civil war didn't bother me. "By the way, I wonder if the United States Civil War was just called that or if it was also called the Agricultural Civil War?" Carol wondered. "You can call it the Civil War or the Agricultural Civil War." Mom answered. I decided to finish my breakfast before I would use my iPad to talk again. "Even though Emporia would be the last battle site on our trip. We can still see the impact of the civil war upon the United States. We have learn that the Separatist Provinces of the East have created some fashion trends for the country today." Abigail mentioned. "That's just one part of the civil war. Remember the cherriple farm we have visited? The plant that grows that fruit has been argued about during the civil war. We even got to eat something with cherriple in it." Mom continued. "Oh yeah, I remember that. Wait! There's another plant that was also talked about during the civil war." Carol stopped. "That would be the wheatrain crop. We haven't seen that so much during the trip." Abigail interrupted. "True. I have a feeling that we might see some of those crops later on." Mom said as she finished her breakfast. "Where can we find some farms that grow the wheatrain crops?" I asked. I had wiped my hands on my napkin before using the Ipad. "That would be on the opposite side of the country. Remember, the eastern part of the United States has a lot of farms that grow the cherriple plant. The western part of the United States has farms that grow the wheatrain crops." Mom responded.

Before I was going to say anything else, Abigail interrupted. She told us that if we were going to be late for the battle site. We made sure that we cleaned ourselves up before making sure we had packed our luggage bags. Then we carried them to the car. I sat down in the back seat with Carol. "Which side do you think won the battle of Emporia?" The voice from my iPad pumped. "You will know when we get there." Abigail replied. She sat down in the front passenger seat. "It's going to be a surprise?" Carol asked. Abigail didn't bother to answer her question. "Just remember, at the end of the civil war, the Western States of America won." She told us. Just then, Mom came back from the lobby. She sat behind the steering wheel. I typed a sentence on my iPad. Then I could feel the car starting to move. I could also tell from looking outside of the window next to my seat. I waited until the car was on the road before I let the iPad read my sentence. "We had visited the museum of the east. Does that mean that there is a museum of the west too?" The iPad's voice queried. "You catch on well." Mom replied. "You just have to wait until we get to the museum." Abigail said with a smile. I didn't know what I was going to be saying anymore. I didn't anything else during the trip. I waited until we arrived at Emporia before speaking again. The traffic coming to and from Emporia was pretty busy. We managed to reach the town in no time. We had lunch before we checked into the hotel. The restaurant we ate at was El Lorito. I had Lunch #5. I didn't remember what the others had. It was a pretty good meal. Then we went to check in at a Holiday Inn. After we had left our bags at the room, we all went back to the car. Mom drove us to the battle site. It was pretty easy to see it from afar. Because the sun reflects off the glass dome that preserves the battle site. Mom parked at the battle site's parking lot. We all stepped out of the car. Carol looked all around to see if there is something that makes this battle site different than the others we have visited. Abigail led the way towards the building that separates the dome's interior from the outside.

When we arrived inside, the inside reminded me of the other lobbies from the other battle sites that we have visited. There was some pictures hanging on the walls. There were also texts under these pictures explaining them. Mom told Carol and I to relax in the lobby. I took the time to look at the pictures on the wall of the lobby. There was a picture of a bunch of soldiers. I noticed that the flag they were holding on the right side of the photo had some white and red lines with a patch of blue in a rectangular square shape. There were thirteen stars on the flag forming a circle. Just then, I noticed something else about the flag. There were names written down on nearly every red and white line on the flag. The names that were written down on the flag were California, Colorado, Dakota, Indiana, Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Texas, and Washington. I didn't have to guess which side these soldiers were fighting for. It was for the Western States of America. I didn't think that the flag of the western side would look like this. Then again, I wasn't around when the civil war happened. The description under the photo told how the Western States of America won the battle of Emporia. One thing that was different about this battle site compared to others is that horses were used a lot during the battle. There were many horses used compared to the other battle sites that we have seen. Horses were used to either haul carts or cannons during the war. Apparently, there's a memorial for the horses who have fallen during the battle at this battle site. The other photos showed both armies caring for their horses. One photo showed the memorial that is supposed to be on the battle site. This memorial looked like a horse stable. Though the memorial was built only five months after the battle. The battle of Emporia lasted from 1862 to 1864. The battle was well known for it's fights on horseback.

