
Taehyung's heart raced as he rushed through the hospital doors, Y/n cradled in his arms. Panic and worry filled his every step as he desperately searched for a doctor to attend to her. The receptionist noticed his distress and quickly pointed him in the direction of the emergency room.

Without wasting a second, he burst into the chaotic ER, shouting for help. Nurses and doctors instantly took notice and rushed towards him, their eyes widening at the sight of Y/n's pale and battered form. One doctor, stepped forward, her face stoic but filled with compassion.

Doctor- What happened?

He asked as she directed the hospital staff to prepare for Y/n's immediate transfer to the operation theatre. Taehyung's voice trembled with fear as he explained,

Taehyung- Her h-head.... she got hit by an iron rod on her head. She took the worst of the impact.

The doctor nodded, her expression grave. 

Doctor- Alright, we need to act quickly. We're taking her in for emergency surgery.

The doctors swiftly took Y/n into the operation theater, their expressions serious. Taehyung's heart sank as he realized just how critical her condition was. Jin, arrived just in time to see Taehyung desperately try to keep himself together.

He rushed to his side, seeing Taehyung break down in his arms. 

Jin- Taehyung, what happened? 

He asked, concern etched in his voice. Tears streamed down Taehyung's face as he struggled to find words, his voice trembling. 

Taehyung- I... I don't know, Hyung. Jihyun was about to hit me, but Y/n pushed me out of the way, and it hit her instead.

He choked out, his voice filled with anguish.

Jin- She's going to be okay, Taehyung,

He whispered softly. Taehyung clung to those words, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. 

Taehyung- I can't lose her, Hyung. Not now, not ever. She means everything to me.

Jin- I can understand how scared you must be right now. Y/n is in good hands, the doctors are some of the best. They will do everything they can to save her.

Taehyung- She means everything to me.

Jin- Love can perform miracles, Taehyung. 

Hours passed, but they felt like an eternity to Taehyung. Every ticking second was accompanied by a flurry of worry. As they waited anxiously for any news of Y/n's condition, Taehyung recalled the moments they had shared together. He remembered Y/n's infectious laughter, her warmth, and the way she always believed in him.

Taehyung- Hyung, Y/n means everything to me. She's the reason I smile every day. I can't lose her.

He whispered, his voice filled with vulnerability. Jin squeezed Taehyung's hand, his voice gentle but firm. 

Jin- I know, Taehyung. And Y/n knows that too. She's a fighter, just like you. 

Finally, Doctor emerged from the operation theatre, her face fatigued yet filled with relief.

Doctor- Taehyung.

She called, motioning for him to come closer.

Taehyung- How is she?

Doctor's eyes sparkled with a mix of exhaustion and happiness. 

Doctor- The surgery was successful. She's stable now, but she'll need time to recover. She's a fighter, and I believe she'll make it.

Tears welled up in Taehyung's eyes as a wave of relief washed over him. 

Taehyung- Thank you for saving her.


Taehyung anxiously paced the sterile hallway outside Y/n's ward, worry etching lines across his face. The doctor had assured him that Y/n was fine but seeing her pale and weak had given him a momentary fright.

He longed to hold her hand and assure her that everything would be alright, but the doctors were still in the process of shifting her to the recovery ward.

Taehyung waited outside her ward, along with family members. The room felt heavy with unspoken prayers, each person lost in their thoughts as they hoped for her recovery.

As the doctor assured the families that she was fine and they could finally meet her after she was shifted to her ward, Taehyung couldn't help but feel a sense of worry gnawing at his insides.


Taehyung entered the room, silently observing the wire-laden machines monitoring her vitals. He could see the heart monitor pulsating steadily, indicating that her physical condition was stable.

With a heavy sigh, Taehyung approached the bed, taking Y/n's frail hand in his own. He gingerly intertwined their fingers, hoping that his touch would bring her comfort.

Unable to contain his concern any longer, Taehyung turned to the doctor, his voice strained with worry. 

Taehyung- When will she wake up, Doctor?

