First roadside stop

The hotel that I am staying at was called the "Spotes Motel". It appeared to be hotel with only one single floor. There were three other vehicles in the parking lot. Just as we got off at the hotel, I noticed that there was a flag at the motel's main office. It didn't look like the American flag. The design of it is that there were 20 fists in the flag. These fists were copper in color. There was a black cross in the background. The fists appear to be aimed towards the different parts of the cross. The black cross divided the flag into four different parts. Each part had a crimson red rectangle. Each rectangle either had eight or seven fists in them. The cross had a circle in the middle. This circle had a crown inside of it. The circle does seem to have a dark gray color to it. While the crown had a gold color to it. We waited inside until Mom came back with the room keys. She told us to carry our bags to the room. The bags were set on the ground next to the beds.

Then Mom asked us to follow her to the museum. Abigail somehow knew what she meant. Next door to the motel was the museum. It was about five stories high. Mom mentioned that the museum only gives tours during the evening. Every other time it is just a self guided tour. While walking to the museum, with the help of the iPad I asked Abigail about the flag flying above the main desk. "That's the Spotes flag." Abigail told me. "Why is it hanging over the hotel?" Carol questioned. "You see, the people in the U.S have a thing for preserving historical sites and artifacts. The Spotes flag is one of these historical items. There's even a society who tries to preserve some of America's history. It is called the ." Mom explained to me. "Did the flag belong to one of the sides that fought each other during the Agricultural Civil War? Why do they still hang it over the motel after the war was done for some time? The war was a terrible time." Carol remarked. "You don't have to worry about that. There's nothing wrong with the flag. It's just that the people who live in the eastern part of the United States don't like it when groups who try to anything bad would use this symbol. They still hang it over so that they could remember the bad time. By doing this, they could prevent another civil war from happening in the United States. Even though the war was pretty bad. People think it's important to learn about the past. That way we could learn from the mistakes of their ancestors so that history won't repeat itself for the worst." Mrs. Wouters answered. "What kind of bad groups would use the Spotes flag?" The voice from the iPad pumped my sister and mother. "The people who use it are usually rebel groups. They are not happy about the presidents or the government itself. They think the way to fix America is to divide it into two separate nations. This has some bad consequences. Though we haven't seen any groups in the media today who would want to use it for malicious purposes." Mom replied.

"This museum was known as the Spotes museum. This is a special place. We can get to learn a bit about the Separatist Provinces of the East and what they wanted to fight for. I did some research about it before the end of school." Mom explained. Just we entered the museum, there was elderly man who met us at the entrance along with a tour guide. "Weelcome to the Spotes museum." The man said with a polite tone of voice. "Thank you." Abigail replied to him. A few other people came to the museum. Just then, the tour guide got out from the front desk. Another tour guide came out from a doorway from behind the desk. Perhaps that's where the main office is of the museum. "Alright, welcome to the Spotes museum. My name is Sarah, and I will be your tour guide for this evening. I'm going to start by saying that before all of this was a part of the United States. This place was the ground for the Separatist Provinces of the East. And these states were called provinces at the time. Though you can say that these places were smaller than Canadian provinces." As she talked, I looked around the room. There were pictures of soldiers on the wall. In another picture there was a group of five men holding the Spotes flag. Above the wall next to the desk was a sword in a scabbard. "At the time the people from the west called us Spotes which is the same name that we gave our army. That term is now pretty rude today. The politically correct way to call people who live in the east is easterners." With those words said, the tour guide led us to another part of the museum. This part of the museum had a few maps and looked more like an office. There were about seven different maps in the room. There was a map of the North American continent. This continent had the countries of Mexico, Canada, and what appeared to be the United States. The country of the Unites States was divided into two different countries. One country for sure had to be the Separatist Provinces of the East. "So this was an office belonged to a general in the army. Actually, this office was place for the generals to meet with the commanding officers. They would talk about what military maneuvers they would have to do in the front lines. This office was actually used by all military officers." The tour guide explained as she went stand next to the desk.