In fact, that's what the soldiers did mostly in the battle of Emporia. The last photo I checked before I sat down is that there was one horse facing the picture. I looked at the photo's description. It tells how this mustang is the pride in the Western States of America cavalry. The cavalries from both armies fought here. The horse's name is Dadan De. He had survived the most fights during the battle. He had the honor of surviving till the very end of the battle. He helped the soldiers from the western side bury the horses next to this memorial. Dadan De died from Equine Influenza. Only one year after the civil war ended. I sat down and waited for Abigail and Mom. They sat in two chairs facing where Carol and I were sitting. We told them about the pictures we have seen on the wall. "That's one thing that's different about this battle site compared to the other battle sites that we have been to. There's a stable built as a memorial for the horses who have died during the battle." Abigail commented. "There's a horse called Dadan De. He was famous for surviving the civil war. Unfortunately, he died from Equine Influenza." I revealed with help from my device. "I have heard about that. There was a documentary talking about the disease. Apparently, it affected the horses and anything else that could pull a horse cart from June 18 1864 to April 1867. They had to figure out a cure. Or the people would be in trouble because they don't have a way of getting from place to place. Thankfully, not too many horses in the country died. Just only one percent of horses and donkeys that were in the country at the time." Abigail contended. In a few minutes, the lobby was filled with people that have come for a tour of the battle site. The other people who were waiting for the tour to start, sat down, or looked at the pictures that decorated the walls of the waiting room. I saw a man got out from behind the counter. He had blond hair that was short and wavy. "Hi everybody and welcome to the Emporia battle site." The staff member began. The people turned around to face him. The man introduced himself as Vaughn. He asked everybody to step next to the counter. I got up from where I was sitting and walked towards the lobby.

As I stopped at a place in the lobby where I could look at the tour guide, there was the sound of a horse whinnying. People looked around. The sound could be heard again. This time it sounded like it came from my iPad I was holding with my left hand. I looked at the device's screen. There was no message that was on the screen. I turned my device off. "What's going on Charlotte?" Mom asked. I only shrugged. I gave my device to her. Carol turned to face the tour guide. He explained a bit of information on the battle field before continuing to the museum part of the battle site. I saw an authentic Western States of America flag. There was also two different soldier uniforms. One uniform was a yellowish tan color, and it was a Western States of America soldier uniform. The other uniform was crimson, and it was a Separatist Provinces of the East soldier uniform. There was also a flag that I recognized from the Spote museum. It was the Spote flag. The tour guide told the story about how the cavalries for both armies fought the battle. A spy that was working for the Spote army told them about the plan of sending the calvary to fight off the whole Spote infantry. The eastern army had the infantry retreat and replaced with a calvary unit. Despite that setback, the Western States of America won the battle. When the battle settled. The western army had a stable built as a memorial for the horses who had fought here. The only horse that survived the battle was Dadan De as the tour guide explained. There was a section of the museum that showed the fight between the two sides. I saw that there were soldiers that had their swords swinging at each other, and pistols that fired. There was the sound of a horse whinnying again. Everybody from the tour group turned to look at Mom. She was confused as everybody else. The sound looked like it was coming from her. Really, I thought the sound came from my iPad. When Mom looked at the screen on the device. The iPad looked like it was on. Mom turned it off and apologized to the tour group. The tour guide began to explain a bit more about the battle site. He led the group to the door that went inside the domed area. There was the sound of a horse whinnying again. It sounded like it came from my iPad again. This made Mom confused. The entire crowd looked at her. She looked at the screen of my iPad. There was no message written on it. Though there was the sound of a horse whinnying again. Mom knew it came from my iPad. "Is there something wrong?" The tour guide asked.

