
As Y/n was sitting in her bedroom packing her stuff, a small squeak caught her attention. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized the source of the sound – a tiny mouse scurrying across the floor.

Instinctively, she jumped up onto the nearest piece of furniture, her eyes fixed on the mouse's every movement. She had never been particularly fond of rodents, and the sight of this tiny creature sent a shiver down her spine.

She stood frozen in fear as a tiny mouse scurried across the room. Her heart raced, and she let out an involuntary scream.

Taehyung who just entered in the room was baffled as Y/n suddenly clutched onto him.

He wasn't exactly her first choice, but in a moment of panic, instincts took over, and she clung onto him tightly.

Taehyung- Y/n, what's wrong?

He asked, surprised by the sudden weight on his shoulder.

Y/n-A mouse! There's a mouse.

She whimpered, burying her face in Taehyung's chest.

Y/n- Please, save me!

Taehyung- Poor Y/n, who knew you were so scared of little mice?

He teased, his voice dripping with sarcasm. She shot him a glare, her face flushed with embarrassment.

Y/n- It's not funny, Taehyung. Mouse just... creep me out, okay?

Taehyung- Come on, Y/n. It's just a mouse. You're stronger than that.

She peeked out from behind her hands, her eyes wide with fear.

Y/n- You promise? It won't bite me.

He nodded, giving her a reassuring smile.

Taehyung- I promise. I'll take care of it.

He grabbed a nearby broom and started to calmly guide the mouse towards the open door. As the mouse scurried outside, she let out a sigh of relief.

Taehyung- You know, I've never seen you like this before. It's kind of cute.

He said, his voice low and soothing, her cheeks flushed pink, realizing how embarrassing her reaction must have seemed.

Y/n- I-I'm not usually so scared of mouse. It just caught me off guard. T-Thank you for helping me.

His smile widened.

Taehyung- Well, it's good to know that I have a purpose in life.

She raised an eyebrow hearing him.

Y/n- Oh? And what purpose is that?

Taehyung- To protect you from tiny, harmless creatures, of course.

He replied, earning a playful swat from her.

Taehyung- You know I believe there's someone for everyone. For you, there's a mental health professional.

He said as she flared her nose in anger. He knew what was coming for him so he ran away from there as she ran behind him.

Y/n- You think this is funny, let me show you what I'm.

Y/n jumped at the sound of the door flying open, her heart pounding in her chest. She turned to see Jin barging into the room, a worried expression plastered across his face. Taehyung, who was standing a little afar from Y/n, raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Y/n- Jin Oppa? 

She asked, her voice filled with surprise.

Y/n- What are you doing in our room?

Jin- I-I need your help.

He stuttered, his eyes darting around the room. 

Jin- Have you seen my pet mouse? I've been looking everywhere for it.

Y/n and Taehyung exchanged a baffled glance, both visibly taken aback by Jin's strange pet choice. Y/n couldn't help but blurt out,

Y/n- Wait, your pet is a mouse?!

Jin nodded, his expression turning sheepish. 

Jin- Yeah, I know it sounds weird, but I've just bought him today. He's actually quite cute.

Y/n couldn't hide her fear as she clutched the hem of her shirt, taking an instinctive step back.

Y/n- Oh no, oh no. Oppa, you can't bring a mouse into our home! I-I'm terrified of them!

Taehyung couldn't help but tease Y/n, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

Taehyung- Aww, little monkey, scared of a little mouse? I thought you were brave.

Y/n shot Taehyung a death glare, her lips forming a tight line. 

Y/n- You know very well that mouse is my worst nightmare, Taehyung. Don't make this into a joke.

Jin- Please, just help me find him.

Jin pleaded.

Y/n clenched her fists, her fear overriding any sympathy she may have had. 

Y/n- No way! I'm not going on a mouse hunt.

Taehyung stepped in to diffuse the situation. 

Taehyung- Alright, alright, calm down, I'll help you look for your mouse, but you owe me a big time for this!

He said and left with Jin as Y/n sighed. She went back to pack her stuff.


Y/n sat on the couch, staring out the window with a faraway look in her eyes. She missed her parents dearly. She glanced over at Taehyung, who was sitting on the other end of the couch, engrossed in his phone. 

With a sigh, Y/n finally mustered up the courage to speak. 

Y/n- Taehyung, I miss my parents. Take me to visit them?