Somebody from the group raised their hand. "Yes?" The tour guide asked with cheerful sounding voice. "Do you know who was supposed to bee using this offish?" The elderly gentleman questioned. "Well we do know that the office was supposed to be used for a general. Though we had some resources tell us that the generals of the Spotes army would share offices. It would all depend on if they are in the area." The tour guide answered. After a short moment of silence, the tour guide started to talk again. "So over here there is a small frame containing medals that the generals would have been awarded with during the war. They wanted show off their medals as a way to inspire the military officers of the lower ranks so that they might be generals someday themselves. The generals rarely meet other officers of a lower rank when they came into this office. The only time where they would meet soldiers would be when they would talk about promoting them to a greater position. The trick did work, a lot of people in the military got promoted in a short amount of time. So that would be a surprise for a lot of people in the west." I looked at the medals in one display case. I think there were about twenty medals in a large display frame. The next part of the museum was upstairs. I looked around and saw a picture of a wanted poster. The name of this person on the wanted poster was called the "SPOTE Gravedigger". I haven't heard about somebody like him before. He had a beard that was about three inches long. He was wearing a partially bald head. There was hair on the sides on the top. Though there might be some information about him in a later part of the tour. The tour guide showed us a room where there was uniforms on display. All of the people from the tour group went upstairs. The man of the wanted poster remained the same way he is for a while.

Suddenly, the normal face that the criminal had in the wanted poster started to slowly change. His smile was being curved upwards. A chuckle can be heard with a sinister laugh. The tour guide talked about the Spotes uniforms. They were crimson red. A big Spotes flag could be seen hanging on the wall. "So the color red on the uniform represents the hot blood that the army possesses. They would wear these uniforms of crimson red to oppose the Western States of America. At the time they thought that the states were going to be ruled by one person. The people in this side of the country thought that if the country was going to be ruled by one person. Then they would fear that they would be ruled by a dictator or that the government would soon be ruled by a monarchy. So the flag does have some hints that the country might be a rebellious one." With those words said, the tour guide directed our attention to the Spotes flag on the wall. "So the same color red is present in the four corners of the flag. The bronze fists represents the peoples' worries that they might be treated as if they were third class citizens. The black cross dividing the map into four separate pieces represent the separatists' fears that the country would soon be ruled by a dictatorship or by a monarchy. The color black can be seen as a bad thing. Some people feel that the government that the Western States have put into place was just their way of trying to encourage the people to be the same." I had a question. So I raised my hand. "Yes?" the tour guide asked. I typed down the question that was in my head. "Was the Separatist Provinces of the East still fighting over agriculture or is there more to this story?" The voice from my iPad asked for me. "Sorry about that. My daughter was just wondering if the people who were living in this part of the country would be fighting over the different crops or perhaps over land." Mom jumped in. She felt that I was going to be making her look bad in font of the other members of the guided tour. The tour guide thought for a moment. "Yes, there is more to the story that anybody would think. The most major reason that the Agricultural Civil War happened was over the dispute of which new plant was going to be planted and farmed here. I will be getting into that later in the tour." I felt a bit interested in the subject. The tour guide continued to talk about the former Separatist Provinces of the East. "As much as the generals were showing a good example to the soldiers. The government that the people have here wouldn't last for too long. Though some rebellious people think it is a great form of government."

The tour guide led us to another part of the second floor. This one showed two different kinds of plants. The first one reminded me of a tomato plant. Though I thought that the fruit would look a lot more like a giant sphere like a lollipop without the small stick. "So this is the cherriple vine. These plants can be found at a cherriple orchard. The people who grow these have used them for a type of fruit juice." The cherriple fruit was a type of cherry, except it was big as a basketball. I don't know who would want to buy or eat these fruits. The cherriple plant was of course a plastic replica of real thing. It looked like the vine of the cherriple plant was growing from the water. The other plant that was on display looked a grain crop. Except the sections of the grain that is on the top of the stalk was big as an ear of corn. I didn't know that this kind of grain could be larger than a regular crop of grain. "So this is the wheatrain plant. This kind of plant would be used for harvesting the grain in order to make products made from grain out of them. Believe it or not. One of these plants could produce more grain than a regular crop of grain would produce. So if I were a farmer, I would be more than happy to be growing this crop on the field. Though the controversy surrounding the two plants were that they were not normal. There were some rumors spreading through out the two separate countries at the time that these plants would poison you or that they were an invasive species that would harm the local farm land. So these plants all have their own uses. There was a lot of money being created out of just planting those two plants. However there were a few laws passed that forbid those plants from being planted in the Separatist Provinces of the East and in the Western States of America."

