Chapter 5

Days passed after Dan finally built the courage and kissed Phil, he was scared that maybe Phil would hate him or find him disgusting but he actually kissed back. But Dan still wasn't entirely happy, they didn't talk about the kiss afterwards, Phil didn't act any different though, he still acted the same but Dan didn't know or understand how Phil actually felt about him. He wanted to talk to Phil about it, but he was afraid of having his heart broken, he was afraid of losing Phil, he was the only person who treated him like a person, the only person Dan considered a friend and family. He decided that maybe he should just wait until Phil brings it up himself.

"I have a day off today." Phil said during breakfast, "I was hoping that maybe we can do something together."

"What did you have in mind?" Dan asked.

"Well, I thought that we can go to a movie and then go out for a nice lunch." He smiled, "How does that sound to you?"

"It sounds great." Dan smiled, he tried to look calm but he was freaking out on the inside. He went to the guest room, which was basically how his room and got out something nice to wear. Phil was all ready and waiting by the door for Dan, he smiled when he saw him opening the door to the apartment. Dan smiled when he saw that Phil was wearing the scarf he had gotten him a few days ago.

During the entire movie Dan kept looking over at Phil's hand, his arm was rested on the arm chair, he brought his hand up a bit wanting to hold Phil's hand but stopped him not wanting to embarrass himself if he didn't want that. Phil noticed Dan's action and reached over taking Dan's hand into his own and linked their fingers. He looked over at Dan who smiled at him shyly. After the movie ended the two left the theater hand in hand. Phil let go of Dan's hand putting his arm around his shoulder pulling him close as they walked to the restaurant for lunch. Dan could feel his heart racing now.

"Why do you get so nervous when I come near you?" Phil asked.

"I-I don't.." Dan said looking down, his cheeks turning pink. Phil looked at him and raised his eyebrow. "Okay okay. Because I like you alright, I like you more than a friend and I kissed you a few days ago but its like it never happened so I assumed you don't like me. But then you start showing affection and its confusing-"

Phil kissed him to get him to stop talking. Dan brought his arms up wrapping them around Phil's neck kissing him back passionately. They pulled away but Phil kept his hands on Dan's waist keeping him close.

"Dan, I like you too." Phil assured him, "The only reason I didn't make a move afterwards was because you seemed so terrified and nervous. I just wanted you to be sure about everything."

Dan smiled and kissed Phil once more, no one was ever this good to him. No one cared whether or not Dan was comfortable with anything all they cared for was their own pleasures, they didn't care if it hurt him. Phil however was different, he wanted to wait to tell Dan how he truly felt about him because he wanted to be sure that Dan felt comfortable with him. After lunch, the two walked to Phil's car, his arm around Dan's shoulder and Dan's arm around Phil's waist.

"Phil?" Someone said, Phil turned around and saw his ex husband Parker looking at him and Dan confused.

"Parker." Phil said calmly, keeping Dan close to him.

"What are you doing with him?" He asked in disgust.

"We're dating." Phil replied calmly.

"Did you find him in a street corner? Is it because he's a good fuck?" He smirked looking at Dan.

Dan looked down in embarrassment, he just wanted to forget his past and move on but it won't happen. One second Phil's arm was around his shoulder, the next second he was all up in Parkers face grabbing the collar of his shirt.

"You do not get to speak about Dan that way you understand me." Phil threatened, "I know everything that you did and don't expect you're off the hook Parker."

Phil pushed him back and took Dan's hand leading him to the car. When they got home Dan sat on the couch hugging his knees feeling embarrassed about what happened. Phil sat next to him putting his arm around him.

"I'm so sorry about that." Phil apologized, "I called someone and asked them to deal with him, he is not going to get away with what he did to you."

"I just want to move on, I want to forget about all this, what my life used to be but its not possible." Dan sobbed, "I just want to forget about it, settle down with you but I can't forget the past."

"I know that, so lets try to move past it."

"It's not easy Phil, you heard what he said. He asked you if you're keeping me around because I'm a good fuck." Dan sighed. "I'm known as the guy who fucked almost every man who came his way. I thought you were one of those men when I first met you. My life took away any meaning sex has, its all just nothing."

"Dan, babe listen to me." Phil said caressing his cheek. "You were forced to do something you didn't want to, that doesn't make you a bad person. Let's try to forget all of that, I know its hard but let's try."

"All those people I've been.. Doesn't that just ruin the chance of anything special between us?"

"No if doesn't, because none of them got the opportunity to love you like I did." Phil smiled kissing his forehead.

" love me?"

"I do, and I know you love me too. We will make this work, I don't care about the past I want to focus on now and building a future for us."

Dan gently placed his hand on Phil's cheek, he leaned in, their foreheads touching, their lips an inch apart. "I love you too. And that scares me, I've never loved anyone and I'm scared."

"Don't be babe, I think we can build a great future. I just need you to trust me."

Dan looked into his eyes all he saw was love, and care. He leaned in closing the gap between them and kissed him softly. He pulled away but kept his hands on his cheeks. "I trust you."
