chapter six

rachel soent the afternoon in blaine's dorm wondering what sebastian had planned she hoped he didnt get into trouble as he was on warnig anyway from having hurt blaine when he had thrown a skushie at one of the new directions and blaine jumped infront to stop him and got it right in the eye.

as the school day came to an end blaine arrived and set down his books on his desk.

" has sebastian said what he is gonna do " rachel asked

" no he hasnt but i havent seen him since lunch so i have a feeling he might have gone to mckinley " blaine said

" i dont want him getting into trouble" rachel said

"  i dont think he minds that and wnyway his dad can and will get him out of any trouble so i wouldnt worry to much." blaine said

(knocking on door)

" blaine are you in there its nick there is a mr shuester here to see rachel" nick said racgel and blaine looked at each other and blaine opened the door.

" hey" mr shue said walking into the room

" hi" rachel said

" i came to see how you are i heard about what happened " mr shue said

" how" rachel asked

" well we were all in the choir room and next thi g the door opens and in walks a warbler with a rather cocky expression on his face i might had i believe his name is sebastian " mr shue said rachel looked at blaine

" what happened" rachel asked

" well i asked him what he was doing there and he said he needed to spell out a few things to our glee club" mr shue said

" oh god what did he do" rachel asked

" well after he asked if i would take a seat as he would be in charge of the class he started to say things" mr shue said

" such as" blaine said

" well he told santana and quinn that he had told his father who is a stae attorney about them and that he was going to look into them and their families. he told santana tht her parents and grandparents better have the write paper for been in the us. he told quinn that givennshe had gotton pregnant underage she better hope he never found out which college she was hoping to go to as he would hapoily inform them of her past. he told the entire glee club that they had better keep santana and quinn in check or things would get nasty" mr shue said

" i see" rachel said

" he then had a private word with me he told me about witnessing the assault he also told me why they did it.  its because i paired you with fin." mr shue said rachel started to cry

" i just dont know what to do anymore i need glee to get into nyada but i hate it i love singing but i hate been in the choir room" rachel said

" im so sorry rachel all i can say is if you come back i will be firmer with them" mr shue said

" she cant go back now how can she out run them " sebastian said walking into the room

" i need to talk to your dads see if we cant work out a work plan msybe you could work from home while you heal" mr shue said

" or youncould expell the bullies and allow rachel to hsve a proper education " sebastian said

" thats figgins call not mine" mr shue

" yeah that seems to be the way mckinley does things doesnt it its never the member of staff you talk to that can do anything" sebastian said

" didnt you almost blind blaine " mr shue said

" yes but thst wasnt personal it was a prank one that i greatly regret but they are making her life hell what if it had bern her head that she banged instead of her foot. she could have died have you seen the steps we are talking about" sebastian asked

" tomorrow some of the teachers and i are having a meeting to discuss bullying and how we can deal with it" mr shue said

" like i said i have told my dad and he is lookin into it and mckinley " sebastian said

" what" mr shue asked

" rachel told me that figgins said that because previous incident happened here that he couldnt do anything now if i did anything at mckinley the headmaster here at dalton would deal with me so clearly figgins hasnt a clue how to run a school" sebastian said

" all i can say is im so sorry rachel and i promise to do all i can to sort this out and i ask you sebastian to leave it to me and let the school system sort it" mr shue said

" no" sebastian said

" look i get that what has happened isnt right but you cant just start kicking off" mr shue said

" fine i look forward to hearing how your little meeting tomorrow goes" sebastian said

" again i am sorry rachel" mr shue said

" thank you" rachel said

" see you guys" mr shue said

" i must say im impressed i thought when you nasty sebastian you would be cunning not go and give a speech" blaine said  and sebastian chuckled

" oh god you have done something " blaine said sebastian was  laughing now

" what did you do" rachel asked

" nothing" sebastian said with a wicked grin on his face.

" seb" blaine said

" lets just say that might be as full of crap soon" sebastian said

" what" rachel asked

" look dont worry about it they deserve it" sebastian said and he left the roon

" oh god it must be bad if he wont brag about it" blaine said with a smile.
