Abuse, Family, Love (No ship contained. Fnaf 2!)

Freddy POV

My ears were twitching as I heard footsteps getting close to the parts and Service room. I pretend like I was the entire 3 weeks shutdown. The door opened and some noises were heard, before the door was closed and locked. I looked up and saw 7 withered Animatronics. They looked worse than Chica and Bonnie combine. The Blue bunny Had it's ears ripped out and their mouth and one of their eyes were missing. It also had a ripped arm and a hole in their stomach. The Chicken wasn't even better. Both of their Eyes were taken off and Their lower... Jaw? Beak? Whatever...the lower part of the beak was missing. Some fingers were missing. And I saw, that one of their arms was defect. The bear didn't got that damaged, but his neck was broken. This means, he can't turn his head, or his head couldn't stay upright anymore. The Upperbody of the Endosceleton was half way exposed. The legs were actually okay, if one of the feet's wasn't missing. Now...the puppet had it's left arm and right leg off. Worst thing for now. Now, the fox. The whole Metal on their body, that covers the endosceleton was missing... Well if you don't mention the Hands, The Head and the Feet's. Also, one of their eyes was missing. I carefully approach the bear. Just as i was about to touch him, his eyes snapped open. I flinched and backed away. "God you scared the *honk* (sh*t) out of me!" I said and stood up. He said nothing. Instead he looked around the small, dirty and cold room, we've been into for three weeks. He then peeked to his hands, since his neck is broken and stared at them for a second. He was silent. Then he asked me with. Shaking, voice: "W-Where a-am i, s-s-s-sir? Wh-Wh-Wh-Wha-t ha-ha-happened!?", his voice started to glitch. Maybe he was...Scared. "You're in parts and service room. And i don't know why either." I answered him. "Why are you guys here?" He asked. "Because we've grown useless and we got replaced by you, i guess." I answered him, but this time more quietly. I tried my best to not attack him and completely destroy him, as I figured out, that he probably replaced us and put us in this mess. He started shaking, as I finished my sentence. "O-Oh...So it was true... We've grown useless. So... Be happy, unknown one. You get your job back. Congrats, They'll fix you... I hope you will not be treated that bad as us... " The last few words were almost not hearable. I raised an Eyebrow. "What are you talking about?" He stays silent for a minute. Then answered with a pain filled, sad and Weak voice: "They...They always started destroying us after the Pizzeria was empty and closed. Especially one guy always *honk*(F*ck)-ed us all up. Punched and even sometimes stabbed us. See the clothes we wear? They are just there to cover our wounds and other stuff. At the end of the week, they all clean us, just to destroy us the other week... We can't do anything. Defending ourselves against theone's we work for is not, what we're programmed for. Mangle aka Funtime Foxy got that messed up, that they can't and don't want to fix them anymore. And the Workers grew even more mean to us, 'till they spread a mean gossip that puts us now in here..." He makes a noise, that sounds like a clicking tongue. "They are Bastards, that shouldn't exist... but at least I hope you guys won't hold a grudge on us anymore. So... We are kind of happy. We are somehow sure you guys will get more love and attention then us. Some things have to stay old. And we are just useless and unloved." All of the other Animatronics spoke and smiled weakly, that was clearly a fake smile. I grabbed the bears Hand and squeezed it slowly. "Hey. Don't say that. The kids loved you guys, right? So you deserve to be loved. We'll Promise to come and visit you every evening okay?" They looked at me. It was a mix from Surpriseness, Happyness and Disbelief. "Y-You promise?"
They asked, carefully.

I promise

A/N: this is the story route, everytime "swap timeline" is somewhere in the title. This means:
The old Animatronics work in the new pizzeria,
The new ones got abused, not like the old ones,
Their new "home" Is parts and services room.
Good. That's all. Comments accepted! ^^ also request. Next will be a BATIM FF again. Title is: Angles get Drunk?! (Batim Bendy x Alice)