I can tell that he felt that the tour was going to be ruined because of the whinnying sounds coming from my iPad. Just then, there was the sound of another whinny. This time, it came from the door that separated the museum from the interior of the domed area. The tour guide looked at the people that were on the tour. A tall man held up his hand. The tour guide pointed at him and asked, "Do you have a question?". The man shook his head. "I think that this museum is starting to become haunted." He explained. The tour guide couldn't believe what he just heard. "I don't think so. If this place was haunted then we would have known about it by now." He spoke in disbelief. With that, the tour guide opened the door to the domed area. He had left the door open so that the people from the tour group would get inside first. As I stepped out into the battle site, I began to take note of it's features. The land was flat. There were two small groups of trees that were on the left side next to a part of the dome that is far away from the building. I saw that there was a building that looked like a stable. There was a small area of dry dirt a foot away from me. The tour group all had their eyes focused on the tour guide. Before he was about to say anything, there was a loud noise. There was the sound of horses hooves that were pounding the ground. I looked around, trying to figure out where the sound was coming from. The pounding continued. Everybody in the tour group was unsure about the noise. Some of them were frightened. I looked at the dry dirt area. Just then, there was a hoofprint that was made within a second.

The tour guide didn't know what to think. He looked around, he even asked my mom to turn off the iPad. My mom shouted over the loud noise to let him know that the iPad was already off. Five seconds later, the pounding hooves sound disappeared. The people didn't know what just happened. There wasn't any horses on the battle site that we could see. Then everybody looked back at the tour guide. "Sorry everybody. This has been a first for me, and for everybody. I'll tell the other staff members about this. For now, we can learn more about the battle site." The staff member uttered apologetically. I wasn't so sure about that. I already know that this place was already haunted. The tour guide explained about the layout and the battle site. He explained the only problem that both cavalries had was the lack of water. It had to be carried here by cart. Then he told us about the stable. As we got closer, the tour guide explained that the horses that were not or already were buried, The were buried underneath the stable. He opened the door to the building. A member from the tour group asked him if the stables were used. The tour guide explained that the stable was preserved, not used. There was a local bylaw that prevented anybody from using the stable. If somebody stayed or had horses living in the stable. Then it would be considered as desecration. The tour guide further explained as we were just visitors to the battle site, then it would be not considered as desecration. The tour guide asked us to have the flashlight apps on our phones turned on. Mom gave my iPad back. I immediately turned the flashlight app on the device on. I looked inside the building. The only source of light that the building had was the single window that was incorporated into the wide door of the stable. In fact, the only other doors inside only led into stalls. The tour guide had his flashlight turned on. He had it attached to his belt. The door to the stable was left open. I shined the light on the stable doors. The tour guide explained more about Dadan De. He came from Dakota. This horse had three different owners. The last owner was a Chinese soldier who fought for the Western army. He named him after the Chinese word for bold.

"Dadan De helped with the construction of this stable. Tragically, he died from equine influenza a year after the battle of Emporia was over." The tour guide continued. Just then, the doors to the different stalls opened and closed. The door to the stable entrance was slammed shut by itself. I heard three people that screamed, including Mom. "What's happening?" Carol asked. "I don't like this." Abigail rendered. The doors to the stalls continued to open and close by themselves. "Whoa!" All of a sudden, I turned to look at the person who said that word. It turns out a man was floating in the middle of the room. I heard the sound of a horse snorting. It sounded very close by. "Help!" The man cried as he floated away. I noticed that something was holding onto the back of his shirt. The people grabbed onto the floating man's legs. It did slow down the man while he was floating towards the other side of the stable. The man floated until he was next to the stall on the right. The people who were helping the man now felt something pushing them from behind. The door to that stall stopped opening and closing and was left open. The man and the people who were trying to help him dropped to the floor. The door to that stall closed by itself. "Charlotte help!" Carol cried. I turned around and saw Carol was floating too. Just like the man, it looked like that Carol was being carried by something by the collar of her shirt. The door to the stall that was first on the left as you entered that stable was opened and stopped swinging wildly by its own. Mom and Abigail grabbed onto her ankles. I only watched. I was confused by why this stable could be haunted. It hasn't been haunted for some time. Then I realized that the ghosts who might be haunting the stable might be angry over a few tourists that might want to destroy the stable.