I felt that the answer to why the Agricultural Civil War started was becoming a little clear. "There was a law in SPOTE that forbidden anybody for growing the wheatrain plant. Even eating the plant is now outlawed. To fight back against this ridiculous law. The Western States of America introduced laws that bans the growing of the cherriple vine and for anybody to be eating it." The tour guide continued. "It might be a ridiculous law now. Though I can assure you that the war didn't start initially after those ridiculous laws were put into place by both countries." With that the tour guide led us to another part of the building. As I was following the group. Something freaked me out. The face of the SPOTE Gravedigger can be seen on a wanted poster on the wall of the display. I blinked my eyes, and the poster was gone. The next room that the tour guide led us to was next to the stairs. Though somebody was watching the group from a short distance away. He was wearing a flat hat made out of straw, his beard was only three inches long. The gravedigger smiled after the group was out of the room with the two plants. The tour guide continued to talk about the Agricultural Civil War through the other rooms and how it affected a lot of people. One thing that I didn't know about in this country was that it had a lot of people who came to it and started to call it home. These were mostly refugees from different countries. The newcomers at the time had claimed some land in either the western side of the country, or the eastern side. The people who came to settle in the east were people from Sweden, different parts of Africa, Germany, Italy, and even France. The people who came to settle in the west are mostly people who originally were born in the Russia, China, Japan, and even England too. The reason why these people came to America was that they would claim a new life for themselves. They thought that there would be more money to be made in the new world.

The people who were already settled in the country talked with the First Nations people of the different parts of the former countries at that time. The people from the First Nations welcomed the people from the different countries with open arms. They were even curious to learn what each of these countries have to offer. They would even show them their own traditions. The process in which the people from the different parts of the world would come to settle down in either the SPOTE country, or the Western States of America was called the alliance treaty. It establishes what kind of towns would be built. As well as what sort of gift the different First Nations Tribes would receive in return. They had gotten their own land to hunt, farm, and to call home. Some people from the First Nations tribes mostly want to learn more about the people who are settling in the big country. They would gather information about their culture and traditions and share it with their people. Enemy tribes soon became friends with the other tribes, just for the sake of learning anything new about the people from the other parts of the world. That's what the tour guide told me. "The good thing to come out of this is that there is a museum dedicated to different cultures from around the world. The museum's construction was supported by everybody. The museum would get a lot of visitors. The museum is located somewhere in Oklahoma. In Shattuck to be specific. That city's population has grown by a lot. They all want to make sure that the museum still remains successful." The tour guide explained. After we finished the tour on the highest floor of the building. The tour guide took us to the basement. "Now this is the special part for people who had bought tickets to see the notorious criminal in these parts." She said as she directed us to the front desk. She told us to wait before the front desk. She stomped on the floor with her left foot. There was a clunking sound. Suddenly, there was a small creak. As people were waiting I noticed that there was a gray rectangle blocking the way from the museum's front door to the desk. There was a hole in the floor. It had some steps leading to the basement. I carefully watched my step. The steps were pretty thin. I had to move sideways as I clambered down to the basement. The room I got into was lit by a single lightbulb. There was another wanted poster of the SPOTE Gravedigger. He had his normal face and didn't appear to be moving. Just then, as the last few people of the group went downstairs. The SPOTE Gravedigger watched as we went downstairs. He had a sinister smile while he watched. The tour guide was the last person to go downstairs.

