At least, i got the allowness to exist (Bendy x Alice) (fluff)

Bendy was walking around the studio, talking with Joey about the plans for the next show. They were planning to put Alice in their Projekt, they are talking about. After some discussing, they decided to already write the texts. This time, they can choose their own lines, as long as they will fit to their actions and rhyme. Bendys smile brightens,well even more since he's smiling actually everytime, as he heard this. Because he loves to do that. He wanted to tell that Alice and Boris. Because Boris' rom was just next to him, he entered the room and told him the big news. Boris just smiled, after this and was exited, how the sketch would look like. Bendy told him, that he will see the sketch later and then walked towards Alice's room. Their rooms are unnaturally pretty far away. About 5 minutes or less it takes, but not something under 1 minute, to walk to the three different rooms of the actors. He walked in front of Alice's door and Burst in like usual. „Hey Alice toots! I got big news for ya-", he beginnend, but stopped the sentence as he saw Alice sobbing on her Bed, her legs close to her chest. 

Bendy slowly closed the door and approached the fallen Angel to their right side. "Alice?", He spoke quietly, before slightly trying to look in her eyes. And asking her carefully : "What's wrong? Why are you crying?". Alice lifted her head a little and rested her head on her right shoulder, to face with Bendy with her slightly swollen eyes."Oh...It's just you Bendy. Sorry, I didn't hear you come in." She sniffles and wiped her tears away. "I'm sorry that you have to see me like this. Please don't feel guilty. Go back to your Work and leave without any of your Questions being answered...pleas." Now that Alice added a word, that made her sentence to a begging, Bendy definitely wanted to know what's wrong. Bendy jumped on the Bed and sat next to her, which made Alice twitch a little. "Please Bendy. Go away and Leave me alone. I want some Privacy." Alice begged once more, but only being answered by another, serious and worried, eye contact from Bendy. He softly grabbed her chin and moved it, so their faces were perfectly in front of each other. Alice had to hold back her crying back even more as Bendy asked: "Alice I ask you once again: Why are you crying. What happened?". Even though, she could easily turn her head to the other side to avoid eye contact, ahe couldn't move and so she just starred at him. Lips trembling from the crying before and she couldn't take it anymore and cried again. Bendy was a little surprised, because he expected her to be cold-hearted and tell him once again to go out. But he got even more surprised as Alice suddenly wraps her Arms around him and pull him to a hug. It took him some time to normalise his thumping heart and hug her back, comforting her. They sat there, A Demon comforting an Angel and an Angel bursting out in tears, for 7 minutes, before Alice's breathing finally normalised and her sobbing got more quiet. But just after she wanted to speak, she sobbed hard and Bendy sighs. He pat her Back comfortable. "It's okay Alice, take your Time. Let it all out." For a demon, he was surprisingly good at calming someone down and comfort them. After 10 minutes, Alice finally spoke quietly her first words, that made the demon flushing a little gray.

"Thank you, Bendy"

Bendy was a little confused. So he asked carefully, just to be sure why she says this now: "For what, Alice?" Alice smiled a little and wiped some of her new tears away."For staying here, instead of going away.". Bendy smiled at this and laughed a little. "Well... First: I don't like to fallow orders. Second: For us Demons is a rule: If you want it, get it. This is not a game with fouls. And...", "Bendy! Please don't ruin this-" the Angel stopped, as she heard the next few words, that touched her heart: "...I can't leave someone I really care about alone. You know? I'm always here for my Friends... Maybe that's the reason why I was kicked out of hell. Haha." He chuckled and Alice giggled a little. "Whatever Bendy. Enaugh of the Jokes. I'll answer your Question now, what's going on." Alice's voice dropped from Cheering to serious and sadness. "I was thinking back, when I was in heaven. I had a sister, and she is very ill since she was 2 years old. So we had to take care of her. Then, one day, my parents were gone, and that was the day, where the illness of my sister turned from bad to terrible. So I had to go and get some medicin for her. The Medicine was really expensive, so I had to give up all my money for her. But just 50% was used for the medicin. I could have bought the Medicine once more, but instead, I wasted the money for clothes. I didn't read the package from the medicin. I had to buy two of them. Because she had to drink two little bottles of them. So her illness worsened. After they found out how selfish I was, they kicked me out of heaven. I never really felt guilt. But at that moment, I'd wished I'd be dead. So I gut down here. And as they later discovered, I murdered someone, only to defend myself, they put on the tail and the horns. You see now: I'm selfish, and full of guilt and sin. I'm a bad Angle. Inside and outside..." at this point, Alice started sobbing again. "I should have never been loved. I'm so bad... I'm the worst! And it hurts even more to think and know that!" She almost screams the last sentences as she bursts out in tears again. 

Bendy was silent. He had to realise what happened. What she told, and how it feels. Then, Bendy know, how to comfort her. Bendy let go of her, after 20 minutes of her sobging,and lifted her chin. "Oh look! Now what do I see? If i take a closer look, i see It's someone like me." He sang and Alice looked at him confused. "Even though it is a 'She' and that she flys in heaven free. And even though I'm a bad Small Lad, I make the angels really mad." He stood up and jumped down from the bed, "Though we both got the different rules, we both got into the big mess. Now she told her story, without the glory. Now it is my turn, now she should learn. But must say, it's a little complicate, but I hope you'll be patient my Mate." He took his gloves off and formed them to small figures. One of them looked like Bendy, the other like...well, guess it will be confirmed later. "I used to be always be bad. But seriously, it turns me mad." The face of the Bendy 'doll' was slightly looking grumpy, which made Alice chuckle a little, because it looked cute. "At least the rules were simple, I am free. But never let the angles be. And also shouldn't punch one of my Buds. This means the demons, but I can punch the gods!" The Bendy doll looked ready to attack, as he saw an Angel doll. Alice gulped. Demon and angels didn't got along since the beginning. "Then one day feathers fell near me. A living beautiful body also, i leave it be. Don't kill it, 'cause I don't care, don't even have the guts there." The Bendy doll suddenly smiled and it looked like he cummunicated  friendly with the angle. The the angle turned inte a huge demon. "Rule 1 was done, the Satan told, I guess this joke, it isn't old. I am the joke, I guess, because, in anger punched him in the guts... well bummer! That was a bad line!" Bendy said after his little doll punched the big demon on the stomach and realised how he failed badly at rhyming this time. Alice laughed out loud as she heard him swearing weakly because of his bad rhyme. Bendy also chuckled a little. "So got kicked out, GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE! I didn't even cry a tear. More was of all the pain frustrated. 'Cause the only place where I was welcome. It... Well...just disappeared... (whisper goddamit not again quietly) But here I am, now am proud, I'm out. It would be worth If i would shout. She told me her tale, I told her my tale, guess we both hadn't the time to say: Farewell. For both of the worlds, it is a shame. When you got kicked out of it, you feel lame. But this is life. So don't, pull the knife." He ended his... well poem... or song... and took his gloves off again. "Short: I'm a lazy butt, that doesn't really care about others and responsibility" he chuckles slightly, so does Alice. Thank you Bendy. It feels good, now that we talked about it." She walked over to him, then hugged him. Bendy grins and responds the hug. "Alice?","Yes?","I'm happy you fell down, to kick me out. You were saving me from this hellhole. Thank you, pretty one....

I love god for that now, that he let you exist." He thought and smiled.