"Charlotte! Come and help!" Mom pleaded by a loud tone of voice. I carried my iPad and tried to reach for Carol. I tried to push my sister closer to my friend. I thought through that way, I can get my sister to help. "Can you please grab one Carol's legs?" My sister questioned. I thought that she was thinking that I wanted to leave the stable. Then I could feel my sister moving forward. "What's going on?" Mom shrieked. In a minute, we were inside a stall. The door to the stall closed by itself. I shined the light from my iPad on the door. I tried to ram the door open on my own. The door was sealed tight. Mom and Abigail tried to force it open themselves. I could still hear people shouting for help. I couldn't tell what was going on in the rest of the stable. The sounds of the doors opening and closing made me want to plug my ears with my hands. "Let us out!" Somebody shouted from one of the stable stalls.

I screamed myself. I couldn't handle the stress of the loud noise all around me. There was a noise of a horse whinnying from my iPad. Carol knew this. She went to help Abigail and Mom figure a way out of the stable stall instead. "What's going on out there?" Carol asked. "I don't know." Abigail replied in a loud voice. I continued to focus on screaming. Then I heard the sound of people pounding on wood. Mom had the light from her cellphone shining through the window of the stall door. Abigail gazed through the window with the help of this light. She saw a lady that was floating in the air. Vaughn tried to help her, though he ended up in an empty stall along with the lady and the other people who tried to help. The only thing that could be heard in the stable now was people shouting to be let out of the stable stalls. I had my hands off my ears. I picked up my iPad and had it pointing towards the ground. "How did this happen?" Mom complained. "And why?" Abigail added. "Maybe, the ghosts from the battle of Emporia have come back to haunt the stable." Carol guessed. "Why? I think the museum staff are doing a great job of remembering them. At least we are not doing anything bad to the stable like vandalizing it." Mom insisted. "Maybe that's it. The horses are angry because somebody must have vandalized the stable today." Abigail realized. Just then, I heard the sound of a horse snorting. The noise came from my iPad. I was still wondering why ghosts are using my iPad to talk. There was no message typed on the screen of my device.

I showed the screen to my family and friend. "How do we get out of this situation?" Abigail queried. "I don't know." Mom responded. There was the sound of a horse whinnying coming from my iPad. Then I heard the sound of hoofs pounding the stable's dirt floor. Then I looked at the people surrounding me. Abigail helped me to stand up, because I was on my knees when I was screaming about the loud sounds earlier. "Maybe we can reach the lock." Carol asserted her solution. Mom and Abigail tried to reach put they were met by something warm in the stable's cold air. The warm presence sniffed their faces and pushed them back towards a stable wall. "Well we know that there is something that doesn't want us to leave." Abigail observed. "If we stay in here for too long, then the batteries on our devices will die and we won't be able to escape." Carol conveyed. Then the sound of a horse whinnying came from my iPad again. I felt puzzled again. "How many times are the ghosts going to be using your iPad Charlotte?" Mom questioned me. I didn't know the answer. I typed my reply on the iPad. "Great. Why are we being kept here?" Mom wondered. The stable stall didn't have anything else inside it. There was no bale of hay. I guess that would make sense since the stable has been used as a memorial for the horses who died during the battle of Emporia. Then there was the sound of a horse snorting. I felt the warmth of an animal as it touched my right side cheek. When I turned around, there wasn't anything there. I looked at the screen on my iPad. "I sure wish I could speak horse. That way, I can find out why they are keeping us locked in this stable." Carol said as she looked for a way out. I typed a message on my iPad right away. Some of the people were still yelling to be let out. There was the sound of hooves pounding on the stable floor. "What do you want?" The voice from my iPad asked. The only thing I heard back was the sound of a horse snorting. The sound came from my iPad. Mom and Abigail were figuring out why we were thrown in a stall.