"So this part of the tour is dedicated to the notorious criminal the SPOTE Gravedigger. What he did as a criminal? As his name suggests, he digs out the gravestones from the graveyard and hold them hostage. Every time a gravestone had went missing, he would claim responsibility by anonymous letters. He had done this for four times and was still on the loose. Afterwards, he started to rob banks and buried the money in a grave with a false name being etched into the gravestone. The scam did worked two times before the local residents figured out what was going on. They found out that he was stealing the money from the bank at night and hid it in the grave so that the people wouldn't know where to look for it once they captured the robber. Though a smart young man told the police what he thought was going on. They of course researched into this theory. Without a doubt, the police found the gravestone with the phony name and dug it up revealing the money. They had the same young man hid inside the bank so that he would describe what the villain looked like. That plan worked. Not without the price of the SPOTE Gravedigger trying to hit him with a shovel. The young man's name remained anonymous. For fear of the gravedigger trying to figure out who the young man or who his family was. The criminal had held two other gravestones hostage before the authorities caught him. He was sent to jail. Though people around here have claimed to see his ghost." Then I looked around the basement while tour guide talked. The basement had some wooden beams supporting one doorway. Though I wasn't sure what was in there. The walls and the floor of the basement was made out of cement.

I stared at the wanted poster of the SPOTE Gravedigger. Nothing changed. That was a good thing for me. I was scared that I might have to see the criminal's ghost. Behind a doorway with wooden beams. The SPOTE Gravedigger watched from behind. His eyes stared at the crowd of people. They all had their eyes fixed on the tour guide and the wanted poster. The people in the room thought that they might be seeing the SPOTE Gravedigger. The tour guide walked towards the crowd of people. She walked towards the doorway with the wooden beams. The guide didn't see anybody in the small space as she walked in. The people followed her inside. Suddenly, I could hear the sound of a click. Almost as if she had turned on a light switch. As I walked through the doorway, I noticed that the small hallway turned left and then to the right. There was a single light on in the room. The tour guide was standing next to a display case which had a shovel with something carved into it. "Before the criminal was captured, he had written initials on his long shovel shaft." The tour guide started to point at the long part that connected the handle to the shovel. "The shovel was seized by the police when they have arrested him. The criminal died in prison. Which of course has been told to us through law enforcement. They had this item in storage and they wanted to create some space. That's what gave us the idea of creating a little bit of space to tell the story of the outlaw who stole from the graveyards." The tour guide turned her attention towards the area where the stairs were near the entrance way. There was a thick wire with a ring attached to the bottom. As the tour guide reached for the ring, The ring was pulled up into the air. This made the tour guide surprised. I wasn't sure what was going on. The ring was floating only a few centimeters away from her head. She tried to grab the ring. It only floated away from her hand's reach. It was now touching the ceiling. "Looks like the SPOTE Gravedigger is playing tricks on me." The tour guide said as the people watched from a short distance. Carol wanted to help her. I wasn't sure what was going on. The tour guide jumped into the air. As she did this. The ring quickly fell. It all happened in two seconds. "Very funny gravedigger. Really." The tour guide remarked as the ring was now where it would normally be when hanging from the thick piece of wire attached to the door the basement. The tour guide tried to snatch the ring. It only flew back up to the ceiling. It was stuck on the secret door once again.

"Is gravediggeer trying to play some jokes on us?" One person queried from the crowd. "Yes it sure looks that way." Another person responded. I started to type something down on my iPad. One person in the crowd gasped. The wanted poster on the basement wall has changed. The face was now smiling. "This gravedigger thinks he's funny. That doesn't mean that he might be dangerous." One lady in the group warned. "SPOTE Gravedigger, please go away. You should be haunting a house instead of a museum. I don't think this is funny." The voice on my iPad spoke as I finished what I was going to say. "I don't think that the ghost of the gravedigger would want to go away. He might want to scare us. That's what he probably finds so funny." Carol said. Suddenly, there was a clicking sound. "You forgot to turn off the basement light." The voice from my iPad spoke. Everybody looked at me. I looked at my iPad. There was nothing written on it. I typed up another sentence. "It wasn't me." The voice from my iPad said as I finished typing up my next sentence. The single lightbulb flickered. "That hasn't happened before." The tour guide commented as she turned to look at the lightbulb. "Did you turn off the lightbulb in the room with my shovel?" The voice from my iPad asked. I looked at my iPad. The question was on the screen. I showed this to Mom. Just then everybody heard the sound of a man chuckling. The tour guide continued trying to grab the ring. Even though the ring floated out of her reach. "I don't like this." Abigail said. The ring continued to float towards the secret door and then down towards the floor. I looked at my iPad. I thought staring at the screen would keep my mind off the scary things happening in the basement. Just then, there was something being typed up on the screen. I wasn't even typing something for the iPad to say. The letters were being typed every half of a second. A message was being spelled out. I opened my mouth in horror. The message said "I hope you didn't forget to turn off the light for the room my shovel was in."

