chapter ten

as rachel stood there she couldnt help but get emotional then she heard a car she paniced and ran into the kitchen thinking they were back.

" rach its me let me in" sebastian shouted she got up and ran to the front door and let him in

"are you alright" sebastian  asked

" im not hurt if thats what you mean" rachel said crying

" hey its okay come here" sebastian said holding her as she sobbed

" what have i done to them" rachel asked

" nothing they are jealous because your gonna make something of yourself and their wont be" sebastian said

" they know where i live now." rachel said

" dont worry about the eggs the guys will come and clean the house now go get an overnight bag your coming to dalton.

" oh god blaine you cant twll him i dont want his date ruined" rachel said

" we can tell him when he gets back from it" sebastian said

forthy minutes later rachel and sebastian arrived at dalton he drove them both there as she was so shook up he had got nick to drop hunter off so hunter drove rachel's car to dalton.

" think the chinese will be cold but we can get a pizza delivered " sebastian said after he had parked up

" im not hungry" rachel said

" i am and i dont like eating alone so tough your having pizza but i will let you choose the topping." sebastian said as they got out of the car he got her bag from the trunk and they headed inside the acadamy.

they walked silently to blaine's dorm

" its locked" rachel said trying the handle

" dont you have a key " sebastian asked

" no" rachel said

" well then guess you will have to come to my dorm then " sebastian said leading her down the hallway to the fifth dokr from blaine's he unlocked it and stood back to let her limp inside.

" so i will wait until blaine is back and tell him your here now about the importnant matter have you decided what pizza topping" sebastian asked

" mushroom " rachel said

" good choice" sebastian said he ordered the pizza rachel looked around the room.

" so what so you think of my dorm" sebastian asked

" its nice" rachel said

" thank you" sebastian said

the pizza arrived and they sat onnhis bed watching friends eating the pizza until nick texted to say blaine was back.

" blaine is back im gonna go talk to him" sebastian said

" okay" rachel said feelingnbad that it might ruin blaine's night

a few minutes later the door opened and in walked blaine

" hey rach are you okay" blaine asked as he hugged her

" honestly no im not im fed up blaine " rachel said starting to cry

" well i dont know if this is gonna make you feel better but sebastian as we speak  is addressing the warblers and he looked pretty angry to me" blaine said

" he was laughing and joking five minutes ago" rachel said

" yeah because you were upset he was trying to cheer you up " blaine said

" now if you will excuse me there is a meeting i want to be apart of" blaine said

" wait how did your date go" rachel asked

" amazing" blaine said smiling

" im so happy for you" rachel said

" thank you i hope to see you as happy soon" blaine said before leaving the dorm.

rachel sat there wondering what sebastian was plotting to do she wondered if she should go to the meeting or not it was her fight after all as she thought this the door opened and in walked trent.

" hey rachel" he said in an upbeat voice

" hi im just gonna go see..." rachel started to say

" nope" trent said

"pardon " rachel said

" i have been sent here to stop you from listening to whats been said" trent said

" but..." rachel said

" but nothing blaine is your cousin and a warbler sebastian is your whatever you wanna call him hero sounds about right and he is captain of the warblers which means this is now a warbler fight too so we are gonna deal with it." trent said

" but I dont want you guys getting into trouble " rachel said

" oh please most of all our families are made up of lawyers i say let them bring it" trent said as the dorm room door opened and sebastian walked in

" right then you best be getting to blaine's room " sebastian said

" yeah" rachel said

" good job trent" sebastian said

" how did you know i would try too...." rachel started to say

" because you feel alone and that its your fight but wars are not one with one person and you have your own army now" sebastian said lifting her bag off the floor and carrying it blaine's room.

" thank you" rachel said

" goodnight rachel" sebastian said nodding and she was left with blaine

" well whats happening " rachel asked

" i cant tell you that" blaine said

" but he is planning something " rachel asked

" oh yes" blaine said

" is it very bad" rachel asked

" its very sebastian " blaine said

author notice

hi guys next chapter tomorrow
