Isabella's outfit

I was getting ready in my bedroom when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in," I said knowing that it was Mike. "Hey, you ready?" Mike asked as he stood in the doorway. "Oh yeah, but you could go I will go on my bike," I said to him I grabbed my fluffy jacket. "You aren't wearing a dress?" He asked as we both started walking towards the stairs. "No, I know I will be running after one drink so I am prepared, plus it's a club. It's not the first I have gone clubbing in my jeans and a crop top." I said to him as I grabbed my keys and helmet. Mike closed the door got in his car a drove off to pick up Marcus. I fixed my hair so I could put my helmet on when my phone started buzzing. "Hello?" I said answering the call annoyed already because i was going to be late. "Hola amor" I heard his voice through the phone as chills ran through my spine. "Que quieres?" I asked as i turned around to see if anyone was spying on me. "I am only advising you that your father figure is dying tonight." I didn't want to hear anything else so I ended the call, put my helmet on and drove off.

As I reached the club, I saw that Mike and Marcus had just reached. "Where were you I thought you already were here," Mike said as I parked beside him. "I uh forgot my phone so I had to go back a grab it," I said as he turned around and saw Rita. "Dumbass" Marcus said when he noticed that Mike was checking out Rita. I laughed at his comment and started making my way inside. "whatever man" Mike said to Marcus as they followed me. "I got this," Mike said as I stepped aside and let him do what he wanted. "Hello there ladies. Is Georgio in there tonight" "No idea who that is sir. You can wait at the back" The girls said making me laugh at Mike. "Nicole, Paige. Oh, you guys look so good. That's my uncle Micheal and that's his pal Uncle Marcus, and then over here we have my beautiful girlfriend Isa. You might if they come in he just got divorced." Rafe said to the girls so they could let us in. "Oh, that is so sad," one of the girls said as I tried to hold in my laugh. The girls let us in and Rafe placed his hands around my shoulder as he guided us in. "If you don't get your hands off me you can kiss this world bye-bye," I said to Rafe. "Geez I was just making things realistic," he said as he removed his hands, which just made me roll my eyes and I walked towards the bar. I had my earpiece on so I heard when Kelly said that Lorenzo was at the top floor. "Man on his side has a 255 hot" Kelly said as she was a waitress for Lorenzo at the top. "Isabella, you know what you supposed to do," Rita said. "Yeah," I said which she replied with "Ok you can go now" "On it."

"Wait what is she supposed to do?" Mike asked as he turned around to look for me. "Just watch Mike," I said to him as I ordered a tequila shot and a whiskey. I jugged the tequila shot and then grabbed the whiskey and made my way towards the dance floor to play my part. I was dancing keeping an eye on the center of the dance floor when I started to hear Mike's and Marcus' conversation. "Look I'm gonna be honest with you Mike. I hadn't had sex in a long time. Yeah too long. I have been thinking about this shit, Crazy shit Mike." "Marcus" "I feel like I am locked up" "Hi Marcus you know they can hear you?" "No it's too loud they can't hear us, look sometimes I go to the internet and I see some weird shit on there. I saw a man..." As Marcus said that shit it made me stop dancing and look straight at them. "Marcus" "What?" "We can hear you," Rita said making him realize that he was saying shit when every one of us could hear him. "OH. OH. OH, that was just a little jokey joke. ya'll did hear that did you?" Marcus started blabbering. I moved to where Rafe was, at the DJ booth to take my place. "Everyone in position," Dorn asked all of us as we all confirmed. "YO YO YO everybody let's make some noise. We got a special guest in the house and let's wish him a happy birthday on three two one." Rafe started to say through the Mic as I just looked up nervously hoping he didn't see me. I saw Mike and Marcus reach the top and prepared myself for the shit that is about to happen. It didn't take long when I saw Lorenzo fly across the club and then start running. I jumped over the booth and started running after him, having Mike and Marcus behind me. we reached outside and saw him get away in a motorcycle, so Mike kicked somebody out of a car and made us jump in so we could go behind Lorenzo. "Zway-Lo just turned left on second av," Dorn said as Mike made a turn. Mike swerved through the streets of Miami, Marcus was scared as shit that he decided to put on his seatbelt. We were a few cars behind Lorenzo but we had a good shot of him. "Oh no overtown is a no-go, Zway-lo got people here. Dangerous people" Marcus said as we were getting closer to Zway-Lo. "We're Dangerous people" Mike replied to Marcus as he made a turn. "Jesus warn me before you make a turn" I shouted to Mike as I was sent flying from one side of the car to the next. "Damn Nerf gun rubber bullet bullshit. They shooting slugs we firing gummy bears." I said getting fed up with this bullshit. "Mike you might want to pull over for a minute. I need to tell you something" Marcus said which made Mike get more fed up with Marcus. "Pull over? You want me to pull over ok give me one second Let me see if Zway-lo wanna pull over. Hey, Zway-lo Marcus needs to pull over for a second can we get a time-out?" "Damn it Mike I need to tell you something." "What?" "I made a promise to God" "To who?" "To God" "What the hell are you talking about?" "Look I told the lord that if you made it through. That I would make no more violence." "Well he definitely knew you were bullshitting with that, violence is what we do," Mike said to Marcus as we entered this underground parking lot. We were right behind Zway-lo, Marcus continued talking, while I was trying to listen to what he was saying and trying to see if we had a good shot to shoot Zway-lo. "It's about your soul Mike. Our job is about to protect and serve." "You damn right. Isa serve that bitch right now" Mike said as I grabbed my gun, took my head and hands out the window, and aimed at Zway-lo right on the forehead, making him go flying to the ground.