I immediately backed away from the group. I went back through the small walkway. I was using the light coming off the iPad screen for light. It shined on the room very dimly. The room was very dark. There was no light. I went back to the group. Before I was able to get anywhere, I could feel my iPad shaking. I had it's screen in front of me. I turned around to look at the screen. Just then, I could see there was another message that was being typed up. "I see that you were able to see my deception." The message said on the screen. I turned the iPad around so that it's screen was facing away from me as I went back to my tour group. By the time I came back, the light in the room with the shovel has came on. I looked at my screen. "Now you believe that the light is on?" The message asked on the iPad. The tour guide was still trying to open the secret door back to the main entranceway. Then I heard the same chuckle again. I looked at the wanted poster, it only stared sinisterly at the crowd. I heard the same laughter for some time. I wasn't sure where the laughter was coming from. It was coming from all parts of the room with the door to the secret passage. I looked at the screen of my iPad. I then dropped it. Carol caught it before it landed on the hard floor. I didn't want to hold the iPad. I let out a scream. One person from the group was spooked by it. On the screen of the iPad was the face of the SPOTE Gravedigger. The screen looked like a wanted poster. The face of the notorious criminal appeared to be normal. He let out another chuckle again. This time as soon as the laughing started. The picture on the iPad laughed along too. It looked like that the ghost of the SPOTE Gravedigger had possessed the device. The face on the iPad started to stare at us sinisterly. "Mrs. Wouters?" Carol asked. Mom looked at the iPad. The face of the smiling criminal gave her the creeps. The same thing happened to Abigail. "I have an idea." Abigail declared. "I need that iPad." Carol handed the iPad over. I shut my eyes and had my hands over my ears. I wanted the scary laughing to stop. I didn't want to see the criminal laughing at us. He seems to be a big bully. The single lightbulb that had the room lit was still flickering.

Abigail tried to get to the app of the iPad that allows me to communicate with people. The image of the SPOTE Gravedigger wouldn't go away. He only kept staring with a sinister smile. The sound of chuckling continued. The light continued to flicker. Suddenly, the image of the iPad started to change. Abigail proved to be unsuccessful with trying to switch the iPad setting to the app that helps me to talk with other people. The simple black outline and yellowish like paper of the picture of the SPOTE Gravedigger started to have color being added to it. The hair of the SPOTE Gravedigger is black with a black beard. I could see color being added to the bald part of the gravedigger's head. All of the criminal's face was now detailed. The ghost continued to stare at us from the screen. His chuckling continued. The screen on my iPad became black. Just then, the single light bulb went out. Maybe because it was the lack of electricity or perhaps the lightbulb was turned off by the ghost of the SPOTE Gravedigger. Just then, we happened to see a figure standing next to the tour guide. He looked more like a pirate than an actual criminal. The only other differences that this guide had apart from a regular pirate was that he had no eye patch, peg leg, or hook for a hand. The white apparition of the ghost laughed at us. "Maybe you should turn off the light in the room with my shovel." The ghost advised. People turned around they could see a dim light coming from the small hallway to the room. Some people started to walk towards that room. Just then, the light coming from there was turned off. The whole floor was pitch black. The chuckling of the ghost turned into laughing. I looked back at the white apparition. I breathed nervously. The ghost then charged at me. He laughed while flying through the air at me. Then he disappeared. The white apparition was gone. There was a bit of a mist that came off the ghost as it hit me. The ghost of the notorious criminal let out one last laugh. The single light near the secret door was turned back on. The lightbulb from the room with the criminal's shovel on display was turned off. The tour guide had grabbed the ring with her left hand. She tugged it towards the floor. The ceiling above her had opened up.

