We reached Mexico and were in a taxi heading to a safe house to get ready. As we were on our way, we passed a group of kids playing football, which reminded me that a year ago, I was playing football with some of these same kids while I was here in Mexico with Armando. We reached the safe house, walked inside, and met a couple who were in the business and knew all about the Aretas Cartel.

"Wow, I never really knew how much I missed being in Mexico until now," I said to Mike as I noticed a box filled with guns. I was sitting on the bed that was set out for us, reading a book, when Mike and I heard the phone chime. Mike checked the phone and saw that he had received a message from Isabel.

"Hidalgo Palace at 6:30," Mike told me just as we heard banging on the door. I grabbed my gun while Mike and Marcus prepared to open the door.

"You called them?" Mike asked me. I shook my head.

"No, I didn't call," I replied.

"Hi, she didn't call. Rita called me," Marcus said. I smiled, feeling even safer with them. The AMMO squad—Kelly, Dorn, Rafe, and Rita—came in as Marcus added, "I feel better when they are here."

"Yeah, me too," Mike said as we walked back towards the squad.

"Wow, where did you get all the toys?" Marcus asked as I was just as surprised as he. "DEA station, here in Mexico. We capture here they take the credit; we get ourselves killed they got nothing to do with it." Rita explained as we all nodded in agreement. "All eyes on me," Mike started to explain what was happening. "I am the bait; we meet at Hidalgo Palace and an old hotel outside the city. I will keep here talking, so you guys spot the shooter." "What if she shoots you?" Dorn asked. "Nah, she will want to talk, we um... have history," Mike answered him. "Okay, one thing once you find the shooter, you leave him to me, I will put him down," I said rather confident. "Okay, why you?" Rafe asked. "We were together a couple of months ago, so yeah we have history," I said as Mike rubbed my back reassuring me that everything would be fine.

Isabella's outfit

"Okay snatch and grab, we get him and then we are on a plane back to the States by dawn," Rita explained as I grabbed my bag and headed to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready. I was in the shower, and as the water covered my body, I closed my eyes, as a voice in my head replayed Armando's call. "If you come here, you are getting yourself in danger and you will be a bullet away from your death. I won't hesitate to shoot at you." "Fuck," I whispered to myself as I turned off the shower. Dried up and got ready. A couple of minutes later I heard a knock on the door. "Isa you ready?" Mike asked from the other side. I opened the door and said, "Let's get these motherfuckers, shall we?" as we headed toward the rest of the group. The group was getting some guns and drones ready, as Kelly placed a necklace around my neck, a similar necklace that Mike had on. "Hey, I got your back don't worry," Kelly said as she squeezed my hand. I grabbed some pocket knives, and my gun and placed them in my pockets, I walked towards my bag, grabbed the 4 Ninja Star knives I had, and put them on my left pocket. "It's time Mike," I said as the clock hit 6. We all started walking out towards the van so we could go to the meeting place.

We reached the Place and Marcus, Mike and I jumped out of the van and started going our separate ways, but before I could go Mike grabbed my hand and hugged me telling me, "Be safe, and be careful, when we are face to face I want you with zero bullets in you. Okay?" "I know how to take care of myself, I had a great teacher," I said as I kissing his cheek before leaving.

"Isa you in position?" I heard Rita say through the earpiece. "I'm set I got eyes on Mike," I said as I was a good distance away from Mike. I watched as Mike went towards where a table with candles were in the middle of the building where there were was huge stairs leading to the top. "Hola Ricky," Isabel said as I overheard Mike and Isabel's conversation. "O mejor debo decirte Mike" "Hola Isabel" "No te ves muy bien, hubo un tiempo en que me tocabas te derretías. Keep it" "Where is he?" Mike asked Isabel about Armando. I didn't hear what else they were saying as I heard the floor creak as if someone was close. I walked towards the sound, as Rita told me to not move from my place. I didn't listen and continued walking and as I turned the corridor I didn't find anyone. I sighed and turned around but as I was turning around I bumped into someone. "Shit," I said as I lifted my head to see the man in front of me. "Missed me?" Armando said as he placed his gun on my abdomen. "Not really, no" I replied to him as his eyes traveled to my eyes towards my chest where the necklace was. "Nice necklace, I will take care of it," Armando said as he ripped the necklace off my neck. "Boss we found this one," one of the men said as he came towards Armando and I. I turned around to see who it was and I saw it was Marcus. "Huh, you got caught as well?" Marcus said as I just sarcastically smiled at him. "Walk," Armando said with that husky voice.

