chapter two

as rachel is in her cousins blaine's  dorm she had finally managed to stop crying as blaine arrived with some food for her.

" thank you" rachel said

" its okay non of this is your fault" blaine said sitting down on his bed as she started to eat

" i didnt no where to go i didnt want them knowing where i live" rachel said

"rach its okay im glad you came here" blaine said

they spent the night with rachel helping him doing his homework it helped take her mind off things when it was time for bed blaine insisted she have the bed though rachel refused but blaine wouldnt  hear of her sleeping on the floor.

the following day

as blaine got ready for school rachel sat on the bed hoping that nobody from mckinley rang her his morning she was feeling rather fragile.

thankfully no one from mckinley rang her during the day after the school day finished blaine came back to his room.

" hey im gonna go see mr shue" blaine said dropping his books off

" thank you" rachel said

" stop thanking me" blaine said with a smile as he left.

rachel felt nervous now as she knew mr shue might want to see her which could mean going back to mckinley as she sat there thinking the door opened and in walked sebastian.

" hey" rachel said

" i thought i would keep you company while blaine is at mckinley." sebastian said

" oh you dont need to" rachel said feeling awkward after all sebastian hadnt exactly been pleasant to her before but he had helped her out yesterday.

" okay blaine told me to sit with you" he said

" oh" was all rachel said.

it was a fairly awkward time rachel sat on the bed while sebastian paced the room his hands inhis pockets until her phone rang.

rachel: hi

blaine : rachel figgins wants you to come see him tomorrow morning instead of going to your first class

rachel : but i cant go there blaine i cant

blaine:  he wont listen im so sorry

the call ended rachel felt the tears come she also felt embarrassed crying in front of sebastian again.

"well"he asked

"i have to see figgins in the morning" rachel said sebastian merely nodded.

the next morning

rachel woke up feeling tired and scared she had tl go home to change plus dalton was a good distance away from mckinley so she had to sleep at her house last night.

she was shaking with nerves to the point she could apply make up it wasnt seeing figgins it was simply gettingnout of her car that terrified her.

once at mckinley

rachel was pulling into a parking space she looked round for a sign of quinn and santana but didnt see them so she tuck a deep breath and got out of the car and set off at a quick pace.

she headed straight for figgins office all the while keeping her head down as she walked and thankfully she didnt run into them and as she reached his office he was outside it talking to another student.

" ah miss berry come on in" he said having seen her

" so i understand you have been having trouble with quinn fabrey and santana lopez " figgins said.

" yes" rachel said

" i want you to know that i take bullying vety serious andifthey say or do anything again you come straight to me " figgins said

"thats it so they are not gonna be punished "rachel said

"they didnt hurt you and as it happened after school off school property there is nothing i can do"figgins said

"im not safe here and im not staying here if they are gonna be allowed to get away with it"rachel said

"miss berry i understand your frustration but that is how it is" figgins said

" so they will know if they do anything to me outside of school they will get away with it' rachel said

" im sorry"figgins said

"im leaving im not attending while i know thry will follow me home they dont know where i live and i want to keep it that way" rachel said walkimg to the door

"not attending school is a serious thing"figgins said

"so is living in fear"rachel said as she left his office as first class had now begun the hallys were almost deserted as rachel walked out of the school building and too her car.


rachel had spent the say at home watching the mirror as two faces her fravorite barbra streisand movie while texting blaine throughout the day.

as schools came to an end for the day blaine rang her

rach: hello

blaine: rach why dont i pick you up ans you come for coffee at the lima bean

rach: thanks but im settled at home

blaine : rachel all the warblers will be there they wont be able to hurt you even if they turn up sebastian will be there he doesnt take shit from anyone

rach: fine i will get ready.