There was a light coming from the hole in the floor. People in the tour group turned towards the light from the floor. The tour guide cleared her throat before speaking to us. "Alright ladies and gentlemen let's get back upstairs before that criminal decides to pull more tricks on us. I'll wait for all of you to get back upstairs before I climb up." The tour guide said with normal tone of voice. The tour group rushed to the steps. The people climbed the stairs towards the main floor. Abigail looked at the screen of the iPad. The screen appeared to be normal. The apps were all displayed on the screen. She didn't think that she was going to be talking with the ghost. So she gave the iPad back to me. The entire tour group got out from the basement. The tour guide looked at the area around the steps before climbing back up. The light from the room with the SPOTE Gravedigger's shovel was turned off. The tour guide turned off the light and got up stairs. She had the secret door to the basement closed. "I'm really sorry about this. We know that the ghost of the gravedigger still haunts the place. Though I didn't think that his ghost would scare us like that." The lady at the front desk turned to look at us. "Did you encounter that gravedigger?" She asked. "Yes, he neearly scared us bad." The elderly gentle man explained. "We never had people screaming and laughing in the basement." The lady at the front desk adduced. "Well the laughing came from the ghost of the gravedigger." Abigail added. "Is that so?" The lady at the front desk questioned. She felt shocked.

It was as if this was the first time that she had heard about something like this happened in her time as a museum employee. "It's absolutely so. He was laughing at us from the wanted poster." Another man spoke from the group. "Then I'm very sorry for that. The SPOTE Gravedigger only made some small things happen like turning lights on and off, or even opening and closing the door to the basement once." The lady from the desk stated. "I hope you've enjoyed the history of the Separatist Provinces of the East. I wish all of you a good evening." The tour guide said. "Good eeveening to you to ma'am." The elderly gentlemen asserted as he went to the front door. He held the door open for everybody from the tour group. The people all walked out of there feeling a little shaken up by the experience from the basement, or just by seeing the gravedigger's ghost. My family and Carol walked back to the hotel. "Well that was a scary experience." Carol said. "I think that the gravedigger is just too scary for anybody. We should just have dreams about sheep jumping over a fence." Abigail chimed. "I think I'm going to have nightmares about him." Mom remarked as we were only a few feet away from the hotel door. Just then something was pulling my hair into the air. The group was almost at the motel room when I couldn't feel the ground anymore. "What's wrong? My feet should be touching the ground!" I said to myself in my mind. When I looked down, my feet were only one inch off the ground. "What? I can't be floating into the air." I told myself again. I let out a scream. Everybody turned around and saw that I was floating in the air. I was now eight feet off the ground. "Oh no!" Mom cried. She tried to grab my ankles. I only floated above the ground. Soon enough, I floated to a part in the air where if I were going to fall, I would hit the middle of the parking lot. Then I could feel myself being pushed through the air. It felt like I was flying as fast as a jet plane. In one second I moved from one place in the air to above the check-in office of the motel. I screamed as I was dangling from something in the air. Then I heard a familiar chuckling sound. I looked around me. There was nobody on my right, or on my left. I reached behind my back. The only thing my hands managed to grab a hold of was thin air. I felt myself being thrown towards the roof above a few rooms close to the room to where my family was staying at.

I knew that because I was flying towards that particular place by a mysterious force. I thought that it was a ghost. I think that it was the ghost of the SPOTE Gravedigger. I wanted to say, "What do you want and why are you making me float above the hotel?" Though I knew that it was impossible to do that. Then again, I still have my iPad. I was holding onto it with my left hand. I had my right hand also hold onto it. The mysterious force flew me across to another room across the parking lot from one of the rooms that the mysterious force was going to smash me against. My arms hugged the iPad against my chest. The force didn't hit me against the roof. I was only a centimeter away from hitting it when the mysterious force stopped me. The unknown entity began to rise my body higher into the air. I looked at the iPad. The app which allows me to speak with other people was along with the other apps of the iPad. I pressed the app that would allow me to speak. I started to type something on it. The message took a while to type. Before I was able to finish it, I was thrown towards the other side of the hotel property. I was about to hurt my stomach against the shingles when the mysterious force stopped me. I couldn't see who was making me fly. I finished the message that I was going to type on the iPad. "Who are you and why are you making me fly?" The voice from my iPad asked. I was then thrown towards the middle from the gravel parking lot, from the roof. I landed with myself rolling on the gravel. After a short time, I got up. Then there was a message written on my iPad. "You silly people don't get it? I haunt people because I can. I knew you have heard about my crime spree. I seem to have fun while doing it. Though I don't think anybody like you would understand. My mischief will never stop." The message on the screen said. "Charlotte!" Abigail cried. She and Carol rushed over to help me. They helped me get back up. I showed the two of them the message that was on the iPad. The sound of the chuckling could be heard again. It sound like it was coming from the parking lot itself. I looked at Carol, then at Abigail. They were looking around them. Just then there was the sound of somebody walking on the gravel. Actually this sound sounded like it was coming from the office of the motel.