Marcus whistled as he walked into the room Armando took my gun away and pointed his gun at my head. Armando whistled as he walked with me, as he revealed that he had caught me too. I saw Mike get up from his seat and he pointed a gun to Armando and a gun to Isabel. "You okay Isa?" Mike asked with worry in his voice. "I'm fine, I think you need to worry about yourself," I told Mike. We walked closer to Mike and Isabel and looked up to see men all around the second floor. "What are you going to do?" Mike asked Isabel, "Hasta el fuego," Isabel told Mike. "Marcus shut the fuck up man," I said to him, because he has started to talk bullshit. "And here I thought that you loved my son," Isabel said as she walked towards me. "I do," "Then if you still do, you kill Mike for me," Isabel said as she placed the gun in my hands and moved my hands to point at Mike. "Isa," Mike said almost whispering scared about what I would do. "I'm sorry," I said to Mike as my eyes started to get flooded with tears. "I'm sorry, Armando," I said as a bomb exploded sending me flying across the building.

Shots were fired as the AMMO squad started to fire at the men around us. I stood behind a wall as I shot at some men. "Yo, Mike they moving up to the chopper," Marcus said as Mike looked at me and I nodded to him. I ran towards one of the men, jumped, wrapped my legs around his neck took him down to the floor, and shot him right in the head. I then grabbed my 4 Ninja Star knives and threw them toward 4 men who were shooting at Mike. "Marcus," I said to Marcus as I threw him a gun, but he didn't catch it. "Put your glasses on man, Mike and I have been telling you for a long ass time," I told him. As shots were fired the glass above us started to shatter, hitting some of the men and killing them. We ran behind a desk, as we reloaded our guns. "Isabel and the shooter went up the stairs," Mike told Rita as I continued shooting. Rita explained the plan so that Mike and I could go up the stairs. Mike and I walked side by side as both of us shot men while making our way toward the stairs along with Marcus.

As we were walking up the stairs, we were sent flying to the top floor as Rafe shot a grenade since there were 2 men behind us. We got up and started running up to the top floor where Armando and Isabel were. As we reached where they were, Armando started shooting at us. After the chopper got closer the men on it started shooting at us. I hid behind a wall when suddenly I was pulled by someone. "Get out of here, you are going to get hurt, Isa," Armando said as he kneeled to meet my eyes. "No, I am not leaving you and Mike so you can kill each other," I told him as he stood up and pointed the gun at me. "Then you leave me no choice," "Fuck you," I said as I kicked him right in the balls making him drop to the floor, giving me time to grab my gun and head towards Mike. "Take out the rotor.," Mike said to me as he started shooting at the helicopter above us. "Where are you aiming at?" I shouted to Marcus as I noticed that he was not aiming at the router. "The pilot," he said and I palmed myself wondering if he was mentally ill. A minute later, after Marcus hit the pilot, the chopper came flying down. When the chopper hit the ground, it instantly exploded. Mike and Marcus got up from the floor and searched for Isabel and Armando as I just stood behind the wall. I felt a sharp pain coming from my abdomen. I placed my hand on my abdomen and I felt a liquid substance dripping. I lifted my hand and saw that it was covered in blood. "Fuck," I said as I sat down on the ground. I looked at the fire that was burning around us and saw as if it was spinning around. "shit, don't close your eyes Isa don't close them," I said to myself, but my head was already in control of me, that it made me close my eyes and the world around me faded away. 
