I smiled at the text message that I got from Marcus informing me that he was now a grandfather. I felt sad that I couldn't be there, Mike had also shared with me some pictures of the baby, and some of the events that had happened that day. At moment I wasn't in Miami, I was in Mexico City. I was working undercover for Captain Howard, for a very long time now, but recently I wasn't feeling good, I felt like something was off, I felt like something was going to go down. I didn't pay mind to it so I shook it off. I was sitting on my bed as I saw my bedroom door opened.
"Amor I'll come back in a few hours." I heard my boyfriend say. He came closer as he gave me a kiss on the forehead and left. I walked towards the balcony as I saw him get into a car and drive away along with some other men. I sighed as I felt stressed out about everything, it was getting to much for me, all the lying and travelling was so stressing that I didn't know if I could go on like this. I walked back and got into bed since I knew that when Armando got back it would be late.

The next day I was standing at the balcony door as I heard Armando and his mom, Isabel Aretas, talk. Armando's mom knew about me and I had seen her before, I had visited her before when she was in jail along with Armando. "No estés triste por su Muerte" Isabel started off by saying to Armando. "El espíritu de tu padre está libre de las rejas que lo cerraban." Isabel continued saying before moving inside, she took a vase where Armando's father ashes were and smashed it onto the table reveling a USB drive. I didn't move from where I was, I just observed the scene unfold. 

"Este fu el ultimo regalo de tu papa antes de que muriera, ya eres un hombre. Al fin estas listo para lo que se tiene que aser. Debes regresar el honor y el respeto a tu familia. Tu padre escondió millones de dólares antes de que lo encerraran. Aquí te dejamos las coordenadas para que las busques."

 Armando grabbed the USB drive and plugged it into the computer and revealed the coordinates where the money was hidden and also by the look on his face and by his mother's words it also had a hit list but I still didn't move from where I was. Isabel then got up from the couch and walked towards me.

 "Estoy feliz de que mi hijo haya encontrado a alguien en quien pueda confiar y amar. Desde ahora puedo llamarte mi hija." And with that she walked away leaving Armando and I alone. I looked at Armando and walked towards him, I stood in front of him and he pulled me into his lap. "I think you should start packing we leave in an hour." Armando said as he intertwined my hand into his. "Where are we going?" I asked as he looked up to me. "Miami" he said, making my heart jump.


I stood watching the scene that was being unfolded in front of me. Armando had made a deal with some men to get the money of his late father, that was in the ocean. I stood beside him and watch as they cut open the box that the money was in. Once the money was on the floor I watched as Armando got up from where he was sitting and made his way to grab a pile of money to give to the men. "Buried treasure in the ocean I heard the stories but oh..." Lorenzo said as I just smiled at how surprised he was. "This should cover the cost of the materials we discussed" Armando said as he approached a man who he had made a deal. "This is what you get to keep." The dealer said which made me stand up from where I was and made my way towards where Armando was. "What you say? We had a deal." Armando said getting pissed off and annoyed. "We are renegotiating...whoops." The dealer continued to say making Armando roll his eyes. "Your call babe" I said as I took 5 steps behind to let Armando do his job.

Armando was quick on his feet to grab his pocket knife and slice the men's throats since he didn't want to have any bullshit in his way. As soon as he finished, he grabbed the gun and handed it over to me. "Whoops... come here look at me. He doesn't renegotiate" I said as I shot the dealer in the head. I stood up, gave the gun to Armando, grabbed a handkerchief, and walked out.

Minutes later I heard some footsteps. "Mama. Es nuestro." I heard Armando say which gave me the knowledge that he was talking to his mom, I walked towards the truck and leaned over it while I waited for him to finish talking to his mom.

 "También tenemos una nueva base de operaciones.". After he finished talking to his mom, he turned around and looked for me. "I thought you were gone by now." He said as he made his way towards me. "Well, I was about to but I have to say good night first," I said as he pulled me by the waist and kissed me. "I will see you tomorrow. Don't go do any foolishness while I am gone," I said to him as I kissed him one more time, I made my way towards my motorcycle and drove off home.

Armando and I shared a home here in Miami but I am not going there, I am going to my real home. Over the years Mike has treated me like a daughter and with that came that we both lived together. He was the father figure I never had. So, I drove off to my home, Armando never knew about it so I was safe and so was Mike. I reached home and everything was dark. I walked inside and started turning on the lights. I made my way to the kitchen where there was a sticky note which had a location which said 'Meet me here, celebrating Marcus'. I didn't feel like going out tonight so I just went ahead and took a shower and decided to wait on Mike before going to bed. I was watching a movie when my phone started buzzing like crazy. It was the police alert that I had on my phone, which meant that something was up. I turned on the news and my heart dropped. "Fuck Armando FUCK!!" I screamed as I saw that Mike was shot and I knew it was Armando.

I jumped over the sofa ran up the stairs hurried and changed. I ran back downstairs grabbed my phone, locked up and drove off on my motorcycle. When I reached the harbor he was just reaching. I sped up and stopped right beside him. I quickly jumped off my bike and took off my helmet. "I thought your mom said he died last," I screamed at him. "Oh, not you as well. My mother already told me one shit and now you." He said getting angry. "Well, you should probably listen to her." I said starting to raise my voice a bit more. "oh cut the bullshit will you. You are only here because of me. You only have the things you have because of me. So technically you are nothing without me." he said as he stood in front of me with a death stare. "And you wouldn't be half the man you are without me. fuck this shit. I am done. You never fucking listen. One of these days you are going to end up behind bars or even worse dead. FUCK YOU." I said as I didn't recognize him anymore. "You already did." He said as I walked towards my bike and drove off to the hospital to see Mike.

Once I arrived at the hospital the police were already there, once they saw me, they told me that Marcus was there and so was his wife, Theresa. I ran towards the stairs and I met Marcus at the top of the stairs where he held his hands wide open as I ran and cried into his arms. I knew Mike was strong enough to get through this, but I was scared he would give up. This only meant one thing, Mike was on the hit list and so were we if we got into Armando's way. For the past couple of months, Marcus and I stayed at the hospital taking care of Mike until he was better. Both Marcus and I went to the chapel and prayed to God to give him a second chance. I cried every night that I was sitting beside Mike scared. I didn't talk to Armando for weeks; I was mad that he never listened. He always did what he wanted, and I was sick and tired of his shit. And it hurt me that he shot the only person I considered as a father. while being at the hospital the news exploded with news of deaths and I knew it was Armando who was finishing his hit list. 