Just then, I could see a ghost coming from the office. It was white, and it was transparent. The face of the ghost was the same as the SPOTE Gravedigger. In fact, it was the ghost of the SPOTE Gravedigger. He had a dark gray coat, light brown pants, black boots with a single buckle. The hat he had on looked like a pirate hat. The only thing that made it different than a pirate hat that I had seen at a store when shopping for a Halloween costume was that it didn't had the skull and crossbones symbol. I started to type something on my iPad. The criminal was reaching for something behind his back. "Why is the gravedigger here? I thought that he had enough fun when scaring us in the basement of the SPOTE museum." Carol asked. "Well I don't think that he has had enough fun from doing that." Abigail countered. The gravedigger pulled out a shovel that he had behind his back. The shovel didn't look special at first. Though as the criminal showed off his tools to us from a distance. I couldn't make out what was so special with the shovel. Abigail figured it out right away. She recognized that the words etched onto the shovel's shaft was the name of its owner. The owner of course was the SPOTE Gravedigger. "Now, I can cause more mischief among thee living." The ghost declared. "Why are you doing this?! You died in prison because of your crimes! The people back then hate you because of your crime of putting gravestones for ransom! You're going to be hated by the people today because of what you did to them in the basement of the museum!" Abigail shouted. "I don't think you geet it. I can't go to reest. There is something in the land of thee living that doesn't allow mee to reest. This objeect is my shoveel. As long as it still eexists, I can stay and cause mayheem today. I love beeing among thee land of thee living and causing more trouble for common folk." The ghost explained. "Don't you feel bad about robbing and holding things for ransom back then?" Carol asked. The ghost laughed again. "No, I like to cause more trouble for thee people living in thee North East. I stole just because I needed thee moneey to survive. I actually like being a crook. Crime does pay wheen you plan your schemes peerfectly."

The ghost began to run towards me, Carol, and Abigail. We all ran in separate directions. The villain laughed as he held the shovel over his head. Just as Mrs. Wouters was about to sneak past the ghost to the main office of the motel, a hand grabbed her from behind. She turned around. I started to type something on my iPad. I had to make sure I wasn't going to hit anything or that the ghost was going to hit me with his shovel. Within time, people who were staying at the motel looked out of their windows. They were shocked to see somebody chasing a girl with a shovel. "Why are you trying to hit me?" The voice from my iPad asked. "I see you have fancy tools in this age. Do you think I'm going to bee hurting you with a shoveel?" The ghost stopped chasing me and started to stab his shovel into the wall of the motel building. The people watching from inside the room wanted this to stop. They got out of their rooms. "Hey, what's the big idea wrecking this place?!" A man shouted as he peered out from his hotel room. "I bet you weren't expecting people to stop you for wrecking a motel." The voice from my iPad spoke. The SPOTE Gravedigger looked around and saw three people opening the doors to their rooms. Even the motel owner opened the door to the outside from the desk. "Stop that!" He shouted. "Ah, I can start to rob the establishment of it's money. After all this time, theere's always going to bee a place that's waiting to geet robbed." The gravedigger puled his shovel out from the wall. He ran immediately to the main office of the motel. "Nobody should ever get robbed." The voice of my iPad spoke as it read out loud the message I have typed. The ghost of the criminal seemed to have ignored me. He ran straight towards the motel.