Taehyung looked up from his phone, his gaze softening as he took in Y/n's longing expression. He knew exactly how much family meant to her, regardless of the animosity that surrounded their relationship.

Taehyung- Fine, I'll take you to your parent's house. 

Y/n- Thank you, Taehyung. I appreciate it.

He chuckled softly, glancing at her from the corner of his eye. 


As Taehyung and Y/n entered the house, Y/n's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jung, welcomed them with warm smiles. Her mother wrapped Y/n in a tight embrace, while her father shook Taehyung's hand firmly, eyes filled with curiosity.

Y/m- Welcome home, my dear. 

Mrs. Jung said sweetly, leading them to the living room.

Taehyung- Thank you for having us.

He replied, politely bowing his head. Y/n's father scratched his beard thoughtfully.

Y/f- I must admit, I was skeptical about this marriage at first. But seeing the two of you together, I can tell you've grown fond of each other.

Y/n exchanged a glance with Taehyung. After their initial animosity, they had learned to understand and respect each other.

Y/m- Taehyung, how's the married life treating you so far? Getting used to having Y/n by your side all the time?

Taehyung chuckled nervously, stealing a quick glance at Y/n before replying. 

Taehyung- It's been an adventure, Aunt. I'm slowly getting used to her quirks and she's starting to tolerate mine.

Y/n crossed her arms and gave Taehyung a pointed look. 

Y/n- Tolerate is an understatement, Tae.

Laughter filled the room as Taehyung playfully nudged Y/n. 

Y/n- Where's Oppa?

She asked as she didn't saw him till now.

Y/f- He went out for some work. Must be coming soon!

Soon, the doorbell rang, and Y/n rushed to open it. There stood Hoseok, a wide smile on his face. Y/n pulled him into a tight hug, 

Hoseok- Hey, Y/n! How are you? 

Hoseok asked, his eyes twinkling. Y/n replied with a sigh, trailing a hand through her hair.

Y/n- Every day is a new adventure with Taehyung. We fight like cats and dogs, but somehow manage to find common ground.

Hoseok- You always did have a dramatic flair. Where is this infamous husband of yours?

Hoseok chuckled, stepping into the house.

Y/n- He's in the living room.

She said, leading Hoseok through the hallway. As they entered the living room, Y/n's eyes landed on Taehyung, who was sitting on the couch.

Y/m- You guys talk I'll just go and arrange dinner.

She stood up and left.

Hoseok- Hmm, isn't it interesting to see two lovebirds together?

He teased, wiggling his eyebrows. Taehyung, clearly annoyed by the comment, shot back, 

Taehyung- We're not lovebirds, and I don't even want to be near her!

Y/n, equally irritated, rolled her eyes and replied,

Y/n- Please, like you're any better. I can't stand the sight of you either!

Hoseok couldn't help but burst into laughter. 

Hoseok- So, how's married life treating you two?

Y/n rolled her eyes, not even bothering to look up.

Y/n- Oh, it's just peachy. Absolutely delightful being married to someone who can't stand me.

Taehyung sat up straight, a frown tugging at his lips. 

Taehyung- And who said I can't stand you? I find your presence on this planet mildly irritating at best.

Hoseok chuckled and leaned in closer. "I think we all know the truth, don't we? Deep down, you two are madly in love.

Y/n snorted, nearly choking on air.

Y/n- In your dreams, Oppa. The only thing we're deeply in love with is our shared hatred for each other.

Hoseok- You know what they say, Y/n. The more you fight, the stronger the love.

Taehyung smirked wider, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Taehyung- Hyung's right, Y/n. Our love must be pretty damn potent by now.

Y/n shook her head, unable to hold back a small smile. 

Hoseok- Besides, watching you two bicker is the most entertaining thing in the world.

Y/n and Taehyung slowly dissolved as they exchanged amused glances. They had a shared understanding, an unspoken agreement that their constant banter was just an unusual form of affection.

Taehyung- You know what? You're right, Hyung, we should start a reality show. 'The Married Bickering Duo,' I can see it now.

Taehyung admitted, his voice laced with sarcasm. Y/n burst into laughter, unable to control her amusement any longer. Hoseok laughed along with them, realizing that his teasing had unintentionally brought them closer. He loved seeing his sister happy, even if it was through their playful arguments.

As the dinner conversation continued, the teasing lingered in the air.