Then I typed up another message. "Dadan De. What do you want? We've done nothing to be thrown into a stable stall." My iPad stated for me. I heard the sound of a horse neighing. It came from inside the stall. I used the flashlight from my iPad to look around the stall. There was nobody else inside the room but myself, Carol, and my family. I then typed the words "Dadan De" on my iPad. I wanted to find out from the famous horse why were we inside the stall. The sound of horses snorting, and neighing got louder. Some of the people had their hands against their ears. I used the light from my iPad to shine through the window of the stall. The rest of the people who had their hands up against their ears in the stalls I was in thought that was a silly idea. Just then I could feel the warmth of a horse was standing next to me. I couldn't tell if the ghost of Dadan De, or another horse. I looked around and there was nobody next to me. Then the noise of horses, whinnying, and pounding their hooves stopped. I didn't know why that was. I shined the light from my iPad on the walls of the stall. Then the sound of a horse whinnying could be heard from my iPad again. I shined a light on the right side corner as soon as one would step inside of the stall. Something was starting to take shape in the room. It was something black in color. I could hear the sound of a horse that whinnied. The figure that was taking shape turned out to be a horse. This wasn't just any horse. I recognized the horse as Dadan De. The horse pounded his hooves on the dirt floor. Everybody else had their backs on the wall and the stall door. The horse took two steps towards me. His nose was pointing in my direction. I didn't know what to expect from the animal. Carol had her hands covering her mouth. Mom and Abigail could only watch. The horse smelled the T-shirt I was wearing.

It then raised it's head till it's nose was next to my face. The horse sniffed it. Wanting to make sure, I typed a message on my iPad. "Are you Dadan De?" The device questioned for me. The horse didn't seem to say anything. Instead, the animal just watched me. Then the horse turned it's attention to the wall on the right of it. I used the light from my iPad to look at the wall. There was message written on it. "I am Dadan De." Is what the message said. That gave me the motivation to ask another question. "Why am I locked inside the stall with my friend and family?" The iPad rallied for me. The horse didn't seem to answer at first. It just had it's head where it would normally be while standing upright. Dadan De had it's head turned to the same wall where the message was earlier. The light from my iPad shined on the wall that the horse was pointing at. "Ride." Was the single word that was written on the wall. I didn't know what that word could mean. Either Dadan De or one of the other horses want a ride, or there might be something else associated with the word. Dadan De had it's head turned to face me. I typed another message on my iPad. I had eyes moving from looking at the horse's face, to looking at the screen on my iPad. I wasn't sure what was going to happen next. Dadan De only looked at me as I finished my message. The horse could only listen as the Ipad asked a question for me. "Do you mean that you want to give me a ride, or there were people who were wanting to trash the memorial that were riding in a car?" That made my family think that I was asking a strange question. The horse turned it's head to the wall on it's right. I looked and saw that there was a short message written on the wall. "I do want to give you a ride." I turned back at Dadan De. "Why do you want to give her a ride? Why don't the other horses want to give rides?" Carol asked innocently. The horse turned to look at my friend after she spoke. Then Dadan De turned his attention to the same wall. We all looked at the message that was written on the wooden surface. "Yes. They do want to give a ride. We want to do it because it reminds us of a good time that we all had while being raised. The time while we were being rode on into battle by soldiers. I want to feel that exact same joy again." I was confused by how horses could speak the language that we speak.

