Chapter 2

The next morning Phil got up a little earlier than usual, he had a day off today and would usually sleep in but he remembered that boy Dan telling him that it is his eighteenth birthday. Phil felt awful knowing that he had to spend his birthday alone, the least he wanted to do was help him out a bit.

"What are you doing up so early?" Parker, Phil's husband, soon to be ex-husband asked when Phil walked out of their room all dressed and ready for the day.

Phil had met Parker when they were sixteen, they were friends for a couple of years and started dating. They had a good relationship, there was a time when Phil loved him but now they were just falling out. It was not that they were tired of the relationship, since they got married Parker stopped putting any effort into their relationship, he would come home late drunk most nights, he could not keep a job and Phil was informed by their mutual friends that he had cheated on him multiple times. Phil finally had enough and took the step of filing a divorce, he was not sad, not one bit, he was relieved.

"That is none of your business." Phil spoke calmly, "And you are suppose to be moving out today."

"You are certainly in a hurry to get rid of me aren't you." Parker said, "It's only 9 am, I'll be out by this afternoon."

"Yes I actually am, it's good for you too. You will be free to do whatever you want and whoever you want without having to try and lie to me about it."

"It happened a couple of times, I was drunk why couldn't you just move past it?"

"It was more than a couple of times." Phil said not looking at him, "And it doesn't matter, I'm not changing my mind, we are over and I do not want to see you when I get back."

"Where are you even going?" he asked, "You have a day off today don't you."

"I'm going to go see someone." Phil simply said grabbing his wallet putting it in his pocket.

"I haven't even moved out yet and you've already found someone?" Phil rolled his eyes at Parker's conclusion.

"No, he is someone I'm helping out and whether or not I find someone or have found someone that is none of your business." Phil said grabbing a bag that had clothes he got for Dan from his closet and some food then left without saying another word to Parker.

Dan was where he said he would be, under the bridge where he lived. He was wrapped in Phil's jacket from yesterday and hugged his knees to his chest looking down at the ground. Phil got out the car grabbing the bags and walked over to Dan who looked up at him surprised.

"Phil? What are you doing here?" He asked quietly.

"I promised you that I'll stop by in the morning didn't I?" Phil smiled sitting next to Dan, "Happy birthday by the way, I brought some stuff for you."

" didn't have to do that for me.." Dan said looking down.

"But I wanted to." Phil opened the bag taking out the boxes of food and handing it to Dan, "Here eat up, I made this specially for you last night. And I brought more clothes and some shoes."

Dan smiled a bit, he reached over to take the box of food from Phil noticing a silver ring on his finger. "You're married?"

"No, not anymore, I'm getting divorced, that's what I had to deal with the other night." Phil said taking the ring off, "My asshole of an ex-husband is moving out today hopefully he'll be gone by this afternoon before I get home."

"Oh.." Dan said, he didn't want to ask him too much, it wasn't his business anyways. "Why are you so nice to me? You barely know me.."

"You seem like a good person. And I would love to get to know you." Phil smiled.

"There is nothing good to know about me." Dan shrugged, "I was left outside an orphanage when I was a baby, I had been in many foster families and I was always sent back. I ran away eventually at thirteen and then was forced into prostitution."

"Those are just bad events that happened to you Dan, they don't define you or who you really are." Phil said putting his hand over Dan's, "From what I can tell, you seem like a really kind person who is just not ready to open up to anyone yet and I understand and that's alright. But I do hope that one day you will trust me enough."

Dan smiled at Phil, properly smiled at him. He never met anyone who wanted to help him out of nothing but the goodness of their hearts. When his pimp first found him he told Dan that he wanted to help him and that he can trust him. Before he knew it he was being forced into prostitutions, he was beat every time he refused. Ever since that he had a hard time trusting people. But he could trust Phil, although he had just met him the other day he was the kindest person he had ever met. The two sat together and talked for hours, about their likes and dislikes, they quite enjoyed each others company. By the time it was lunch time Phil went a bought lunch for them both.

"Phil, how old are you if you don't mind me asking." Dan asked.

"I'm turning 26 in a few months." Phil said smiling at him, "I'm not that old."

Phil pulled out his phone to look at the time and to check the weather. "There's going to be a thunderstorm this evening and it's going to rain all night."

"I'm used to the weather now.." Dan sighed hugging his knees.

"No, listen Parker has moved out I got a text. You can stay with me tonight." Phil said putting his hand on his shoulder.

"I cant, Phil I cant pay you back for your kindness.."

"Dan, I'm not asking you to pay me back, I want to help you that's all." Phil assured him, "I promise I'm not going to make you do anything I only want to help you. Do you trust me?"

Dan looked at Phil, he held his hand out and looked at Dan with a soft and calm look. Dan nodded and took his hand smiling a bit, "I trust you.."