He asked, his eyes pleading for answers. The doctor, empathetic to Taehyung's distress, met his gaze and spoke in a calm tone. 

Doctor- Y/n is currently under anesthesia, Taehyung. She will awaken once the effects of the medication have gradually dissipated from her system.

Taehyung felt his heart sink at the mention of anesthesia. He struggled to find solace in the doctor's words, his mind filled with fears and uncertainties.

Feeling the weight of Taehyung's distress, the doctor placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. 

Doctor- She is in good hands, Taehyung. The anesthesia allows us to perform the necessary procedures without causing her unnecessary pain. Rest assured, her body will slowly metabolize the drugs, and she will regain consciousness when it is time.

Taehyung- Is there anything we can do to help her wake up sooner?

He inquired, his eyes pleading for a solution.

The doctor paused, considering Taehyung's genuine concern. 

Doctor- Her recovery will mainly depend on her own body. However, providing emotional support can greatly aid in her healing process. Talk to her, let her know you're here. Sometimes, a simple touch or the sound of a loved one's voice can work wonders.

Taehyung nodded, his eyes never leaving Y/n's still figure. He understood the logic behind the doctor's explanation but couldn't quell the restlessness in his heart. 

Taehyung- Y/n, I want you to know that I'm here. I will always be here, waiting for you to wake up, please fight, for both of us.

He whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. But no response came from the still figure lying on the bed.


Mrs. Jung anxiously approached Taehyung outside the hospital room where their daughter lay unconscious. Her eyes were filled with worry, searching for any sign of reassurance.

Y/m- Taehyung, what did the doctor say about Y/n?

She asked, her voice trembling with concern.

Taehyung placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. 

Taehyung- Don't worry, Aunt. The doctor said she's currently under anesthesia. She will wake up once the effect reduces. It may take a little time, but she will be fine.

Mrs. Jung sighed with relief, but her concern still lingered.

Y/m- I can't bear the thought of leaving her alone, Taehyung. I want to stay with her.

Taehyung understood her mother's worry and nodded understandingly. 

Taehyung- I promise you, Mrs. Lee, I won't leave Y/n's side, I'll stay right here until she wakes up. You need to take care of yourself too. Y/n wouldn't want you to be overwhelmed with worry.

He assured her. Mrs. Jung grip tightened around her husband's hand as she faltered, torn between her desire to stay with her daughter and her trust in Taehyung's words. She looked at her husband, silently seeking his opinion.

Mr. Jung, squeezed his wife's hand gently and spoke softly. 

Y/f- Let's trust Taehyung, dear. He has always been there for Y/n. We can't be with her all the time, but he can. He's like a son to us.

His words resonated with Mrs. Jung, and despite her reluctance, she finally nodded in agreement. 

Y/m- Alright, Taehyung. But please, take good care of her. I don't want my little girl to feel alone when she wakes up.

Taehyung's heart swelled with a mixture of gratitude and determination. 

Taehyung- I will, Aunt. I promise you, Y/n won't be alone. I'll be here every step of the way.

Mrs. Jung looked at Taehyung, grateful for his kind words. She knew he cared deeply for Y/n and would do anything to ensure her well-being.

Y/m- Thank you, Taehyung.

She said, her voice filled with emotion. Taehyung smiled warmly, his eyes reflecting the love he felt for Y/n. 

As Mrs. Jung and her husband reluctantly left the hospital, Taehyung settled himself into the chair next to Y/n's bed. The rhythmic sound of the monitors filled the room, a reminder of Y/n's fragile state.


As the night slowly descended, alone in the silence, thoughts raced through his mind, reminiscing about the countless memories they had shared.

Taehyung- Y/n, We've shared so much laughter and tears. You've always been the light in my life, and I won't rest until you wake up.

He said, gently grasping her hand.

Taehyung- You have so many people who love and care for you, Y/n. Your family, your friends, and me. We're all here, waiting for you to wake up.

He whispered, his voice filled with tenderness.