That made me want to learn more about the battle site itself. I decided to ask a few questions to Dadan De. "Which side you were fighting for during the battle?" My iPad asked for me again. I shined the light from my iPad on the wooden wall that was on Dadan De's right side before the horse could turn his head to look there. I could see words were starting to form on the wall. "I fought for the western side." The message said on the wall. The horse only looked at me as it was expecting me to say something else with the help of my iPad. Just then, I heard something slam on the wall close by. It was the door that led to the outside of the stable. I walked to the window. I wanted to see what was going on. I couldn't see since my head couldn't reach the window. Then I could feel something helping me. This something made sure I could see through the window. I looked behind me and noticed that Dadan De was helping me by giving a boost. I turned my attention to the walkway. The light from the outside showed the walkway between the doors of the stable stalls. Then I saw other figures that were starting to materialize. Slowly but surely, I can see that the figures were horses. They whinnied as they appeared in the room. The horses came in different colors. Then I could see that Dadan De set me down on the dirt floor of the stall. The famous horse only looked at me as I turned around to face him. The horses all snorted from outside the stalls. People were amazed by the horses sudden appearance. At the same time, they were also terrified. What if the horses were there to get revenge on the humans for vandalizing stables? Some of the visitors might have thought that. Though I knew that the horses had come back just to give all of us a ride. Then I typed up a new message with the help of my iPad. "These horses, did they fought on both sides of the civil war?" My device interrogated Dadan De. The horse looked at the same wall it stared at whenever I asked the animal a question. "They fought for the east and the west." I watched as the horse made a small circle inside the stall. I noticed that there was something different on the horse as it changed. Dadan De had a saddle on his back. Just then, something else materialized right next to tips of my feet. It was a wooden stepping stool. The stool only stood by itself. Abigail went to pick up the stool. She had it placed next to Dadan De's left side. "Come on Charlotte." She told me. I understood her. I walked up to the stepping stool and walked up it.

My big sister helped me get comfortable on the saddle. My feet slipped into the stirrups nicely. The horse waited patiently as Abigail made sure I was set up properly on him. Then she took the stool away. At that moment, there was some light that came inside the whole building. The light reminded me of the lights that I would see in one of the classrooms back home. I couldn't understand why light could come on in the building. There were no light fixtures in the building. The only thing that was left hanging in the building was an old oil lamp. Everybody felt a bit calmer and surprised by the light, especially the tour guide. He had been working here for four years and he never saw lights in the stable building before. The door to the stall we were locked in opened by itself. Dadan De back away from the door. Abigail stood next to the wall on the left of Dadan De. Mom and Carol only watched from the other wall. A brown horse with white spots near it's behind appeared in the room. The animal only stopped after a few steps. The horse had it's head towards Carol. It looked like that it wanted her to ride on it's back. My friend cautiously approached the animal. Abigail had the wooden stool placed on the horse's right side. The animal watched as Carol had her hand out in front of her. The brown horse had it's nose next to Carol's hand. It sniffed it. The animal gazed at my friend for a few seconds. "Carol." Abigail whispered. Carol carefully moved sideways around the brown horse. The animal only stared as Carol made her way towards the wooden stepping stool. The horse turned it's attention to Dadan De, who was standing proudly. Abigail helped Carol as she got on the saddle. Mom was unsure if she could ride a horse too. The brown horse walked towards the back of the stall. Dadan De slowly moved towards the open stall door. The horse waited partially outside while another horse that was brown but had no spots, entered the stall. At once, I saw the horse that Carol was riding in and my sister as she rode up right next to me.