The owner of the motel closed the door to his office. He began to pick up the phone. He started to dial a phone number. The gravedigger tried to open the door. The doorknob and the door itself wouldn't budge. The SPOTE Gravedigger pierced his shovel into the door. It began to dig away at the piece of wood that it had dug into. The police cars arrived within a few seconds. Mrs. Wouters arrived later. She came with the tour guide and the other employee of the museum. They were carrying the shovel of the thief himself. The gravedigger had taken three chunks out of the wooden door. Two police officers stood behind their police cars. "Drop the shovel!" They shouted. The gravedigger turned around. "Things have changed a lot around here. People are more obsessed with seecurity, and I am forced to surreender to those people." "Drop the shovel now!" One officer shouted. The gravedigger grinned. He slowly moved forward to the cars. "Stop! Get down on the ground!" The officers yelled. The ghost didn't stop moving towards the two police cars. The ghost didn't seemed to be bothered by them. The police officers fired their pistols. The bullets only passed through the ghost. The gravedigger stopped as the bullets started to hit him. Though they didn't seem to be doing anything bad to him. The gravedigger looked down at his coat. There doesn't seem to be anything that had hit him. "You fools! Don't you know who you're dealing with? I'm already dead. No weapon of yours can harm me!" The gravedigger said. He continued walk slowly to the police cars. Just then, I could hear Abigail calling me. She asked me to follow her. Carol could be seen behind one wall of the hotel building. I ran after my big sister and got behind the police cars. Then I could hear fire crackling. Somebody has made a fire. An orange glow could be seen shining on the street after the motel. After I arrived, I saw Mom and the two museum employees. They were surrounding an old fire circle next to the museum. The fire burned brightly. The lady from the front desk held onto a shovel. I joined the group around the fire circle. "We're very sorry about what just happened tonight." The tour guide told us. "How did you know that the ghost of the gravedigger was here?" The voice from my iPad asked. "We could hear you screaming by the time we had gotten ourselves ready to go home." The lady from the museum front desk explained.

The shovel was tossed in the fire. The wood on the shovel shaft was blackening. The ghost of the gravedigger stopped. He could feel something burn from inside him. He held onto his chest with his left hand. "This cannot be." The ghost said to himself. "Get down on the ground!" One of the officers shouted once more. The SPOTE Gravedigger did get on the ground on his knees. Not because that he wanted to surrender, but rather that there was something burning up in him. The shovel continued to burn in the pile. A few sparks came off of the shovel. The red sparks exploded. "Whoa!" Abigail shouted in surprise. The gravedigger screamed. His whole body became engulfed in flames. In an explosion, red sparks blasted off of the criminal's body. A pillar of smoke was left on the ground. The shovel continued to burn in the fire. "How did you know that was going to work?" The museum employee asked her co-worker. "I watched a small clip from a show on the Syfy channel." The tour guide answered. "Was the gravedigger a big problem in the museum?" The voice from my iPad questioned the employees. "We knew that the ghost of this notorious criminal existed. He actually did some small things in the museum. Though they were never as dangerous or as scary as the things done tonight." The museum employee from the front desk explained. "Then things became bad. The ghost's antics were becoming more dangerous. Though we didn't think we had to part with the shovel of the notorious criminal. Don't worry, we can have a replica being made in the museum." The tour guide answered. "Would the ghost come back because its shovel is on display?" Mom grilled. "No, a replica of the same shovel technically means that the shovel is not his. It's just that the ghost can still exist in the land of the living. The only way you could get rid of a dangerous ghost like that is if you burn a belonging that belonged to the deceased when they were alive." The tour guide responded. After a few seconds, the fire was put out. The shovel was buried in beneath the burnt wood and the ashes. I went to have a bath and went to bed. During the morning as we left the hotel, a scary thought lingered through my head. Though this may sound silly. What if the ghost of the SPOTE Gravedigger could come back through the replica. I looked at the fire circle between the museum and the hotel. There was no sign of the shovel. Behind some trees, the face of the gravedigger watched us. His clothes were burnt, but not badly. He was holding onto a burnt shovel.