We came to a stop right beside Zway-lo and jumped out of the car to grab him. We carefully walked towards him with our guns and noticed that he had a huge bump on his forehead. "Oh shit," Mike, Marcus and I said. "Damn," Mike said getting closer to Zway-lo. "that is some elephant man shit right there," I said kneeling to get a good look at it. "It calling me Mike," Marcus said making a face while getting close to Zway-lo and trying to touch it. "Stop. the hell is wrong with you?" Mike said as I searched his pockets and saw he had his phone, so I grabbed it and handed it to Mike. "over town is waking up. AMMO where you at?" I said as I walked back to the car. " we are heading to Overtown now" we heard Dorn say over the earpiece. "Come on. Hurry up" I said to the boys as they got Lorenzo into the Car. Mike started the Car as I jumped into the front seat but as he was starting to reverse so we could leave, some men in bikes started shooting at us. "Fuck" I said as I got down when I saw that they start circling us and didn't stop shooting at us. "Coach Burnett?" Lorenzo said as he started to wake up. "Dickhead" "Zway-lo who wants to kill me?" Mike asked as if he didn't know the answer. "Shit everybody wants to kill you" He replied making me say, "Told you". "Hey, I know you. You are my boss girl" "What?" Mike and Marcus said confused as I slapped him right on the bump on his forehead as he screamed. "I tell you after this whole shit is done" I shouted to Mike as Zway-lo said to his men to kill us. But before they could shoot us AMMO reached right on time. "Why did you let him get away?" Mike asked Marcus as we saw that Zway-lo Left running. We jumped out of the car and I ran to grab one of the men's Bikes and started chasing Lorenzo through the streets of Miami, having Mike and Marcus right behind my tail. The men were still behind us,still shooting, it didn't take long before Zway-lo started shooting us.

We reached the bridge but suddenly the cars started moving to the side as if they were trying to avoid something. Then out of nowhere a helicopter appeared, and the first person I saw was Armando. "Fuck" I said as I started speeding up. Then I saw Armando have a grenade launcher pointing at us. He saw me but I didn't recognize him not even a bit. Armando had this smirk on his face and the evilness in his eyes, something I hadn't seen before.

"Hello?" I said answering the call annoyed already because I was going to be late. "Hola amor" I heard his voice through the phone as chills ran through my spine. "Que quieres?" I asked as I turned around to see if anyone was spying on me. "I am only advising you that your father figure is dying tonight."  "FUCK" I shouted as I remembered the call I had before with Armando. I pushed on the brake making me slide to the ground along with the bike, until I hit the wall. I saw a car explode, Mike heading one way and Marcus hitting a bunch of barrels. I looked up to the sky and saw Lorenzo hanging from a ladder thrown to him by Armando. Mike was in the back of a truck filled up with a bunch of Gas when Armando started shooting at him. Every bullet that Mike Dodge made one Gas explodes. The last one that exploded made him jump and grab hold of the ladder which was swinging from the helicopter.

I looked for my gun so I could shoot at the helicopter. As I found my gun, I saw that Armando was shouting to Lorenzo to move out of the way as he tried to aim at Mike. Lorenzo couldn't move so he was shot, leaving Mike face-to-face with Armando. I pointed my gun at Armando's hand so that he could drop the gun so Mike couldn't be shot. It was as if everything went into slow motion, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in, as I breathed out, I took the shot hitting the helicopter, making Armando shoot and duck down to avoid being shot. In my mind, I thought that Mike was shot but he was not, Armando had missed the shot. I sighed as I sat on the ground and saw Armando leave the helicopter. 