"I wonder where the horses are going to be taking us?" Carol asked. I didn't know the answer to that question. I watched as the people who were prisoners of the stable stalls came out riding horses. The horses all waited in the hallway outside of the stalls. "Whoa!" I heard my mom exclaim. A few seconds later, she came out of the stall riding the same brown horse. Dadan De moved towards the outside of the stable. There was nothing extraordinary that happened yet. The horse that Carol was riding also was outside. In two minutes, everybody got out of stable riding a horse. They couldn't believe what was happening. I could feel my horse's front end standing up. Dadan De let out a whinnying sound while moving it's legs around almost as if it was on an exercise machine. I was scared that I would be falling off Dadan De. Somehow that didn't seem to happen. This was my first time riding a horse, but I don't think that they would glue the horse riders to the saddles. As I feared that I was about to fall off, I noticed that I couldn't fall off the saddle since it looked like I was glued to it. My shoes' soles also looked like they were stuck to the stirrups. Dadan De eventually got back on his four hooves. The horses all whinnied back. Then Dadan De surged forward. I had my right arm wrapped around my iPad. My left hand had a solid grip on the saddle's horn. The horses also ran after Dadan De. Everybody hanged onto the saddle horns. Dadan De was running towards the museum building of the battle site. I thought that the horse was about to crash into the building. I close my eyes for a few seconds. I heard the sound of horse hooves still pounding. I looked around at my surroundings. I was riding on a narrow dirt trail surrounded by many trees and bushes.

The trail goes around and over a few small hills. Dadan De swiftly moved towards the end of the trail. It was a straight stretch that went past a few small trees. The horse swiftly moved past them and still charged into the woods. I took the time to look at the ground that surrounded me. There was tall grass and there was some trees that laid on the forest floor. Just then, after a few more feet, we jumped over a hole on the forest floor. I felt that this horse ride was just a rollercoaster ride. I looked back. The other people who riding the other horses were following right behind Dadan De. They had their phones stuffed in their pockets. The people had both of their hands holding onto the saddle's horn. They couldn't believe that the horses could do this. After pounding through the forest for a while, Dadan De reached a giant clump of bushes. I saw what kind of plants were in front of this bush. They were prickly and I feared that the horses could hurt themselves on these plants. Then I had a thought in my mind. Since the horses were dead, then they wouldn't feel the thorns. As Dadan De had its legs moved past the thorny plants. The horse just move through the bushes as if they weren't there. I tried to touch the branches of the tall bushes, but they just passed right threw me. The next thing that happened on the ride was that I was riding threw a field of tall grass. The tall blade of grass only went right through Dadan De. I thought that this ride felt like going to the movies. Since one scene I remembered from movies was that there was one scene that looked like the camera was moving very quickly through the fields. Though I didn't know if that was the same as riding a horse that was very fast. The horse only rushed through the field passionately. I didn't know if I was feeling the same way as Dadan De. I felt a lot more terrified. I looked back at the others. The horses all emerged from a spot on the field behind me. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I felt like I was just going through different scenes while sitting at a movie theater. This couldn't be real. Then I remembered that I was still holding onto the saddle's horn. The horse ultimately continued through the field for a few seconds. The next thing I knew, the landscape changed. I found myself riding next to the side of a canyon. I felt scared just thinking about it.

At any minute, I thought that Dadan De was going to be falling into the cliff. I didn't want to look down, but out of wonder, I had to. There didn't appear to be any river that was running through the canyon. There was only the arid earth and a few cactuses. I could feel the wind from the ride on Dadan De. I looked at where the horse was going to up ahead. There was a rock formation that reminded me of a ramp. Dadan De moved to the left. "What is going to happen?" I said in my mind. Dadan De stopped when he was a distance away from the canyon. The horse turned to face the canyon. The animal was facing the ramp rock formation. "I knew it. We're going to be going over a canyon." I said to myself in my mind. The others got here, and the horses slowed down once they got to the area of arid land that Dadan De was standing on. I looked at the canyon. I took a deep breath. Dadan De raised the front half of his body in the air. His arms circle as if he was on an exercise machine. The horse let out a whinnying sound. I closed my eyes. The horses galloped towards the cliff. I screamed. "Charlotte!" A voice called as I was screaming for two seconds. I looked around and saw Abigail. "Stay calm and hold on!" She instructed. I didn't think I had the courage to stay calm. The horse ran up the ramp and jumped. The distance that separated the two canyon edges was about six miles apart. I couldn't stand to look down. I could only watch the horse I was riding jumping across the canyon. The problem I had was that jumping across a canyon like this was that it is impossible and dangerous. The horse had it's feet pointing behind him and in front of him. Almost as if Dadan De was expecting to land on the other side of the canyon. A minute later, I heard the sounds of horses hooves landing on solid ground. I couldn't believe it. Dadan De made it across the canyon. The horses from the other side of the canyon neighed.

