Angels can get Drunk? (BATIM Alice x Bendy Two shot (small smut btw. Lol))

Bendy never actually thought that this is possible. An Angle, sitting on a Bar table, Holding in the left Hand a Glass of Wodka, and in the right the same thing, but turning soon into an empty glass, because Alice is swallowing the Wodka down her throat. How did it even come to this? He asked in his head over and over again, as he asked one of the non-alcoholics how many bottles of Wodka she already drank. A new question popped up on his head, as they told him, that she already ordered her third bottle of Wodka. Now two more questions bugged him: How did it come to this? and: How Many bottles could she drink, before totally losing it? And how did she get there without being noticed? He actually just wanted to take a stop on the bar before return to the studio, his 'home'. He really didn't expect that Alice is here.

His attention got Back to Alice as she started singing in a super drunk way. Causing Pain to his ears, since he actually loves music... well... not as much as himself or Alice... he must say. He sighed and Picked the bottles up, before throwing them to the Right trash. Just as he finished, he felt a heavy weight, lowering on his shoulder. He almost Tripped, but catches his balance before fully losing the control of his body, by pushing one of his legs against the weight and tried pushing the almost limp body of Alice upwards. Alices' face was Dark grey and their eyes were blurry. She stumbled backwards and stopped herself on a wall. She laid in the wall, trying to look cool, which she failed of course. But she didn't notice that. She just talked to Bendy in a quiet higher voice: "Heyyyy Bendy dearrrr~ Howww are ya doin' hmmm? Youuuu look soo hawt, just that youuu knoooww" Alice said between 'hicks'. Bendy blushed a little gray, but shook his head after a while. "Alice. You're drunk. You are not yourself anymore. Let's go home." He picked Alice up, which caused him to hear a groan and some cursing from Alice, ordering him to let her go and leave her be. But he continued to walk home, until he was in front of Alice's door. That's when Alice snapped and bit his horns hard. However... it didn't caused Bendy any pain... it's more... pleasure. Bendy let out a shaky breath. "Alice...Stop...My horns are really...sensitive." Bendy begged, while grabbing the doorknob and pulling it down. Alice ignored Bendy's sentence and keeps biting his horns roughly. "Alice... Stop..." He tried to move her head away, which worked successfully. Alice growled in a frustrating tune. Bendy sighed in relief. "Phew... Well... goodnight toots." After this, Bendy got out of Alice's room and closed the door behind him. Only to get opened again by Alice, and be pulled back. Bendy was confused and caught, as he was lifted and pressed against the Door.

(Like the picture Above. Drawer by me btw. Lol.)

Before asking Alice what's wrong, he felt her lips smashing against his. He blushed and didn't know what to do, since he is smaller than Alice and unable to kick or punch. So after a while, he hesitatendly kissed back. He suddenly felt something wet on his lips. Surprised by this he flinched and opened his mouth a bit, letting the wet thing in his mouth. It smelled like alcohol. Probably Alice's tongue. He finally turned his head to the left, to break the kiss. Alice looked at him what appears to be... pleased. A wide, sloppy grin was placed on her lips and her eyes were half lidded. She kissed his neck, since the lips refused to let her kiss them again. Bendy moaned a bit, as he felt the warm softness on his neck. Alice soon reached his collar and bit it slightly. Bendy gasped at this and his tail contracts a little. Alice dived her fingers into his left leg. Bendy moaned at the pressure and his tail grew sharper, while some ink poured down his face and body. He grabbed with one of his hands Alice's hands and moved them away, after realising what's happening. "Stop! T-That's
Enaugh!" He Fell down, landing painfully on his butt and tail. (A/N: Hahaha! No other words to describe sorry ๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿ˜น)
He ran outside and sprinted to his room, and locked himself in there. His heart was thumping wildly in his chest. It hurt a bit. But somehow also felt good. Bendy felt something in his stomach. It felt like something is tickling his stomach, but on the inside. "What..." he spoke to himself as he looked at his hands and the places Alice touched him.

"What the hell was that? Did I just liked it?"

A/N: Two shot this time.
Continues when it stands two shot in the title.
I guess it continues after 5 chapters.
Next: Stop it! Y-You creep! (Undertale OS Chasriel)
Vote and Comment plz!
Requests allowed.
I will see you in the next chapter...
BuH ByeEe..!
