
Y/n and Taehyung sat in the living room, contemplating their predicament. Their families had been pressuring them to get married, but they didn't want to tie the knot with each other

Y/n- Taehyung let's pretend we both have lovers.

She said making Taehyung shocked at her sudden idea.

Taehyung- Now I'm totally sure that you've gone insane. You know very well that our family has told us to stay away from these activities.

He said reasoning himself.

Y/n- Try to understand you idiot we have no other option.

Taehyung- Then I should do what? Support you in this horrible plan?

Y/n- Look it's still better than marrying each other.

She said trying to make him agree.

Taehyung- Grandpa will kill me, I'm not in this. If you want to do it then you do it, I won't do anything like this.

She made a strange face looking at him and then pinched him hard on his arm.

Taehyung- Have you gone mad?

He said rubbing his arm where she pinched.

Y/n- Tomorrow tell your family that you're already dating someone. I'll do the same.

She said as he looked at her with a done face.

Taehyung- If this doesn't worked out little monkey I'm going to make you regret for making me do this.

He said glaring at her.

Taehyung- Do tell, my dear rival. How do you plan on persuading our families that you're head over heels for another?

Y/n- Simple, Taehyung. We find ourselves imaginary partners who are so irresistibly captivating that our families cannot help but grant us our freedom.

She leans over him and whisper as he grinned and raised an eyebrow at her.

Taehyung- Is that so? Well, prepare to be outshone by my captivating paramour. A figure of mystery, wit, and charm. Someone who will make our families question their decision.

Y/n: Oh, Taehyung, but even if we're enemies, I have to admit, I may shed a tear when I see you with your puppet of love.

She said making a sad face.

Y/n- Let's meet once we reach Seoul. We both should've found our fake partners till then. Okay then I'll leave now.

Saying this she went away as he looked at her disappearing figure. The next day everyone left for Seoul.


Y/n and Taehyung sat on a park bench, deep in thought. Y/n looked at Taehyung with determination in their eyes.

Y/n- We need to come up with foolproof plans. Our families won't believe us if we don't have a solid story.

He nodded and grinned at her mischievously.

Taehyung- I agree.

Y/n- Okay, let's start by introducing my fake boyfriend. His name is Junhyuk. He's a successful businessman, incredibly charming, and has a great sense of humor.

Taehyung -  Sounds perfect! Now, let's talk about my fake girlfriend. Her name is Luna. She's a talented artist, owns her own gallery, and loves to travel.

Y/n- Great! Now we need to create stories about how we met them, so our families will believe us.

He grinned mischievously,

Taehyung- For me, I think Luna and I met at an art exhibition. I accidentally spilled paint on her, and that's how we started talking.

She burst into laughter,.

Y/n- That's hilarious! Okay, for Junhyuk and me, let's say we met during a hiking trip. He helped me when I twisted my ankle, and we've been inseparable since.

Taehyung- But who'll act as our lovers?

He asked raising a brow.

Y/n- We'll hire some local theatre actors.

Taehyung- Fine! I'll leave now little monkey. Want me to drop you?

He said raising a brow mischievously.

Y/n- No thanks!!!


Y/n stood in front of her mother and brother telling them that she's in a relationship.

Y/m- So you're telling me that you've a boyfriend.

Hoseok- And you never bothered to tell us.

Y/m- You know right , we told you not to do anything like this.

Y/n- Mom, I love him, please talk to Appa on my behalf.

She said in a pleading tone.

Hoseok- What about Taehyung huh? Your marriage has been fixed with him.

Y/n- But oppa that's done without my permission.

Y/m- How come we never knew about it?

Hoseok- Mom please she's definitely lying to escape from the marriage.

Y/n- Oppa shut that mouth of yours. You're blabbering nonsense.

She said getting annoyed.

Y/m- Fine then!! I'll talk to your Appa.

She said and stood up leaving the room as Y/n smiled in relief. 


G/kim- So you're telling me that you're in a relationship and Y/n is also in a relationship.

He asked Taehyung who was standing before him while the other family members were watching him.

Taehyung- Yes Grandpa.

Grandpa- Okay, Call your partners at home on Sunday. I'll be meeting them.

Taehyung looked at his grandfather nervously and nodded his head.

Jin- You better be saying the truth or else Grandpa will not leave you.

He whispered in Taehyung's ear as Taehyung glared at his elder brother.


The day of the big family meeting arrived, and Y/n and Taehyung were nervous yet excited. They knew that if this plan failed, their families would continue to push for their marriage.

Both families sat across from each other, anticipation clear in their eyes.

Y/n took a deep breath and kicked off the charade.

Y/n- Everyone, I'd like you to meet Junhyuk. He's the love of my life.

She gestured towards Taehyung, who put on his best dramatic smile.

Taehyung- And Mom, Dad, this is Luna. I've never felt this way about anyone before.

As they sat down at the table, Y/n's parents eyed Junhyuk skeptically, while Taehyung's parents looked at Luna with raised eyebrows.

Y/n's father cleared his throat.

Y/f- So, Junhyuk, how did you meet our daughter?

Junhyuk smiled warmly.

Junhyuk- Well, sir, it was fate. We both love hiking, and one day on a trail, Y/n slipped. I was there to catch her, and we've been together ever since.

Y/n's mother exchanged a glance with her husband, still unsure of Junhyuk credibility.

G/kim- And Luna, how did you and Taehyung cross paths?

Luna leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with mischief

Luna- We met at an art exhibition. I accidentally spilled paint on him, and it broke the ice. We've been inseparable ever since.

The room fell silent for a moment, and Y/n and Taehyung exchanged nervous glances. Their plan seemed to be failing miserably.

Y/n's parents eyed each other, clearly unconvinced.

Y/f- This all seems a bit convenient, don't you think?

Her father questioned, his tone full of doubt.

The tension in the room grew thicker as Y/n and Taehyung struggled to maintain their façade. They exchanged a quick glance, both realizing that their plan might be falling apart

Y/m- And what about this fellow? Is he really worthy of being our Y/n's partner?

Y/n stepped forward, taking a deep breath.

Y/n- Mom, Dad, Junhyuk is everything I've ever dreamed of. He's kind, intelligent, and makes me feel like the luckiest person in the world.

The room fell silent for a moment, as their families exchanged puzzled glances. Then, Taehyung's grandfather spoke up, his voice laced with skepticism.

G/kim- I'm sorry, but I just can't believe this. It all seems too convenient.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

T/f- Yes, it does sound a bit fishy. I think we need some proof.

Y/n and Taehyung exchanged panicked glances, realizing their plan was falling apart.

Y/m- This is all a ruse! I knew you two were trying to fool us. You can't escape this marriage

Y/n's mother exclaimed.

T/f- I can see right through your little act. You can't deny what's meant to be."

Finally, Taehyung's mother spoke up, a sparkle of amusement in her eyes.

T/m- Well, it seems our children have quite the imagination. Your stories are quite creative, but we've known you both since you were young. We can tell when you're hiding something

Y/n and Taehyung's jaws dropped in surprise. Their families had caught onto their plan.

G/kim- We appreciate the effort, but we know you better than anyone else. A fake lover won't change our expectations for your futures.

Taehyung's mother nodded in agreement. 

T/f- You guys Junhyuk and Luna you can leave now.

He said as both of them stood up and silently left the house. Y/n and Taehyung looked down awaiting their fate.

G/kim- You both disappointed me today! I didn't expected it from you both. Start the preparations for their wedding.

He said as the elders nodded their head.