Dadan De backed away from the canyon. I began to type a message on my device. "Good work Dadan De. I was scared that we would fall into the canyon." The voice from my iPad said for me. The horse I was riding snorted. We watched as the other people from the tour group made it across the canyon because their horse has successfully jumped. I didn't believe that horses from real life could jump across that much distance. The riders remained calm. Abigail thought that was a great decision. They didn't want to panic themselves or the horses. After the last rider made it across, the landscape started to change. Grass started to grow on the arid landscape. I saw a dome that was being formed around us. I looked around and saw a familiar stable building. We were back at the battle site. Dadan De neighed.

The people watched as the wooden step stools they used to get on the horses flew out from the stable building. The stools stopped where the sides of the horses were. I waited until a stool was on Dadan De's left side before I could get off. I climbed off the saddle on got on the battle site ground. I typed a short message on my iPad. The wooden step stool floated to somebody else who needed to get off their horse. The people looked ahead and saw some horses had materialized. They had saddles just like the horses we were riding. I didn't remember seeing them. "They're back!" Mom exclaimed. "They were running alongside our horses during the ride! I hope they aren't looking for a ride too." One man said as he waited for the wooden step stool. Soon everybody was off of the saddles. "Thanks for the ride." My iPad spoke for me. The horse made a calm neigh. Dadan De turned his attention towards the other horses with saddles. He made a loud and long neigh. The horses replied back to him. We were standing next to the stable. The wooden step stools floated towards us. The items slowly vanished. Some of the horses who were not ridden on started to become transparent. I looked back Dadan De. He started to become transparent too. He raise the front half of his body for one last time. His feet moved in a circle and neighed again. I watched as the famous horse ran towards one part of the domed area. The other horses followed him. Just then, they vanished out of thin air. All that was left was some hoofprints.

The people from the tour group looked at each other. "That was some wild ride." Carol observed as she looked at the spot where the horses were last seen. "So they wanted one last ride?" My iPad asked for me. "I guess so." Mom replied. The tour guide didn't know what to say. He thought for a short moment. Then he began to finish off the tour of the stable by saying that the horses that were used in the battle were all buried here. He then showed us the other parts of the battle site that we haven't seen. There was a tent on the empty space next to a tree. The tour guide explained that this was the only tent that was preserved from the battle. The people delicately looked at the tent from where they were standing. I didn't have to guess which side the tent belonged to. The tent's walls were crimson red in color. It belonged to the Separatist Provinces of the East. The tour guide led us back inside the building. As we were walking to the building, I noticed something along with a few other people from the tour group. The hoofprints were gone. It was as if they had never existed. He concluded the tour and thanked everyone of us for coming to the battle site. I stayed for a short moment after. Mom was getting organized. Then we went for the car. "I don't think horses are supposed to give rides this wild." Carol stated. "Well no. The horseback riding I know of was that the horse riding was never that exciting. "Could we go for horseback riding next summer?" I asked with the help of my iPad. "Sure Charlotte. And now let's go back to the hotel." Mom said. She sat down in the driver's seat. I sat down in the back with Carol. The ride to the hotel room was quiet. Mom was happy when she found a parking spot for the car. "Besides the horseback riding, was there something about the battle site that you found interesting?" Mom queried. I didn't have an answer for her. The only exciting thing about the trip that I know of was that the horseback riding on ghost horses was scary for me. It was my first time horseback riding, and the horses were very fast. I didn't answer Mom's question of course. "I didn't find anything interesting about the battle site." My iPad answered.
